Dick Cheney should really stop playing the blame game.

Anyone captured is not an unlawful combatant. To be a lawful combatant and be treated as a POW by the geneva convention they have to meet the criteria above. They don't.

Thus they are lawful unlawful combatants and not protected by the Geneva Convention.

Which, again, makes them criminals.

There is no "unlawful combatant" category in the Geneva convention or anywhere else in international or US law. Right-wingers just made it up.

Either they're a lawful combatant or a criminal.
The enemy is Al Qaida, terror groups that do the same thing, and states that help them.

There is a talmudic saying, if you know someone is going to come and kill you, you are obligated to get up early in the morning and kill him first.

Someone just rude to you doesn't murder 3,000 american civilian lives

Batteries in the remote don't murder 3,000 american lives

Al Qaida has made it crystal clear that their goal is to kill as many americans as possible and spread terror among the american people for whatever reason.

They have shown that they are ready, willing, and able to execute this goal.

The way america keeps this from happening is by having an offensive war, not a defense war, going where they are and killing them.

Alrighty, so by that logic, what does killing hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda make us?
Again - the civilian criminal justice system has apparently worked very well in the cases it has handled - can you show me an instance where it has failed? Why exactly do you think it would NOT work well in this particular case? This one isn't even a hardened Al Queda operative - just some dumb shit convinced that exploding underwear was the way to his heart's desire. He started talking as soon as he was captured.

I am not interested in your uninformed and irrelevant opinions about "how well" the civilian criminal justice system has worked. I don't even know what that means. It "works" if there's a conviction? It has failed if there's an acquittal? Jeez, that's stupid.

I AM concerned with the FACT that when a person is charged with a crime in the civilian criminal Justice system here in the U.S.A., that person is automatically insulated. He is TOLD that he has a by-God RIGHT to remain silent. And right at that instant the conclusion becomes inescapable. It is a seriously stupid and easily avoided MISTAKE to confuse a captured illegal enemy combatant with a mere criminal.

Criminals commit crimes. Vile and hideous crimes, sometimes, but JUST crimes, nonetheless.

Illegal enemy combatants -- in this case, terrorists -- do not JUST commit "crimes." They commit ACTS of WAR.

I WANT all people charged with mere crimes to get their Constitutional right to remain silent.

I do NOT WANT captured illegal enemy combatants -- terrorists -- to even THINK we will tolerate their refusal to give up the information we demand from their captured mouths.

Yes, LOTS of folks talk when they are first arrested before they lawyer up. But the information we might need from the underpants bomber is likely to include much more in the way of DETAILS on minor points than can be obtained from an arrested criminal suspect prior to his arraignment. (There are time constraints. Suspects must get to court promptly.) And once the right to counsel is invoked, or once it attaches by operation of law, a suspect may not be questioned outside the presence of his lawyer.

It gets a LOT more complicated from there. What if the lawyer advises the underpants bomber that the U.S. prosecutor isn't promising him enough in exchange for sharing information? The lawyer would, at the juncture, probably advise his client NOT to speak anymore to the "government." That is a really bad outcome when we need to know what the fucker knows.

Suppose the stupid motherfucker wants to go to trial? In the case of the underpants bomber, it appears that the government DID have his name and some intel about him before he even was permitted to take that flight. So, the lawyer will probably insist on GETTING that to review in preparation for the trial. The government might just wish to decline to share OUR intel with a terrorist. But the Court might then have to tell the government, "Pick your poison. You don't have to give him state secrets, but then you cannot prosecute him. OR, if you really want to proceed with this prosecution, then you HAVE to give him his discovery material." Why on EARTH would we want to put ourselves in THAT stupid position when there's no real need to go there? Military tribunal time.

The President said we are at war and he said it in the context of this very terrorist attack attempt. So, why on EARTH are we doing this crap to ourselves? :cuckoo:

Fear is your sole Master.

That is an incredibly sub-moronic comment. Unoriginal too.

And, as always, you are totally wrong.

