Dick Cheney should really stop playing the blame game.

I haven't spoken to Jillian much (so to speak) but she seems pretty intelligent.
Why don't he run for office??..

You think it might have something to do with his age, health or maybe that he has been in public office for decades? Are you suggesting that he cannot speak his mind as an American citizen?

At least prove not to be a hypocrite and criticize Al Gore and Jimmy Carter for bad mouthing administrations they disagree with after they left office.


You mean like the right-wingers do all the time whenever Carter opens his mouth? And yeah, I have said many times that Carter should shut the hell up.

As far as Gore goes, he's been pretty apolitical for a while, except for his Global warming thing.

The problem with Cheney cricizing anyone though, is that the administration he was a big part of was an absolute disaster, and so any criticism he makes is easily assailed.
Why don't he run for office??..

You think it might have something to do with his age, health or maybe that he has been in public office for decades? Are you suggesting that he cannot speak his mind as an American citizen?

At least prove not to be a hypocrite and criticize Al Gore and Jimmy Carter for bad mouthing administrations they disagree with after they left office.


You mean like the right-wingers do all the time whenever Carter opens his mouth? And yeah, I have said many times that Carter should shut the hell up.

As far as Gore goes, he's been pretty apolitical for a while, except for his Global warming thing.

The problem with Cheney cricizing anyone though, is that the administration he was a big part of was an absolute disaster, and so any criticism he makes is easily assailed.

Bullshit. Unlike the current moron infesting the Oval Office, the Bush Administration actually proactively fought the wars and recognized that we were at war and that business as usual was not a viable option in terms of dealing with the enemies of our Republic.

And the idiot Adminsitration keeps taking cheap ass dishonest pot-shots at its predecessors. So why the fuck SHOULD Vice President Cheney hold his tongue? The idiots in the current Adminsitration deserve all the trashing Vice President Cheney can dole out to those mutts. And everything the Vice President has said about Team Obama is also dead-on-the-bull'seye accurate.

algore is just an irrelevancy.
Bullshit. Unlike the current moron infesting the Oval Office, the Bush Administration actually proactively fought the wars and recognized that we were at war and that business as usual was not a viable option in terms of dealing with the enemies of our Republic.

Oh yes, and that strategy has been SOOO successful! Thousands of attacks overseas leading to the deaths of and maimings of hundreds of thousands of people, includingn tens of thousands of our military personel, not to mention all the civilian contractors.

And Al Qaeda has grown larger than it was before 9/11!

Wow, that's a whole lot of miseable failure. You would think that at least they would have prevented terrorist attacks againsnt civilians...

But by your own definition, they haven't.

After all, The shoe bomber was the EXACT SAME THING as the underwear bomber.

The shooter in Ft Hood is the exact same thing as the Maryland sniper.

But you all expect Americans to have the memory of a gnat and the intelligence of an advocado pit, I guess.

You expect them to forget all about all the various incidents that happened during the Bush administration.


And the idiot Adminsitration keeps taking cheap ass dishonest pot-shots at its predecessors. So why the fuck SHOULD Vice President Cheney hold his tongue? The idiots in the current Adminsitration deserve all the trashing Vice President Cheney can dole out to those mutts. And everything the Vice President has said about Team Obama is also dead-on-the-bull'seye accurate.

algore is just an irrelevancy.

Cheney should hold his tongue because anything he says points out what an utter and complete failure he was as Vice President. Period.

And, as has been stated many times in this thread, and never proven incorrect, if Obama is at fault for the "Underwear Bomber" than Cheney/Bush are equally at fault for 9/11.
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And, as has been stated many times in this thread, and never proven incorrect, if Obama is at fault for the "Underwear Bomber" than Cheney/Bush are equally at fault for 9/11.

What are you.. FIVE??? Geeze Louise... do you read your drivel before you hit "Post"?? You should.
And, as has been stated many times in this thread, and never proven incorrect, if Obama is at fault for the "Underwear Bomber" than Cheney/Bush are equally at fault for 9/11.

What are you.. FIVE??? Geeze Louise... do you read your drivel before you hit "Post"?? You should.

Apparently you decided to chime in without reading the rest of this thread. That's typical though.
Bullshit. Unlike the current moron infesting the Oval Office, the Bush Administration actually proactively fought the wars and recognized that we were at war and that business as usual was not a viable option in terms of dealing with the enemies of our Republic.

Oh yes, and that strategy has been SOOO successful! Thousands of attacks overseas leading to the deaths of and maimings of hundreds of thousands of people, includingn tens of thousands of our military personel, not to mention all the civilian contractors.

