Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

Another corrupted issue that Hillary was near but somehow is to far away. Story of her life!
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?

Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
And Mueller's footnotes may provide some fresh perspective on the Steele Dossier's role in launching the investigation of Donald Trump:

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Volume I

"Footnote 465

"This footnote addresses a question that has been raised time and again, and which was echoed by Attorney General William Barr in his testimony to Congress on April 10: What was the basis, or predicate, for the Russia investigation?

The White House has claimed that the investigation was based on the 'Steele Dossier,' an intelligence report compiled by a former British spy and financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which alleged that there were ties between Trump and the Kremlin.

"But in this footnote, Mueller explains the sequence and timing of events that gave rise to a credible threat to national security, warranting an investigation.

"First, Mueller notes earlier in the report that in July 2016, Wikileaks began disseminating emails stolen from the DNC.

"A few days later, the U.S. intelligence community assessed with 'high confidence' that the Russian government had orchestrated the hack of these emails.

"Within a week of that release, a foreign government informed the FBI that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, told a representative of their government that Russia had offered to 'assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.'

"Mueller states that this information 'is contained in the case-opening document and related materials.'

"This means that it was these facts, not the Steele Dossier, which raised an open question on whether Russia had attempted or was trying to attempt to coordinate with members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and led to the official opening of an investigation."

That would be fine and dandy if it were true. However evidence shows that the hack was not a hack at all, but an inside job.

If the computers were hacked, it would have recorded a download from the hacker. The computers didn't show that. What happened is somebody stole that material without downloading it which means it was an inside job; something Trump was nohow capable of performing. Kind of like putting it on a jump drive or somethings like that which would not have been recorded.

That fits in well with the fact that the DNC refused to let the FBI examine those computers. Instead, they provided a "mirror image" and had a private company that they paid for look at the computers instead.

The Big Lie About ‘Russian’ ‘Hacking’ – Ray McGovern
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.
Right, but I mean, the letter after that created a bunch of confusion, and even his report didnt really stop the debate. I guess in just looking for something concrete, so the final question can be answered to everyoned satisfaction, and we can move forward.

Well you're never going to find that no matter who testifies or what they say, because Obstruction is subjective. You can charge just about anybody for obstruction in cases like this, but that doesn't mean it was.

What we do know by Mueller's report is that Trump (nor any American) colluded or participated in espionage with the Russians. So why would Trump obstruct an investigation he knew would find no wrong doing on his part? I mean, if the cops thought you robbed a bank and you were out of town when that bank got robbed, why would you not be totally honest and comply with their investigation? Why would you interfere in it?
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I think we will soon find out that not only did Barr do that (the equivalent of firing Mueller) but Rosenstein may have blocked Mueller from getting financial records from Deutsche Bank

The second should have been reported to Congress a.d probably the first
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.

Funny. For the umpteenth time - he wasn't allowed to charge Trump according to DOJ policy. Stop repeating the same lying bullshit.

That's debatable. However he could have made recommendations to Congress to charge Trump with obstruction which he did not. Instead, he said they should decide on their own if that's the way they want to do it.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I think we will soon find out that not only did Barr do that (the equivalent of firing Mueller) but Rosenstein may have blocked Mueller from getting financial records from Deutsche Bank

The second should have been reported to Congress a.d probably the first

Only a FOOL would think either one of these accusations are remotely true. Seriously, there's no way such events would not have been leaked from somebody in the Mueller camp if not Mueller himself, and the hue and cry from the Dems would have been enormous. No - this is bullshit, and by continuing this ridiculous nonsense the Dems are not making themselves look good to the independents out there that usually decide who wins.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.

And the coping process continues. Demand something you're sure will eliminate Trump from your lives. When you don't get it immediately, complain that it's being withheld. When you do get it, complain something's wrong with it, that somebody lied about it. When there's nothing wrong with it, complain about the people who gave it to you. At each stage, confidently assert that of you just get the next thing you're demanding, the world will be right and everything will be back where it should be. The nightmare of being reminded every day that Hillary has been defeated multiple times in her quest for the White House with finally be over.

Never, and this means never, admit that there's really nothing there that will give you what you want.
If the question is answered under oath will the op believe the answer or run around screaming liar liar impeach and persecute?

If Mueller didn't give them what they want, they will turn on him.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.

Funny. For the umpteenth time - he wasn't allowed to charge Trump according to DOJ policy. Stop repeating the same lying bullshit.
Well, we dont know that is why he decided not to charge trump. That's the question I want answered. Did he refrain because of doj policy, or because he didnt think there was enough to make a charge.

This has already been answered. Trump was not charged because Mueller didn't think there was sufficient evidence to support the charge. It had nothing to do with any DOJ policy about charging a sitting president.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.
Right, but I mean, the letter after that created a bunch of confusion, and even his report didnt really stop the debate. I guess in just looking for something concrete, so the final question can be answered to everyoned satisfaction, and we can move forward.

I'm responding to your post twice because I dug up the "potential" obstruction of justice considerations. Read them yourself and tell me which one you believe was actually obstructing justice. Most of it is hearsay; he said--she said, but what the overall list shows is just how fragile the charge of obstruction can be, and why Mueller couldn't come to the conclusion that obstruction was concrete.

11 Areas of Obstruction of Justice Mueller Investigated
We don't yet know if Barr stifled the investigation. Hopefully Mueller will tell us.

Stifled it how?
They agreed on the redactions.

Who said they "agreed on the redactions"? Mueller disagreed with Barr's redactions.


Duh, try reading Mueller's letter to Barr. It's on your computer machine.

Humor me. Quote the relevant portion.
Mueller ended it in order to run and hide

He saw how the American men have stayed strong for trump and he knows what that means

Also trump added more power. Barr

And he has to run and hide when the real investigations gets going

Barr should take his passport now to keep him from fleeing
The Mueller investigation was just a diversionary tactic to prevent anyone from finding out about all the lawlessness and corruption within Obama's DOJ. They already killed 2 1/2 years of the Trump Presidency. Now they will turn their attention to discrediting everything about Barr, kill off the next year and a half, and pray that a Democrat gets elected President. May justice be served and the truth be known.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
There, there, now :itsok: you'll get the answers to your questions
But, in the meantime, Why don't you slip into
something more comfortable...LIKE A COMA!

That's what I think!

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