Fear has nothing to do with it.

If I go out on a boat, I make sure I have on the life vest. Is that because "fear" is my master? If you don't wear a vest, you are fucking stupid.

When I drive in my car, I wear my seatbelt. I don't do so because I think, "Oh shit. This is it. Today's the day I'm gonna get into a serious collision." Nope. I do it because it's safer and saner to wear a seatbelt JUST IN CASE. If you don't wear a seat belt, you are a moron.

If my kids' schools occasionally sound the fire alarm system as a "drill," they are not governedd by "fear," you idiot. Preparedness is a rational thing pretty much divorced from "fear," in fact.

If we take note of the fact that the Islamoshitfuckers are actively planning more terrorist atttacks against random civilian populations here (and elsewhere), it is not being governed by "fear" that leads us to seek as poractively as we can to prevent them from gaining ANY successes. It is common sense. You are one of the mindless fucktarded brain dead liberoidals who deems that to be the same as being controlled by "fear." :cuckoo: You really couldn't be any fucking dumber and still manage to breathe.
Please by all means, show us where sitting down and talking to the terrorists has had positive effects. Anywhere :eusa_whistle:

Buner Pakistan: Taliban Militants Move To Expand Control Outside Swat Valley
ISLAMABAD — Taliban militants have extended their grip in northwestern Pakistan, pushing out from a valley where the government has agreed to impose Islamic law and patrolling villages as close as 60 miles from the capital. Police and officials appear to have fled as armed militants also broadcast radio sermons and spread fear in Buner district, just 60 miles from Islamabad, officials and witnesses said Wednesday.

Please show us where declaring "war" on the terrorists has had a positive effect.

All we have to do is break it down into goals that were supposed to be accomplished:

1) Has Al Qaeda been diminished in global power?

2) Have Al Qaeda been denied a safe haven?

3) Have the people who orchestrated 9/11 been brought to justice?

4) Has world terrorism been diminished?

5) Has a framework been put in place to protect America from future attacks?

The answer to ALL of these questions, after hundreds of thousands of deaths, Trillions of dollars of debt spending, and thousands of US Soldiers dead and injured is a resounding:


Which means your people failed, miserably.

And now Obama wants to try another strategy and you idiots have the audacity to criticize him for it?

Well, I'll say one thing about you right-wingers, you may lack intelligence, but you sure as hell have giant sets of brass balls.

Stupidity is not an indication of brass balls.
I am not interested in your uninformed and irrelevant opinions about "how well" the civilian criminal justice system has worked. I don't even know what that means. It "works" if there's a conviction? It has failed if there's an acquittal? Jeez, that's stupid.

I AM concerned with the FACT that when a person is charged with a crime in the civilian criminal Justice system here in the U.S.A., that person is automatically insulated. He is TOLD that he has a by-God RIGHT to remain silent. And right at that instant the conclusion becomes inescapable. It is a seriously stupid and easily avoided MISTAKE to confuse a captured illegal enemy combatant with a mere criminal.

Criminals commit crimes. Vile and hideous crimes, sometimes, but JUST crimes, nonetheless.

Illegal enemy combatants -- in this case, terrorists -- do not JUST commit "crimes." They commit ACTS of WAR.

I WANT all people charged with mere crimes to get their Constitutional right to remain silent.

I do NOT WANT captured illegal enemy combatants -- terrorists -- to even THINK we will tolerate their refusal to give up the information we demand from their captured mouths.

Yes, LOTS of folks talk when they are first arrested before they lawyer up. But the information we might need from the underpants bomber is likely to include much more in the way of DETAILS on minor points than can be obtained from an arrested criminal suspect prior to his arraignment. (There are time constraints. Suspects must get to court promptly.) And once the right to counsel is invoked, or once it attaches by operation of law, a suspect may not be questioned outside the presence of his lawyer.

It gets a LOT more complicated from there. What if the lawyer advises the underpants bomber that the U.S. prosecutor isn't promising him enough in exchange for sharing information? The lawyer would, at the juncture, probably advise his client NOT to speak anymore to the "government." That is a really bad outcome when we need to know what the fucker knows.

