Did Anyone See The Audience Obama Spoke To In Iowa Last Week? Naive Teens And Babies?

Mar 16, 2012

Did any of you see bits of Obama's last speech in Iowa? Did you get a good look of who was in the crowd?
Have you ever seen such a confused,befuddled,dumbfounded and naive bunch of babies trying to decipher what Obama was trying to spew to them?
It was an utter embarrassment for the President. Where were all the concerned moms and dads? Where were all the college graduates who can't find a job?
Is this all that Obama can speak to? College Freshmen and Teeny-Boppers?
You have to assume that at least 12 of them were holding baby bottles.
and have u noticed that this year he wont speak about the Bush debt&deficit?(in comparison to his record) he also never tells his audience of dodo birds that the USA only has 3 Million or so millionaires, as if they are able to pay all of the bills for the other 300 million?
Sooo... what you're saying is Dems still own the youth and Republicans are still losing their aging base to disappointment and simply dying off... Cool.

Let me make this clear. If Mitt had a room full of youth most the neocon liberals on this board would be bragging.
we all know Obama only wants to speak to those who have no idea what is going on with our country as its about to fall off a cliff.
we all know Obama only wants to speak to those who have no idea what is going on with our country as its about to fall off a cliff.

Correct, just like MItt and the majority of Republicans.... Seeing that they hold near the 100% same policy on the economy when they held office. Republicans only NOW want to "cut spending" because they know with the minority it won't happen. Most of the Republicans that now want to cut the massive spending supported and even gave ideas on how to expand spending under Bush when they were in office.

I hate this partisan trolling crap that pretty makes up these boards.

Wah wah wahh... Obama talks to idiots!!! Mitt supported Obamacare, the Obama stimulus, the wars under Obama, TARP, the NDAA and the list goes on and on. The hardest thing to find on these boards is in fact not the truth, it's an honest poster who is not a flaming hypocrite.

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