Dictatorship: Filmmaker D'Souza Says Obama Vindictive; IRS Attack Political Payback..


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The 'Chicago Way' i guess. Such dark days for our Nation. So few are standing up against tyranny. These kinds of abuses of power should not go unpunished. This President's IRS attacks are Impeachable offenses in my opinion. It's worse than Nixon's abuses. It's worse because it's being done so brazenly, without fear of accountability. Where have the Checks & Balances gone? What has happened to our Country?

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The 'Chicago Way' i guess. Such dark days for our Nation. So few are standing up against tyranny. These kinds of abuses of power should not go unpunished. This President's IRS attacks are Impeachable offenses in my opinion. It's worse than Nixon's abuses. It's worse because it's being done so brazenly, without fear of accountability. Where have the Checks & Balances gone? What has happened to our Country?


These things are being allowed to slide to avoid a racial war.
Dinesh D'Souza is the Alex Jones of the right. He is a fucking nutcase. Anything pertaining to him belongs in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

I disagree. He's an American Citizen who has the right to express his beliefs and opinions. You may disagree with his opinions, but that doesn't make him a 'fucking nutcase.'
Dinesh D'Souza is the Alex Jones of the right. He is a fucking nutcase. Anything pertaining to him belongs in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

I disagree. He's an American Citizen who has the right to express his beliefs and opinions. You may disagree with his opinions, but that doesn't make him a 'fucking nutcase.'

I have to respectfully disagree. I have seen his documentary on Obama numerous times. "Fucking nutcase" is an understatement.
Dinesh D'Souza is the Alex Jones of the right. He is a fucking nutcase. Anything pertaining to him belongs in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

I disagree. He's an American Citizen who has the right to express his beliefs and opinions. You may disagree with his opinions, but that doesn't make him a 'fucking nutcase.'

I have to respectfully disagree. I have seen his documentary on Obama numerous times. "Fucking nutcase" is an understatement.

Again, i disagree. I thought the film was very good.
Imagine George Bush arresting Michael Moore? This is incredibly disturbing. It will have to be investigated thoroughly.
The Obama Doctrine on the First Amendment: Only people who agree with and support The Won are allowed to speak.
obama-bots are people with the same mentality of people that supporterd Hitler; they have a persecution complex; whereas anybody criticizing obama must just "hate" him for this reason or that...............BECAUSE; in the minds of ignorant, brainwashed o-bots obama can do no wrong.
This President's use of the IRS to target his 'Enemies', is chillingly criminal. More Americans need to stand up and demand accountability. And that needs to include both Republicans and Democrats. These abuses go far beyond petty Democrat vs. Republican squabbles.
it's hilarious to witness left-wing nutjobs calling D'Souza or anybody else a nutcase.

these are the same left-wing idiots running around calling RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS in obama's 6th year and the 8th straight year of Progressive Majority Rule in the USA "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites
Umm, nobody on the right who is investigating the irs scandal has linked anything to the President.

Talk about kool aid drinking from the hack media, youre right in their pocket like they like.
it's hilarious to witness left-wing nutjobs calling D'Souza or anybody else a nutcase.

these are the same left-wing idiots running around calling RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS in obama's 6th year and the 8th straight year of Progressive Majority Rule in the USA "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites

I'm not a Democrat voter, or part of the "left-wing". I still think you are retarded.
Umm, nobody on the right who is investigating the irs scandal has linked anything to the President.

Talk about kool aid drinking from the hack media, youre right in their pocket like they like.

Ummmm...Obama has a big Megaphone and the dogs have picked up on the dog whistle.

..."The best way to look at this is as a continuum of a very long and determined political strategy that dates back to 2008 and a man named Barack Obama," Kimberley Strassel, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, declared at The Heritage Foundation on Friday. Strassel argued that "this is a president and his team of political operatives who have always understood the power of speech, but more importantly, the power of denying it to their political opponents."

"You go all the way back to the Democratic Primary in the Spring of 2008, and you find Bob Bower filing a complaint with the Federal Election Committee against an organization called the American Leadership Project, which was backing his opponent in the primary, Hilary Clinton," Strassel recalled. She argued that the IRS targeting scandal is only the latest version of this sort of political attack. The Obama campaign also went after a group supporting John Edwards, the WSJ columnist said.

Strassel also mentioned Tom Matzzie's 2008 political group, Accountable America, which "was going to start by sending 'warning letters' to 10,000 GOP donors, 'hoping to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions.'"

In 2010, after The Supreme Court ruled for Citizens United and the Democrats failed to pass the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act – the first time – "you have the president in front of the entire nation berating the Supreme Court in his State of the Union Address, talking about the shady money that's going to come out of the fact that they are allowing more free speech," Strassel narrated. She mentioned at least 12 speeches which Obama gave in the 2010 campaign season warning against "shadowy conservative groups," saying "nobody knows who's paying for these ads."

When the IRS targeting story broke in May 2013, Democrats pointed out that there was no evidence of a telephone call where Obama directed the targeting, Strassel noted. But "he didn't need a telephone, he had a megaphone," and the WSJ reporter said the IRS was listening.

While Obama explained that the officials were merely "confused" about regulations that date back to the 1950s, Strassel pointed out "that the IRS officials were hyper aware of the political environment." She referenced an email from a Cincinnati screener which read "recent media attention to this type of organization indicates to me that this is a high profile case."

Strassel explained that Obama's key strategy is to attack the groups supporting his political opponents by questioning the legality of their business practices. In the 2012 IRS targeting case, Obama's public attacks against "shadowy right wing groups" led the IRS to investigate conservative nonprofit groups more closely, resulting in a political disadvantage for Obama's political rivals. "He didn't need a telephone, he had a megaphone," she quipped....

IRS Scandal Has Obama Fingerprints All Over It, Experts Say
The 'Chicago Way' i guess. Such dark days for our Nation. So few are standing up against tyranny. These kinds of abuses of power should not go unpunished. This President's IRS attacks are Impeachable offenses in my opinion. It's worse than Nixon's abuses. It's worse because it's being done so brazenly, without fear of accountability. Where have the Checks & Balances gone? What has happened to our Country?

Dinesh D'Souza The Kelly File Speculates on Retribution. Vindictive Obama Sees Critics as Enemies - YouTube

As Peter Sellers said to Shirley MacLaine in the 'seduction' scene from, "Being There":
"I like to watch."

Maybe we've come to react to something provocative or threatening or the subtle attacks and blatant abuses going on by Obama et al. by just watching it happen.

We've become silent witnesses to our own conquest.

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it's hilarious to witness left-wing nutjobs calling D'Souza or anybody else a nutcase.

these are the same left-wing idiots running around calling RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS in obama's 6th year and the 8th straight year of Progressive Majority Rule in the USA "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites

I'm not a Democrat voter, or part of the "left-wing". I still think you are retarded.


try to imagine how little i care what you think of me

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