Suppose the stupid motherfucker wants to go to trial? In the case of the underpants bomber, it appears that the government DID have his name and some intel about him before he even was permitted to take that flight. So, the lawyer will probably insist on GETTING that to review in preparation for the trial. The government might just wish to decline to share OUR intel with a terrorist. But the Court might then have to tell the government, "Pick your poison. You don't have to give him state secrets, but then you cannot prosecute him. OR, if you really want to proceed with this prosecution, then you HAVE to give him his discovery material." Why on EARTH would we want to put ourselves in THAT stupid position when there's no real need to go there? Military tribunal time.

The President said we are at war and he said it in the context of this very terrorist attack attempt. So, why on EARTH are we doing this crap to ourselves? :cuckoo:

Fear is your sole Master.

That is an incredibly sub-moronic comment. Unoriginal too.

And, as always, you are totally wrong.

Fear has nothing to do with it.

If I go out on a boat, I make sure I have on the life vest. Is that because "fear" is my master? If you don't wear a vest, you are fucking stupid.

When I drive in my car, I wear my seatbelt. I don't do so because I think, "Oh shit. This is it. Today's the day I'm gonna get into a serious collision." Nope. I do it because it's safer and saner to wear a seatbelt JUST IN CASE. If you don't wear a seat belt, you are a moron.

If my kids' schools occasionally sound the fire alarm system as a "drill," they are not governedd by "fear," you idiot. Preparedness is a rational thing pretty much divorced from "fear," in fact.

If we take note of the fact that the Islamoshitfuckers are actively planning more terrorist atttacks against random civilian populations here (and elsewhere), it is not being governed by "fear" that leads us to seek as poractively as we can to prevent them from gaining ANY successes. It is common sense. You are one of the mindless fucktarded brain dead liberoidals who deems that to be the same as being controlled by "fear." :cuckoo: You really couldn't be any fucking dumber and still manage to breathe.

Fear is your sole Master.
Why should he? The Democrats sure haven't stopped their tired old "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSH!!!!!!" Blame Game stuff. Seems pretty disingenuous and hypocritical to me for Liberal loons to be demanding that anyone stop playing the Blame Game. Oh well,just my take anyway.
Anyone captured is not an unlawful combatant. To be a lawful combatant and be treated as a POW by the geneva convention they have to meet the criteria above. They don't.

Thus they are lawful unlawful combatants and not protected by the Geneva Convention.

Which, again, makes them criminals.

There is no "unlawful combatant" category in the Geneva convention or anywhere else in international or US law. Right-wingers just made it up.

Either they're a lawful combatant or a criminal.

You truly don't see how idiotic that is?

They are EITHER "lawful combatants" or they are UNlawful combatants.

Even if we adopted your meaningless nomenclature, it wouldn't make any damn difference since "criminal combatants" are still combatants, you imbecile. That they are combatants means they get treated as combatants -- either in the category of lawful combatants who can expect all the accomodations made for LAWFUL combatants or in the category of UNlawful combatants (or "criminal combatants") who should expect NONE of the accomodations made for LAWFUL combatants.

But one thing is clear no matter which term you favor: The fact that they violate the laws of war by not adopting a uniform and by intentionally targetting civilians, etc, should not entitle them to GREATER benefits than those reserved, under the Geneva Accords, for lawful combatants.
Fear is your sole Master.

That is an incredibly sub-moronic comment. Unoriginal too.

And, as always, you are totally wrong.

Fear has nothing to do with it.

If I go out on a boat, I make sure I have on the life vest. Is that because "fear" is my master? If you don't wear a vest, you are fucking stupid.

When I drive in my car, I wear my seatbelt. I don't do so because I think, "Oh shit. This is it. Today's the day I'm gonna get into a serious collision." Nope. I do it because it's safer and saner to wear a seatbelt JUST IN CASE. If you don't wear a seat belt, you are a moron.

