Diane Tran- Sentenced to jail and fines for missing school.


May 13, 2011
Diane Tran was sentenced to a 24 hour lock up and $100 fine for missing more than 10 classes in a 6 month period.

Usually I would say so what, but this girl is on the honor roll, her divorced parents left her and her two siblings whom she now supports with 2 to 3 jobs and any given time.

This is utterly ridiculous. Good job america....

ps: I find it wildly amusing the Judge's name was Moriarty. He does exist!!!! (insert sherlock smilie here)

source and source
a website raised over a 100k for her...she refuses to take it..said there are people worse off than her..and to give it to them....
24 hour lock up is not the end of the world. you are probably not even going to get processed into jail for it. She will probably spend it in a police station cell. If you would like to change the law regarding truancy then change the law. If not don't expect to be let go when blatantly violating the law.

I have done some drugs. I think pot should be legal and it is a huge waste of time and money to throw pot heads in the slammer for smoking a joint. As stupid as the law is, and as wastefully ignorant as it is, i do not get to just break it because i go to work and pay my bills.
24 hour lock up is not the end of the world. you are probably not even going to get processed into jail for it. She will probably spend it in a police station cell. If you would like to change the law regarding truancy then change the law. If not don't expect to be let go when blatantly violating the law.

I have done some drugs. I think pot should be legal and it is a huge waste of time and money to throw pot heads in the slammer for smoking a joint. As stupid as the law is, and as wastefully ignorant as it is, i do not get to just break it because i go to work and pay my bills.

So if she is tired from working two jobs it would be better for her to drop out completely rather than just miss a few classes and risk being "truant"?

She'll have a record. She'll be $100 in the hole, plus missed wages, plus more stress added on the shoulders of someone who already had to grow up too fast. And the judge who sentenced her didn't even speak proper English.

p.s. You're comparing her "crime" of working too hard to you doing drugs?
24 hour lock up is not the end of the world. you are probably not even going to get processed into jail for it. She will probably spend it in a police station cell. If you would like to change the law regarding truancy then change the law. If not don't expect to be let go when blatantly violating the law.

I have done some drugs. I think pot should be legal and it is a huge waste of time and money to throw pot heads in the slammer for smoking a joint. As stupid as the law is, and as wastefully ignorant as it is, i do not get to just break it because i go to work and pay my bills.

So if she is tired from working two jobs it would be better for her to drop out completely rather than just miss a few classes and risk being "truant"?

She'll have a record. She'll be $100 in the hole, plus missed wages, plus more stress added on the shoulders of someone who already had to grow up too fast. And the judge who sentenced her didn't even speak proper English.

p.s. You're comparing her "crime" of working too hard to you doing drugs?

her crime is not working too hard, it is truancy. She did not get arrested for working despite what you may wish. Like I said, if the law is not fitting and you want to allow truancy for these cases, then talk to your elected representative. I am a really good person is not a good defense for having broken the law.

I would also like to point out this is an extreme case which doesn't normally happen. That does not always indicate a problem with the law. There are methods to be granted a pardon for merrit, and i am sure if she is that good she can clear up her record more easily than others.
Charges were dropped.

An asian immagrant lawyer took her case and got everything dropped.

Thankfully there's law and there's justice.

This was justice.
Moral of the story: if you live in tererun's universe, just drop out of school entirely or you will go to jail with no apologies when life catches up with you.

Glad there are people who live in a common sense universe who came to this girl's aid.

Thanks for the update, TT.

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