Dianne Feinstein Confirms She Leaked Glenn Simpson Transcript at the Request of Fusion GPS Lawyers

Scared? LOL No one Senator should be able to decide on his or her own to release shit, and I'm someone who believes these hearings should be held in public and anyone who refuses to answer even one single question should be tossed in jail.

She's the ranking member.
Grassley could have released it on his own, but that would have shown he was misleading people about the dossier's origin and purpose.
After they first asked not to. Lol

Fusion went public asking to have the transcripts released.

Senator Feinstein honored their request.

Why are you so scared about the transcripts being released?

Republicans leaked selective quotes from the transcript, totally changing their out of context meaning. Glenn Simpson wanted to put everything on the table.especially Steele's role.

Oh, the old "they started it" routine. I don't accept that from children, nor politicians.
Since when do members of Congress work for Fusion GPS? No, she did it so FBI and DOJ could get their stories straight before they testify before the House Intelligence Committee. The old Jewess needs her security clearance revoked.

Sneaky Dianne Feinstein Confirms She Leaked Glenn Simpson Transcript at the Request of Fusion GPS's Lawyers

The other day she blamed it on "having a bad cold"...then she went in to get a pacemaker installed....she's 83....nature will soon take it's course with her.
Scared? LOL No one Senator should be able to decide on his or her own to release shit, and I'm someone who believes these hearings should be held in public and anyone who refuses to answer even one single question should be tossed in jail.

She's the ranking member.
Grassley could have released it on his own, but that would have shown he was misleading people about the dossier's origin and purpose.

Who cares that she's the ranking member? What is the point of having these hearings in private if any Senator can just say "oh here I'll release the transcript to the public?"

Stop defending bullshit just because "your side" did it, that goes for Republicans as well as Democrats.
Who cares that she's the ranking member? What is the point of having these hearings in private if any Senator can just say "oh here I'll release the transcript to the public?".
It's to protect classified information, and or personal information of the witnesses. In this case the witness requested his testimony be released to the public.
Who cares that she's the ranking member? What is the point of having these hearings in private if any Senator can just say "oh here I'll release the transcript to the public?".
It's to protect classified information, and or personal information of the witnesses. In this case the witness requested his testimony be released to the public.

So what if he requested it, one fucking Senator shouldn't be able to say "oh well the witness requested it , so I'll release it" and what's more Feinstein herself has acknowledged that point, so your continued defense is just stupid. Are you truly incapable of simply posting "yep, she fucked up" and moving on with your life?
The other day she blamed it on "having a bad cold"

NO, moron, what she DID blame the cold on was not telling Grassley BEFORE she was going to release the transcript..........more a matter of protocol with her co-chair...the transcript was going to be released ANYWAY.
In this case the witness requested his testimony be released to the public.

So what if he requested it, one fucking Senator shouldn't be able to say "oh well the witness requested it , so I'll release it"

A congressional witness can release everything he told to congress. He can also put in a FOIA request for a copy of his transcript, and release it, yet even then questions of it's provenance could be questioned. In this case the witness avoided the months long process of getting a copy via FOIA. and instead a senator released an "official copy" that could not be questioned.
Who cares that she's the ranking member? What is the point of having these hearings in private if any Senator can just say "oh here I'll release the transcript to the public?".
It's to protect classified information, and or personal information of the witnesses. In this case the witness requested his testimony be released to the public.

So what if he requested it, one fucking Senator shouldn't be able to say "oh well the witness requested it , so I'll release it" and what's more Feinstein herself has acknowledged that point, so your continued defense is just stupid. Are you truly incapable of simply posting "yep, she fucked up" and moving on with your life?

ONLY the Republicans on the committee were resisting releasing the transcripts. Orin Hatch said, in August, he saw no reason not to release the transcripts, but wanted Fusion to approve the transcripts. They did and still the GOP refused. Why? So they could keep selectively releasing out of context excerpts? Fuck that.
A congressional witness can release everything he told to congress. He can also put in a FOIA request for a copy of his transcript, and release it, yet even then questions of it's provenance could be questioned. In this case the witness avoided the months long process of getting a copy via FOIA. and instead a senator released an "official copy" that could not be questioned.

There was ZERO classified material in that transcript and the ONLY reason that the idiot Grassley did not want it revealed was because it countered the bullshit that Trump and the cowardly senate GOPers were peddling.
The whole thing is a breathless fantasy without a lick of truth in it......typical of what you communists spend your stolen money on.
She violated the trust of the investigative committee. Why do you think she apologized and blamed it on a cold?
After they first asked not to. Lol

Fusion went public asking to have the transcripts released.

Senator Feinstein honored their request.

Why are you so scared about the transcripts being released?

Scared? LOL No one Senator should be able to decide on his or her own to release shit, and I'm someone who believes these hearings should be held in public and anyone who refuses to answer even one single question should be tossed in jail.

Did she violate the law? No.
Was there anything confidential in the transcripts? No.
Where Republicans already talking about the transcripts- but refusing to release them? Yes.

She apologized for not telling them first- but never apologized for releasing the transcripts.

I am glad she did.
Since when do members of Congress work for Fusion GPS? No, she did it so FBI and DOJ could get their stories straight before they testify before the House Intelligence Committee. The old Jewess needs her security clearance revoked.

Sneaky Dianne Feinstein Confirms She Leaked Glenn Simpson Transcript at the Request of Fusion GPS's Lawyers
According to...... let me check.
((((((Drum roll please))))))
The Gateway Pundit, McRacist’s favorite propaganda site.
This idiot just never learns.
Since when do members of Congress work for Fusion GPS? No, she did it so FBI and DOJ could get their stories straight before they testify before the House Intelligence Committee. The old Jewess needs her security clearance revoked.

Sneaky Dianne Feinstein Confirms She Leaked Glenn Simpson Transcript at the Request of Fusion GPS's Lawyers
"The old Jewess"

Always good to hear from the Trump base

yeah from the side that takes the terrorists like PLO over Israel...fuck off

Well coming from the side that takes Nazi's over Americans....fuck off.

Not one of you has any issue with Stevie calling Senator Feinstein 'the old Jewess'.

Because not one of you disagrees with Stevie.

no it's because we don't think name calling equals hatred for people.....name calling is personal........learn the difference

Of course not- I would not expect you to ever object to any Trump supporter referring to someone as an 'old Jewess'
Let me get this right.... She is OLD and she is a Jew. Right? So how is calling her an old Jewess name calling?

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