If my kids' schools occasionally sound the fire alarm system as a "drill," they are not governedd by "fear," you idiot. Preparedness is a rational thing pretty much divorced from "fear," in fact.

If we take note of the fact that the Islamoshitfuckers are actively planning more terrorist atttacks against random civilian populations here (and elsewhere), it is not being governed by "fear" that leads us to seek as poractively as we can to prevent them from gaining ANY successes. It is common sense. You are one of the mindless fucktarded brain dead liberoidals who deems that to be the same as being controlled by "fear." :cuckoo: You really couldn't be any fucking dumber and still manage to breathe.

Fear is your sole Master.

Repeating your idiotic liberoidal talking pointless doesn't make it or you any less imbecilic.
That is an incredibly sub-moronic comment. Unoriginal too.

And, as always, you are totally wrong.

Fear has nothing to do with it.

If I go out on a boat, I make sure I have on the life vest. Is that because "fear" is my master? If you don't wear a vest, you are fucking stupid.

When I drive in my car, I wear my seatbelt. I don't do so because I think, "Oh shit. This is it. Today's the day I'm gonna get into a serious collision." Nope. I do it because it's safer and saner to wear a seatbelt JUST IN CASE. If you don't wear a seat belt, you are a moron.

If my kids' schools occasionally sound the fire alarm system as a "drill," they are not governedd by "fear," you idiot. Preparedness is a rational thing pretty much divorced from "fear," in fact.

If we take note of the fact that the Islamoshitfuckers are actively planning more terrorist atttacks against random civilian populations here (and elsewhere), it is not being governed by "fear" that leads us to seek as poractively as we can to prevent them from gaining ANY successes. It is common sense. You are one of the mindless fucktarded brain dead liberoidals who deems that to be the same as being controlled by "fear." :cuckoo: You really couldn't be any fucking dumber and still manage to breathe.

Fear is your sole Master.

Repeating your idiotic liberoidal talking pointless doesn't make it or you any less imbecilic.

You prove Fear is your sole Master every time you try to defend your positions regarding foreign policies. The fact you are not willing to admit, or even see it, doesn't change it at all.
Please by all means, show us where sitting down and talking to the terrorists has had positive effects. Anywhere :eusa_whistle:

Buner Pakistan: Taliban Militants Move To Expand Control Outside Swat Valley
ISLAMABAD — Taliban militants have extended their grip in northwestern Pakistan, pushing out from a valley where the government has agreed to impose Islamic law and patrolling villages as close as 60 miles from the capital. Police and officials appear to have fled as armed militants also broadcast radio sermons and spread fear in Buner district, just 60 miles from Islamabad, officials and witnesses said Wednesday.

Please show us where declaring "war" on the terrorists has had a positive effect.

All we have to do is break it down into goals that were supposed to be accomplished:

1) Has Al Qaeda been diminished in global power?

2) Have Al Qaeda been denied a safe haven?

3) Have the people who orchestrated 9/11 been brought to justice?

4) Has world terrorism been diminished?

5) Has a framework been put in place to protect America from future attacks?

The answer to ALL of these questions, after hundreds of thousands of deaths, Trillions of dollars of debt spending, and thousands of US Soldiers dead and injured is a resounding:


Which means your people failed, miserably.

And now Obama wants to try another strategy and you idiots have the audacity to criticize him for it?

Well, I'll say one thing about you right-wingers, you may lack intelligence, but you sure as hell have giant sets of brass balls.

And just what is your messiah's plan....bring terrorists to civilian courts. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Judge tosses out most evidence on Gitmo detainee - National - NewsObserver.com
A federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence against a tarrorism detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced, allegedly by U.S. forces, before he became a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.

Please tell all of us just what obama is doing different other than having combatants have the same rights as citizens of this great nation.

By the way doofus, there is no way to completely protect America from future attacks....even YOUR MESSIAH can't make a promise like that.

