Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
All the videos showing Obammys doom and gloom messages about the economy, his shovel ready jobs that turned out to be more grave digging in Chicago, his botched foriegn interference by doing things that turned out to be huge blunders, his embrace of globalism over our soverignty and economy will not be kind to Democrats if they try to use his record of American destructive policies and actions.
The next breaking story will be the many others Obama's deep state spied on...how many other GOP candidates and media members and judges?....this is getting HOT for Obama and his deep state....

Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

Wanna bet nutter?
Sure....what are the stakes?....little duper....

If a conviction happens I leave board if not ewe do!
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
You loons said the economy was going to crash. Must suck to be you.
The next breaking story will be the many others Obama's deep state spied on...how many other GOP candidates and media members and judges?....this is getting HOT for Obama and his deep state....

Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

Wanna bet nutter?
Sure....what are the stakes?....little duper....

If a conviction happens I leave board if not ewe do!
No way...the swamp does not have the guts to convict the first black president...how about if it is proven out of court that Obama did order his justice heads to spy on Trump's campaign and others and they lied to the FISA court to get a warrant...you leave for good...if not I will...and we will know this when Trump releases the FISA applications...
Thank YOU for letting US know you do NOT give two shits about the Constitutional responsibility of the three branches of government to be a check on each other, concerning the abuse of power by the other branches of government, you fucking Nazi.

You're hysterical.

Hysterical is much better than a fucking Nazi ................. a fucking Russian Nazi @ that ............

You wouldn't know what a Nazi was if one bit you in the ass.
The next breaking story will be the many others Obama's deep state spied on...how many other GOP candidates and media members and judges?....this is getting HOT for Obama and his deep state....

Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

Wanna bet nutter?
Sure....what are the stakes?....little duper....

If a conviction happens I leave board if not ewe do!
No way...the swamp does not have the guts to convict the first black president...how about if it is proven out of court that Obama did order his justice heads to spy on Trump's campaign and others and they lied to the FISA court to get a warrant...you leave for good...if not I will...and we will know this when Trump releases the FISA applications...

Ewe fucking pussy, just like your Orange God/King ewe spew shit then run like the little bitch the both of ewe are, dismissed nutter!
The next breaking story will be the many others Obama's deep state spied on...how many other GOP candidates and media members and judges?....this is getting HOT for Obama and his deep state....

Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

Wanna bet nutter?
Sure....what are the stakes?....little duper....

If a conviction happens I leave board if not ewe do!
No way...the swamp does not have the guts to convict the first black president...how about if it is proven out of court that Obama did order his justice heads to spy on Trump's campaign and others and they lied to the FISA court to get a warrant...you leave for good...if not I will...and we will know this when Trump releases the FISA applications...

Ewe fucking pussy, just like your Orange God/King ewe spew shit then run like the little bitch the both of ewe are, dismissed nutter!
You need to go back to school and learn English.....but until that time President Donald J Trump is your daddy bitch......live it love it learn it.....
If the question is answered under oath will the op believe the answer or run around screaming liar liar impeach and persecute?

We don't yet know if Barr stifled the investigation. Hopefully Mueller will tell us.

im still asking

I will believe whatever Mueller says - under oath.

No you won't. If he doesn't answer to your satisfaction, you will find some excuse for it.

Mueller ended his investigation and Barr wrote a four page summary. The left refused to accept it claiming Barr excluded things, and demanded to see Mueller's report. So it was provided.

Then the left complained that their people should see the un-redacted version. So a much less redacted version was created, and not one Democrat went to see it.

Then the left complained that a Congressional hearing should take place and Barr answer their questions. He did, and the left is still complaining.

Now they want Barr to sit through another question and answer session, this time to try and set up a perjury situation with their staff lawyers, and Barr is refusing. The left is complaining, even though lawyers are never used in a situation unless a criminal act is suspected.

The left will never accept anything outside of Trump being guilty of something....anything. They refuse to believe that Trump did everything within the law and no crime committed.
President Barack Obama — used the power of the surveillance state to illegally spy on prominent Americans — including Donald Trump (even before he was a candidate). As part of what President Trump has repeatedly called a “witch hunt,” the Obama administration collected confidential data on Trump and others, according to freedom activist lawyer Larry Klayman, who is also the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch

I guess you are just a boy or ignored history all your life that has gone on before J Edgar Hoover, you don't really think obama thought that up do you?
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.

Nobody brought the question up except the clown in the article of the OP. In other words, it was purely made up.

But even if Barr did, that's his business; that's his job. The investigation was started without any evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part, and it went on for well over 2 years. So if Barr did stop it, I say good for him. And if he stopped it, he did nothing wrong.
I'm waiting a bit to see how this all turns out.

However, listening to the Dems as of late, it kinda looks like there might be an impeachment for Barr.

They have no reason to impeach him or Trump. You have to be guilty of something first. If the left is going to practice impeaching people simply because they don't like them, not only is that un-Ameircan, but two can play that game.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
Your link:

"So of course the attorney general can say the investigation is over. The special counsel has no power independent of the attorney general.

"This is a foolish arrangement.

"Imagine a scenario in which a corrupt president becomes the subject of a federal criminal investigation.

"Because it would take precedence over any congressional investigation, the criminal probe, led by the president's handpicked attorney general, could all too easily be used to delay or totally prevent any meaningful investigation of the president.

"A congressional probe might only begin if at least one chamber were controlled by the opposition party.

"Two years or more could pass with a criminal in the White House and the public fooled into believing that an independent representative of their interests was working to fully expose any evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors."

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