And Al Qaeda has grown larger than it was before 9/11!

Wow, that's a whole lot of miseable failure. You would think that at least they would have prevented terrorist attacks againsnt civilians...

But by your own definition, they haven't.

After all, The shoe bomber was the EXACT SAME THING as the underwear bomber.

The shooter in Ft Hood is the exact same thing as the Maryland sniper.

But you all expect Americans to have the memory of a gnat and the intelligence of an advocado pit, I guess.

You expect them to forget all about all the various incidents that happened during the Bush administration.


And the idiot Adminsitration keeps taking cheap ass dishonest pot-shots at its predecessors. So why the fuck SHOULD Vice President Cheney hold his tongue? The idiots in the current Adminsitration deserve all the trashing Vice President Cheney can dole out to those mutts. And everything the Vice President has said about Team Obama is also dead-on-the-bull'seye accurate.

algore is just an irrelevancy.

Cheney should hold his tongue because anything he says points out what an utter and complete failure he was as Vice President. Period.

And, as has been stated many times in this thread, and never proven incorrect, if Obama is at fault for the "Underwear Bomber" than Cheney/Bush are equally at fault for 9/11.

Good grief this Vastly Ignorant is the one who should just shut the fuck up. The Bush Adminsitration was FAR FAR from the incompetent failure that IS the Obama Adminsitration.


In the interim, you can go blow a donkey, for your grasp on reality isn't worth jack shit.

You make shit up and post it as fact. Even your most generalized opinions are retarded.

Newsflash, you fucking idiot. We ARE at war and the moron-in-chief SHOULD start acting accordingly.
They discussed their religious and philosophical opposition to the use of violence.

Curve light is a liar. When shown to have been wrong, he lacks the balls and he lacks the integrity to just admit that he made an error. Instead, he pretends (again and again, and each time futilely) that the proof that he was wrong is a "strawman." HE doesn't even employ that term in a meaningful manner.

Curve Not-too-bright is quite thoroughly dishonest.

You mean like Jillian and Rdean and the other "liberals never do anything wrong" liars on this forum?

Well, in fairness, I have seen Jillian express herself with more precision and candor. I generally disagree with her views because, after all, she IS a liberal and a liberal is frequently misguided; BUT I do not find her to be dishonest.

rdean is a bit of a stooge, though.

I have a lot of respect for jillian and we have much common ground on some issues. I thoroughly enjoy debating issues with her. Using her name and CurveLight in the same sentence is negrep worthy..:lol:

rdeanieweenie on the other hand is cut from the same cloth as CurveLight....a complete dumbass entitled to express their hyper-partisan stupidity in a public forum at their leisure....and they will always be.....shot down in flames.
Hey Young Lefty:

Two things: your english is terrible and when one has to resort to name calling that person has already lost the arguement!
Good grief this Vastly Ignorant is the one who should just shut the fuck up. The Bush Adminsitration was FAR FAR from the incompetent failure that IS the Obama Adminsitration.


In the interim, you can go blow a donkey, for your grasp on reality isn't worth jack shit.

You make shit up and post it as fact. Even your most generalized opinions are retarded.

Newsflash, you fucking idiot. We ARE at war and the moron-in-chief SHOULD start acting accordingly.

Aww, what's the matter Liability? Are you so used to living in a right-wing echo chamber that you can't deal with opinions that don't just repeat your comfortable right-wing talking points?

So, basically your answer is:

"Shut up! Jerk! You're wrong because you're a Retard!"

ROFL! Good work! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Good grief this Vastly Ignorant is the one who should just shut the fuck up. The Bush Adminsitration was FAR FAR from the incompetent failure that IS the Obama Adminsitration.


In the interim, you can go blow a donkey, for your grasp on reality isn't worth jack shit.

You make shit up and post it as fact. Even your most generalized opinions are retarded.

Newsflash, you fucking idiot. We ARE at war and the moron-in-chief SHOULD start acting accordingly.

Oh, and NEWSFLASH, you lost the election. Obama gets to try to do things his way now. And the way I see it things couldn't possibly turn out any worse than they did from the Cheney/Bush method.
Good grief this Vastly Ignorant is the one who should just shut the fuck up. The Bush Adminsitration was FAR FAR from the incompetent failure that IS the Obama Adminsitration.


In the interim, you can go blow a donkey, for your grasp on reality isn't worth jack shit.

You make shit up and post it as fact. Even your most generalized opinions are retarded.

Newsflash, you fucking idiot. We ARE at war and the moron-in-chief SHOULD start acting accordingly.