Whats the answer, Vast? What is the answer? The terrorists are still trying and succeeding under the messiah in our country. Even after all his ass kissing, and rhetoric, he can't even seal his goods.
By the way, I will criticize anyone or about anything I like.
You and your ilk I'm sure were doing it for 8 years, then you have the balls to hammer on conservatives about it. I laugh at your pathetic ass.:lol:
I guess we will never know all the harm that Obama has done, since this war is mainly fought in the shadows. However, the fact that his people refused to even call it terrorism, and called it "man made disasters" shows how seriously he has taken the war.

Also the fact that he constantly spoken about protecting terrorists, and releasing them, more about taking the fight to the terrorists, says it all, as well.

How convenient for you that you can make a whole bunch of shit up, like "all the harm that Obama has done" without having to offer a shred of proof to back up your claim.

The amount of BS that I've heard from the Right-wing on this point has reached monumental proportions.

And none of what you said has disproven my original point.

This is what I do know:

1) I know that Obama railed against interrogation techniques of the CIA. Those techniques are citicial to get vital intelligence to stop terrorist attacks.

2) I know that Obama is closing down Gitmo the state of the art prison for terrorists

3) I know that in Afghanistan the commander pleaded for more troops for four months before Obama finally made a decision

4) I know he doesn't take seriously the war in Iraq

5) I know that his secretary for homeland security won't even acknowledge terrorism and instead calls it "man-made disasters"

6) I know he has never called it a war against terrorism until very recently

7) I know we have had three terrorist attacks within the US since he took over, whereas, the country was previously free from terrorist attacks within it for the pat 7 years

I know that his naivete, and recklessness is and will continue to cost this country dearly.
Please by all means, show us where sitting down and talking to the terrorists has had positive effects. Anywhere :eusa_whistle:

Buner Pakistan: Taliban Militants Move To Expand Control Outside Swat Valley
ISLAMABAD — Taliban militants have extended their grip in northwestern Pakistan, pushing out from a valley where the government has agreed to impose Islamic law and patrolling villages as close as 60 miles from the capital. Police and officials appear to have fled as armed militants also broadcast radio sermons and spread fear in Buner district, just 60 miles from Islamabad, officials and witnesses said Wednesday.

Please show us where declaring "war" on the terrorists has had a positive effect.

All we have to do is break it down into goals that were supposed to be accomplished:

1) Has Al Qaeda been diminished in global power?


2) Have Al Qaeda been denied a safe haven?


3) Have the people who orchestrated 9/11 been brought to justice?

Some have

4) Has world terrorism been diminished?

Al Qaida didn't succesfully executive a terrorist attack within the US for seven years, before Obama took over.

5) Has a framework been put in place to protect America from future attacks?

It was, until Obama got into office.

The answer to ALL of these questions, after hundreds of thousands of deaths, Trillions of dollars of debt spending, and thousands of US Soldiers dead and injured is a resounding:


Which means your people failed, miserably.

And now Obama wants to try another strategy and you idiots have the audacity to criticize him for it?

Well, I'll say one thing about you right-wingers, you may lack intelligence, but you sure as hell have giant sets of brass balls.

Your premises are wrong.
I guess we will never know all the harm that Obama has done, since this war is mainly fought in the shadows. However, the fact that his people refused to even call it terrorism, and called it "man made disasters" shows how seriously he has taken the war.

Also the fact that he constantly spoken about protecting terrorists, and releasing them, more about taking the fight to the terrorists, says it all, as well.

How convenient for you that you can make a whole bunch of shit up, like "all the harm that Obama has done" without having to offer a shred of proof to back up your claim.

The amount of BS that I've heard from the Right-wing on this point has reached monumental proportions.

And none of what you said has disproven my original point.

This is what I do know:

1) I know that Obama railed against interrogation techniques of the CIA. Those techniques are citicial to get vital intelligence to stop terrorist attacks.

