Dick Cheney looks awful

take a look at what I and the righties say about micheal Moore and pushing him off a cliff.

I didnt say anything to people for cheering killing MM.

I was merely joking about a natural cheney passing.

Your idiot friends were cheering the murder of MM.

You are of course a liar. No one in that thread cheered the threatened killing of Michael Moore.

In fact, there was no threatened killing of Michael Moore. Of course, we know you will continue spreading your frigging lies and repeat this one at least 1,000 times.

Dick is still on this side of the turf. Every day is a good day for him til it isn't.
Oh come on , we all know dick aint got long.

He had a great life and didnt much care about anyones elses life.

Hell he loved it when his guys outed our own cia agents for poltical reasons and got all giddy at troops fighting his war when he was never willing to fight himself.

Cheney is not a good person and never cared about anyone else.

What a nasty, little, useless, person you are.
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take a look at what I and the righties say about micheal Moore and pushing him off a cliff.

I didnt say anything to people for cheering killing MM.

I was merely joking about a natural cheney passing.

Your idiot friends were cheering the murder of MM.

You are of course a liar. No one in that thread cheered the threatened killing of Michael Moore.

In fact, there was no threatened killing of Michael Moore. Of course, we know you will continue spreading your frigging lies and repeat this one at least 1,000 times.


Not that I care, just sayin tho....the very first post in that thread says the world would be better off with Moore at the bottom of a cliff.

Wondering why you made such a thread HT. So people could pop in and wish death on another, and then others fight over the comments?
If so, that is what you got.

Oh come on , we all know dick aint got long.

He had a great life and didnt much care about anyones elses life.

Hell he loved it when his guys outed our own cia agents for poltical reasons and got all giddy at troops fighting his war when he was never willing to fight himself.

Cheney is not a good person and never cared about anyone else.

What a nasty, little, useless, person you are.

Consider the source.
take a look at what I and the righties say about micheal Moore and pushing him off a cliff.

I didnt say anything to people for cheering killing MM.

I was merely joking about a natural cheney passing.

Your idiot friends were cheering the murder of MM.

You are of course a liar. No one in that thread cheered the threatened killing of Michael Moore.

In fact, there was no threatened killing of Michael Moore. Of course, we know you will continue spreading your frigging lies and repeat this one at least 1,000 times.


Not that I care, just sayin tho....the very first post in that thread says the world would be better off with Moore at the bottom of a cliff.

I don't consider him to be of that much consequence in the grand scheme of things. I mean Roger and Me was pretty good.. but everything else has been mindless drek.
Oh come on , we all know dick aint got long.

He had a great life and didnt much care about anyones elses life.

Hell he loved it when his guys outed our own cia agents for poltical reasons and got all giddy at troops fighting his war when he was never willing to fight himself.

Cheney is not a good person and never cared about anyone else.

What a nasty, little, useless, person you are.

Consider the source.

She lives in her own head... and there is plenty of room.
couldn't happen to a nicer guy...cant say I am choked up watching a war criminal die of old age

Cheney's a war criminal? Did we miss something? Like you know, indictments, trials, guilty verdicts?

Id eots was having a wet dream.

ideots is an ideot so the fact that he casually tosses off such terms without regard to rationality, and the obvious lack of truth value, comes as no surprise.
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Tis true, the man looks like death warmed over.

couldn't happen to a nicer guy...cant say I am choked up watching a war criminal die of old age

When the murderer Ted Kennedy was sick not a single conservative on here--including the most dysfunctional--wished him anything but to get well (and leave the Senate).
But here's a rotten scumbag piece of dog shit wishing death on someone who has served this country in 2 days more than you've ever done your miserable shittly little life.
Fuck you, eat shit and die in a fire, motherfucker.
Tis true, the man looks like death warmed over.

couldn't happen to a nicer guy...cant say I am choked up watching a war criminal die of old age

When the murderer Ted Kennedy was sick not a single conservative on here--including the most dysfunctional--wished him anything but to get well (and leave the Senate).
But here's a rotten scumbag piece of dog shit wishing death on someone who has served this country in 2 days more than you've ever done your miserable shittly little life.
Fuck you, eat shit and die in a fire, motherfucker.

In a fire? :razz: <Soogy is writing that one down.... Fuck you, eat shit and die in a fire, motherfucker >
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