Dick Nixon did not end the vietnam war.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
The american people did.Not only did he not end the war he was the bastard who got us into it in the first place despite what our corrupt school system tells us.read below.

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War of 1964-1975: Although history puts America's war in Vietnam in the "lose" column, the United States actually won every major conflict including the infamous Tet offensive. The demise of the United State's presence and power in Vietnam was not due to losses on the battlefields but to the loss of support of the American public. The North Vietnamese were unified in their determination to win and America was not. For America it was a limited war and for the Vietnamese it was all out war in defending their homeland against American aggression. The Americans underestimated the resolve of the Vietnamese who had for hundreds of years already had been fighting off the Chinese, then the French and now the Americans. They were not about to give up. President Johnson could not put everything into the war because of the fear that the Chinese, which had also got involved with the Korean war would get involved, or even Russia. So it was a half way effort doomed to failure.
In Vietnam it is called the American war. It was an immoral war that the intellectuals and newly enlightened young people of America just could not accept. The duped older generation that remembered the glory days of U.S action in WWII just could not accept the truth of what was really happening there. Calling the war a "police action" was just another lie to hide the fact that it was an illegal war as well as immoral. President Johnson escalated the conflict to a murderous campaign of American aggression with intense bombing of neighboring countries.

Most people think that Richard Nixon got us out of Vietnam. The fact is that it was Nixon that got us into the war while Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower and it was the American people that got us out. If it was up to Nixon, he would have carried out his campaign of terror in Vietnam until he stepped out of office.

I always knew it was the american people who ended it,this just confirms it.
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come on I want intelligent posters to post here,not trolls.

Then post some intelligence.

We started off as Advisors in Nam

The number of advisers jumped from 800 to approx. 17,000 in the early 1960s (John F. Kennedy president). In '64, LBJ announced the NVC attacked the USN along the coast. By '65 - 80,000 American troops were in South Vietnam.

Nixon put an end to JFKs war asshole.

That help?
I will bite.

We got into Vietnam when JFK was president. Then LBJ escalated the war. By the time Dick got in the White House in '69, the Tet Offensive occurred and Nixon desperately seeked an exit. In 1973 he ordered that exit.

In 1960 he lost to JFK. In 1962 he lost in a run for CA Governor. He was a man without a political position when we entered Vietnam, yet he got us into Vietnam! :cuckoo:

Did the public vote on a withdrawal from Vietnam? Did I miss something! Nope it was the Big Dick that ordered it!

Jeezzuss Insider your conspiracy theories are getting worse and worse! You keep proving once again that you might be the most illogical poster here!
So we are supposed to accept that Nixon started the Vietnam war during the Kennedy-Johnson Administrations?

No wonder he though he could get away with the Watergate Coverup. I mean he already managed to pull this off without any consequences.
Um, it was the North Vietnamese who ended the war on April 30, 1975 when Saigon became Ho Chi Mihn City.

The cause was at the end of WWII, France wanted to return to colonial rule in SE Asia. Ho defeated them and America took over support for the government of the South. We also blocked a democratic election that would have unified the country because Ho was going to win. He had popular support across that nation.
from the op link,

The Latter Rain is God's great end-time ministry. The Latter Rain is the Restoration of the Church and the Harvest of souls, the gathering together of His people to be God's Kingdom on earth. The Latter Rain is the promise given to us in the last days for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. The Latter Rain blesses each of us with times of refreshing, it is for you and all who love peace to enter into now.
The foundation of the Latter Rain Page is firm in the pursuit of truth, justice and mercy. Deliverance to the captive church from the traditional legalism, licentiousness and quenching of the Spirit is through pointing you to the love of God through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you want to help, go out and bless somebody. If you would like input to any of the pages or have questions, feel free to get in touch.

Zec 10:1. "Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain."
Love in Jesus, Jay Atkinson"

I prefer to get my history from other places, like oxford.
Um, it was the North Vietnamese who ended the war on April 30, 1975 when Saigon became Ho Chi Mihn City.

The cause was at the end of WWII, France wanted to return to colonial rule in SE Asia. Ho defeated them and America took over support for the government of the South. We also blocked a democratic election that would have unified the country because Ho was going to win. He had popular support across that nation.

Actually, Walter the Commie Sympathizer Cronkite began the demise when he decided to start lying to the American people about the Tet offensive.
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Um, it was the North Vietnamese who ended the war on April 30, 1975 when Saigon became Ho Chi Mihn City.

The cause was at the end of WWII, France wanted to return to colonial rule in SE Asia. Ho defeated them and America took over support for the government of the South. We also blocked a democratic election that would have unified the country because Ho was going to win. He had popular support across that nation.

Actually, Walter the Commie Sympathizer Cronkite began the demise when he decided to start lying to the American people about the Tet offensive.

Bull shit. There was no lie that day.

Wait...I had it somewhere here....there was a pic of Nixon and Mao in 59.....Oh, right....that didn't happen either.
Dick Nixon did not end the vietnam war.

The american people did.Not only did he not end the war he was the bastard who got us into it in the first place despite what our corrupt school system tells us.

The President who got us into the War, there, was Harry Truman.

In-order-to appease Chuck DeGaulle, Harry Truman.....

....SCREWED the Vietnamese!!!!

"Ho Chi Minh asked the Americans to honor their commitment to independence, citing the Atlantic Charter and the U.N. Charter on self-determination."​

It was a War we NEVER should have fought!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT90Qu55O4U]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erf52WGnM4g]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 3 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdMhaypD5wU]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 4 - YouTube[/ame]​
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