Dick Cheney looks awful


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Yes, he does look awful. The man has a machine pumping his blood, so he has no pulse. It'll be interesting to see how that works out in the long run.
I think he just lost weight. That's what it looks like to me. And he should have done that because of his heart problem.
Many of the USMB's more sensitive "liberals" get all offended if anybody even considers making a joke (in poor taste) at the expense of some scumbag liberal Democrat Parody icon who is in ill health.

But as truthdoesn'tmattertoheratall proves, when libs do it to those with whom they politically disagree, it's a different story. Not all libs, but many of them, here, are such glaring hypocrites.
Oh come on , we all know dick aint got long.

He had a great life and didnt much care about anyones elses life.

Hell he loved it when his guys outed our own cia agents for poltical reasons and got all giddy at troops fighting his war when he was never willing to fight himself.

Cheney is not a good person and never cared about anyone else.
Whe did he ever look good?

The fuckin' guy hasn't cracked a smile in over 50 years.
Actually, if one did not already know that he was in poor health because of his heart, one would say he has lost a lot of weight and that is good for him. He does look as if he has aged considerably over the last few years.

I have never liked the man and wish him a peaceful rest of his life... out of politics of course.

I imagine not having a pulse or heartbeat can be quite sobering. It didn't seem like he took doctor's orders seriously before--perhaps now he does.

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