2) I know that Obama is closing down Gitmo the state of the art prison for terrorists

3) I know that in Afghanistan the commander pleaded for more troops for four months before Obama finally made a decision

4) I know he doesn't take seriously the war in Iraq

5) I know that his secretary for homeland security won't even acknowledge terrorism and instead calls it "man-made disasters"

6) I know he has never called it a war against terrorism until very recently

7) I know we have had three terrorist attacks within the US since he took over, whereas, the country was previously free from terrorist attacks within it for the pat 7 years

I know that his naivete, and recklessness is and will continue to cost this country dearly.

You guys are a joke.

Richard Reid (shoe bomber) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will say whatever dumb shit you think you can get away with.

"So why doesn’t the attack on American Airlines Flight 63 in December, 2001 count as a terrorist attack for the Bush administration but an identical failed attack on a Northwest flight a few days ago count as one against the Obama administration?

By the way, there is another similarity as well. The Bush administration tried the shoe bomber in a federal civilian court in Boston, just as the Obama administration is going to try Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in federal civilian court in Detroit. Where was the wailing and gnashing of teeth over civilian trials for terrorists then?"
Last edited:
Anyone captured is not an unlawful combatant. To be a lawful combatant and be treated as a POW by the geneva convention they have to meet the criteria above. They don't.

Thus they are lawful unlawful combatants and not protected by the Geneva Convention.

Which, again, makes them criminals.

There is no "unlawful combatant" category in the Geneva convention or anywhere else in international or US law. Right-wingers just made it up.

Either they're a lawful combatant or a criminal.

They are unlawful combatans, for the reason that I already mentioned.
How convenient for you that you can make a whole bunch of shit up, like "all the harm that Obama has done" without having to offer a shred of proof to back up your claim.

The amount of BS that I've heard from the Right-wing on this point has reached monumental proportions.

And none of what you said has disproven my original point.

This is what I do know:

1) I know that Obama railed against interrogation techniques of the CIA. Those techniques are citicial to get vital intelligence to stop terrorist attacks.

2) I know that Obama is closing down Gitmo the state of the art prison for terrorists

3) I know that in Afghanistan the commander pleaded for more troops for four months before Obama finally made a decision

4) I know he doesn't take seriously the war in Iraq

5) I know that his secretary for homeland security won't even acknowledge terrorism and instead calls it "man-made disasters"

6) I know he has never called it a war against terrorism until very recently

7) I know we have had three terrorist attacks within the US since he took over, whereas, the country was previously free from terrorist attacks within it for the pat 7 years

I know that his naivete, and recklessness is and will continue to cost this country dearly.

You guys are a joke.

Richard Reid (shoe bomber) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will say whatever dumb shit you think you can get away with.

Cute. That was within two to three months of 911. Pres. Bush had not yet implemented his strategies.

As I said for 7 years he protected this country.
The enemy is Al Qaida, terror groups that do the same thing, and states that help them.

There is a talmudic saying, if you know someone is going to come and kill you, you are obligated to get up early in the morning and kill him first.

Someone just rude to you doesn't murder 3,000 american civilian lives

Batteries in the remote don't murder 3,000 american lives

Al Qaida has made it crystal clear that their goal is to kill as many americans as possible and spread terror among the american people for whatever reason.

They have shown that they are ready, willing, and able to execute this goal.

The way america keeps this from happening is by having an offensive war, not a defense war, going where they are and killing them.

Alrighty, so by that logic, what does killing hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda make us?

No idea what you are talkign about, since he didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 911 or Al Qaida.
This is what I do know:

1) I know that Obama railed against interrogation techniques of the CIA. Those techniques are citicial to get vital intelligence to stop terrorist attacks.

2) I know that Obama is closing down Gitmo the state of the art prison for terrorists

3) I know that in Afghanistan the commander pleaded for more troops for four months before Obama finally made a decision

4) I know he doesn't take seriously the war in Iraq

5) I know that his secretary for homeland security won't even acknowledge terrorism and instead calls it "man-made disasters"

6) I know he has never called it a war against terrorism until very recently

7) I know we have had three terrorist attacks within the US since he took over, whereas, the country was previously free from terrorist attacks within it for the pat 7 years

I know that his naivete, and recklessness is and will continue to cost this country dearly.

