Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

this is typically like the MSM CRAP
they use the ''?'' question mark --meaning no facts---- but bullshit
you do see the '' ? ''' in the link--yes?
aliens landed on the Eiffel Tower???
goats found the Holy Grail ????????
question marks
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.
We do know it was completed. Mueller handed it in. That means he was done.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.
the OP question is bullshit

watch--I'll do the same thing:
ducks fly on the moon???
the MSM does this stupid crap all the time--and you fall for the stupid crap
Please tell us what isn't true - with "credible" sources.

The amateur DOUBLED our nation's debt and yet our economy was still in the shitter and you couldn't suck Obama's cock hard enough. LOL.
For 8 years it was Bush's fault. Obama's been gone for over 2 years, but he gets the credit. LOL at these libtards.

You anti-American asshole better hope for a cataclysmic disaster. Otherwise, Trump is a shoe-in to win (again) in 20'.
I'm waiting a bit to see how this all turns out.

However, listening to the Dems as of late, it kinda looks like there might be an impeachment for Barr.

They want to impeach Barr, but not Donald? Yet another example of the weakness and stupidity of Democrats.
They want to impeach Barr, but not Donald? Yet another example of the weakness and stupidity of Democrats.

Why the rush to impeach the orange clown???.....He is doing an excellent job of destroying the GOP...so why make Trump a "martyr" to his moronic base?
Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning
Winner of the dumbest post in USMB history.....

Here's a little test for you morons......
  • What was the unemployment rate when Obama took office?
  • What was the unemployment rate when Obama left office and the orange charlatan was sworn in?
  • What is the unemployment rate now and can you figure out (with a calculator, of course) who made the BIGGEST improvement in the unemployment rate?
DO the above and you'll be just a little bit less than the usual ignorant moron.

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