Oh, and NEWSFLASH, you lost the election. Obama gets to try to do things his way now. And the way I see it things couldn't possibly turn out any worse than they did from the Cheney/Bush method.

We know the idiot won the election, schmuck. That's why we are witnessing him fuck everything up royally.

And no, he is NOT actually entitled to do things "his" way. HE is ACTUALLY bound by the constraints of the Constitution. But liberoidal tools like the moron-in-chief can't quite accept that kind of thing.

And the way you see things is bass-ackwards, inverted and through lead. You might as well be blind, you retard. The moron-in-chief is busy at work fucking things up massively. "Things" are already many times worse than they have been before.
We know the idiot won the election, schmuck. That's why we are witnessing him fuck everything up royally.

And no, he is NOT actually entitled to do things "his" way. HE is ACTUALLY bound by the constraints of the Constitution. But liberoidal tools like the moron-in-chief can't quite accept that kind of thing.

And the way you see things is bass-ackwards, inverted and through lead. You might as well be blind, you retard. The moron-in-chief is busy at work fucking things up massively. "Things" are already many times worse than they have been before.

When it comes to whether he wants to continue to pursue the "War" on terror, he is in fact entitled to do things his way.

And as far as "being constrained by the Constitution" is concerned, that's the reason he's been doing all those things you disagree with. He's trying to act within the boundaries of the constitution, rather than straying outside those boundaries, like some Vice Presidents I could mention.

But of course, you're going to keep on throwing pre-adolescent insults around instead of proving any of your points...
If you remember correctly, the Republicans were blaming the Bush administration for everything under the sun during the last election cycle also.

They were hoping to use him as a scapegoat for everything that went wrong.

How quickly we forget.
If you remember correctly, the Republicans were blaming the Bush administration for everything under the sun during the last election cycle also.

They were hoping to use him as a scapegoat for everything that went wrong.

How quickly we forget.

Difference is that bush is one of their own...or so they thought.
Republicans weren't going overseas and complaining about bush like barry did in his , "I'm Sorry" tour.
We know the idiot won the election, schmuck. That's why we are witnessing him fuck everything up royally.

And no, he is NOT actually entitled to do things "his" way. HE is ACTUALLY bound by the constraints of the Constitution. But liberoidal tools like the moron-in-chief can't quite accept that kind of thing.

And the way you see things is bass-ackwards, inverted and through lead. You might as well be blind, you retard. The moron-in-chief is busy at work fucking things up massively. "Things" are already many times worse than they have been before.

When it comes to whether he wants to continue to pursue the "War" on terror, he is in fact entitled to do things his way.

Really? Even if Congress says "No!"? (Not that Congress ever does say such a thing.) I wonder if you'd maintain that same line of argument if Congress said, for example, that the AUMF is now vacated and rescinded and if Congress explicitly de-funded the war effort?

[And as far as "being constrained by the Constitution" is concerned, that's the reason he's been doing all those things you disagree with. He's trying to act within the boundaries of the constitution, rather than straying outside those boundaries, like some Vice Presidents I could mention.

You probably don't realize that you are merely babbling at this point. He'd doing WHAT he's DOING becaue he feels "constrained?" :cuckoo:

Give us a couple of examples, why dontchya? What, specifically, in your estimation, has President Obama done that he has felt he was constrained to do by the Constitution? What things has he refrained from doing because the U.S. Constitution is a grant of limited authority and powers and thus President Obama has felt he was prohibited from doing? This oughta be amusing.

[But of course, you're going to keep on throwing pre-adolescent insults around instead of proving any of your points...

You don't seem to feel any contraint to back up a single thing you just spouted. There is a word for tools like you. That word is "hypocrite."
I'll split this into 2 parts or it will get long...

When it comes to whether he wants to continue to pursue the "War" on terror, he is in fact entitled to do things his way.

Really? Even if Congress says "No!"? (Not that Congress ever does say such a thing.) I wonder if you'd maintain that same line of argument if Congress said, for example, that the AUMF is now vacated and rescinded and if Congress explicitly de-funded the war effort?

As for that, the authorization for War Powers by Congress didn't end with the Bush Administration. Obama has all the abilities that were granted to the office of the president in September of 2001.

In addition to the normal powers of the War Powers act, there was this:

Authorization for Use of Military Force- Sept. 18, 2001

Authorization for Use of Military Force
September 18, 2001

(a) IN GENERAL- That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

Did the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq end while I wasn't looking?

Obama can act in whatever way he sees fit to fight terrorism, within the bounds of the Geneva Convention, and the constitution. Just like Bush did.

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