You guys are a joke.

Richard Reid (shoe bomber) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will say whatever dumb shit you think you can get away with.

Cute. That was within two to three months of 911. Pres. Bush had not yet implemented his strategies.

As I said for 7 years he protected this country.

Lol......it was only 3 months after 9/11! You can't blame bush for that! You guys are the fucking monty python of political discourse. The only difference is you aren't trying to be funny.
Please by all means, show us where sitting down and talking to the terrorists has had positive effects. Anywhere :eusa_whistle:

Buner Pakistan: Taliban Militants Move To Expand Control Outside Swat Valley
ISLAMABAD — Taliban militants have extended their grip in northwestern Pakistan, pushing out from a valley where the government has agreed to impose Islamic law and patrolling villages as close as 60 miles from the capital. Police and officials appear to have fled as armed militants also broadcast radio sermons and spread fear in Buner district, just 60 miles from Islamabad, officials and witnesses said Wednesday.

Please show us where declaring "war" on the terrorists has had a positive effect.

All we have to do is break it down into goals that were supposed to be accomplished:

1) Has Al Qaeda been diminished in global power?

2) Have Al Qaeda been denied a safe haven?

3) Have the people who orchestrated 9/11 been brought to justice?

4) Has world terrorism been diminished?

5) Has a framework been put in place to protect America from future attacks?

The answer to ALL of these questions, after hundreds of thousands of deaths, Trillions of dollars of debt spending, and thousands of US Soldiers dead and injured is a resounding:


Which means your people failed, miserably.

And now Obama wants to try another strategy and you idiots have the audacity to criticize him for it?

Well, I'll say one thing about you right-wingers, you may lack intelligence, but you sure as hell have giant sets of brass balls.

And just what is your messiah's plan....bring terrorists to civilian courts. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Judge tosses out most evidence on Gitmo detainee - National - NewsObserver.com
A federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence against a tarrorism detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced, allegedly by U.S. forces, before he became a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.

Please tell all of us just what obama is doing different other than having combatants have the same rights as citizens of this great nation.

By the way doofus, there is no way to completely protect America from future attacks....even YOUR MESSIAH can't make a promise like that.

Whats the answer, Vast? What is the answer? The terrorists are still trying and succeeding under the messiah in our country. Even after all his ass kissing, and rhetoric, he can't even seal his goods.
By the way, I will criticize anyone or about anything I like.
You and your ilk I'm sure were doing it for 8 years, then you have the balls to hammer on conservatives about it. I laugh at your pathetic ass.:lol:

Good work and spot on.
The enemy is Al Qaida, terror groups that do the same thing, and states that help them.

There is a talmudic saying, if you know someone is going to come and kill you, you are obligated to get up early in the morning and kill him first.

Someone just rude to you doesn't murder 3,000 american civilian lives

Batteries in the remote don't murder 3,000 american lives

Al Qaida has made it crystal clear that their goal is to kill as many americans as possible and spread terror among the american people for whatever reason.

They have shown that they are ready, willing, and able to execute this goal.

The way america keeps this from happening is by having an offensive war, not a defense war, going where they are and killing them.

Alrighty, so by that logic, what does killing hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda make us?

No idea what you are talkign about, since he didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 911 or Al Qaida.

Well then let's just say thousands. Like iraq. It had nothing to do with 9/11 nor alkida so how do you justify the invasion and occupation?
Alrighty, so by that logic, what does killing hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda make us?

No idea what you are talkign about, since he didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people in a country that had nothing to do with 911 or Al Qaida.

Well then let's just say thousands. Like iraq. It had nothing to do with 9/11 nor alkida so how do you justify the invasion and occupation?

Are you talking about collateral damages or are you talking about the Al Qaida terrorists we killed that had nothing to do with Al Qaida?

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