Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?

Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
And Mueller's footnotes may provide some fresh perspective on the Steele Dossier's role in launching the investigation of Donald Trump:

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Volume I

"Footnote 465

"This footnote addresses a question that has been raised time and again, and which was echoed by Attorney General William Barr in his testimony to Congress on April 10: What was the basis, or predicate, for the Russia investigation?

The White House has claimed that the investigation was based on the 'Steele Dossier,' an intelligence report compiled by a former British spy and financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which alleged that there were ties between Trump and the Kremlin.

"But in this footnote, Mueller explains the sequence and timing of events that gave rise to a credible threat to national security, warranting an investigation.

"First, Mueller notes earlier in the report that in July 2016, Wikileaks began disseminating emails stolen from the DNC.

"A few days later, the U.S. intelligence community assessed with 'high confidence' that the Russian government had orchestrated the hack of these emails.

"Within a week of that release, a foreign government informed the FBI that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, told a representative of their government that Russia had offered to 'assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.'

"Mueller states that this information 'is contained in the case-opening document and related materials.'

"This means that it was these facts, not the Steele Dossier, which raised an open question on whether Russia had attempted or was trying to attempt to coordinate with members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and led to the official opening of an investigation."

That would be fine and dandy if it were true. However evidence shows that the hack was not a hack at all, but an inside job.

If the computers were hacked, it would have recorded a download from the hacker. The computers didn't show that. What happened is somebody stole that material without downloading it which means it was an inside job; something Trump was nohow capable of performing. Kind of like putting it on a jump drive or somethings like that which would not have been recorded.

That fits in well with the fact that the DNC refused to let the FBI examine those computers. Instead, they provided a "mirror image" and had a private company that they paid for look at the computers instead.

The Big Lie About ‘Russian’ ‘Hacking’ – Ray McGovern
That would be fine and dandy if it were true. However evidence shows that the hack was not a hack at all, but an inside job.
On what date did this specific hack/leak occur?

Democratic National Committee cyber attacks - Wikipedia

"On January 25, 2018 Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant and TV program Nieuwsuur reported that in 2014 the Dutch Intelligence agency General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) successfully infiltrated the computers of Cozy Bear and observed the hacking of the head office of the DNC and subsequently The White House and were the first to alert the National Security Agency about the cyber-intrusion.[22]

"'Cozy Bear' had access to DNC systems since the summer of 2015; and 'Fancy Bear', since April 2016.

"There was no evidence of collaboration or knowledge of the other's presence within the system.

"Rather, the 'two Russian espionage groups compromised the same systems and engaged separately in the theft of identical credentials'.[4][19][23]

"'Cozy Bear' employed the 'Sea Daddy' implant and an obfuscated PowerShell script as a backdoor, launching malicious code at various times and in various DNC systems.

"'Fancy Bear' employed X Agent malware, which enabled distant command execution, transmissions of files and keylogging, as well as the 'X-Tunnel' malware.

"DNC leaders became aware of the compromise in April 2016."

The Tweets Trump Doesn’t Want You To See
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I think we will soon find out that not only did Barr do that (the equivalent of firing Mueller) but Rosenstein may have blocked Mueller from getting financial records from Deutsche Bank

The second should have been reported to Congress a.d probably the first
I think we will soon find out that not only did Barr do that (the equivalent of firing Mueller) but Rosenstein may have blocked Mueller from getting financial records from Deutsche Bank
If Mueller was barred from using Trump's financial documents, his investigation of "collusion" was seriously limited, since any coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian agents would likely have taken place through preexisting "money laundering" channels; in any event, there's no shortage of ongoing investigations into the Trump Crime Family:

Trump’s World Still Faces 16 Known Criminal Probes

"1. The 2016 Russian election attack
2. Wikileaks
3. Middle Eastern influence
4. Paul Manafort’s activities
5. The Trump Tower Moscow project
6. Russia-Trump Campaign contacts
7. Presidential obstruction of jusice
8. Campaign finance violations and Trump Organization finances
9. Inauguration funding
10. SuperPAC funding
11. Foreign lobbying violations
12. Russian spy Maria Butina
13. Russian Internet Research Agency accountant Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova
14. Turkish influence
15. Trump Organization tax fraud
16. Trump Foundation fraud
17. Violations of the emoluments clause"
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
Can’t make this up
I'm waiting a bit to see how this all turns out.

However, listening to the Dems as of late, it kinda looks like there might be an impeachment for Barr.
Why? Because he’s a republican? Because he’s the attorney general and he lied to Congress? That’s a crime that you could go to jail over for three years.
I'm waiting a bit to see how this all turns out.

However, listening to the Dems as of late, it kinda looks like there might be an impeachment for Barr.
Why? Because he’s a republican? Because he’s the attorney general and he lied to Congress? That’s a crime that you could go to jail over for three years.

Then why was Hillary allowed to run for President instead of serving her time in jail?
But But...HILLARY!!


Barr has lied to Congress and Obstructed Justice and he has let it be known that he will continue to do so at an accelerated rate.

Of note. There were 14 investigations referred to other DOJ offices (that Barr can and probably is obstructing).

Can anyone name the subjects?


Mueller will get to testify soon enough, but it will be the IG or Barr's people asking the questions. Then we'll see some squirming.
Nothing to squirm over. Mueller was a duly appointed investigator.

Any attack on him is an attack on the rule of law

This ain't Russia, Vlad
Go Mueller!

And when he says nothing that's not already in the report? No screeching that he's in cahoots with Barr and Trump?

We haven't seen the unredacted report and supporting evidence.

And why should you, when it contains sensitive and personal information that you have no standing to see? You know very well that, had Barr released it unredacted, you would be screeching about it.
Go Mueller!

And when he says nothing that's not already in the report? No screeching that he's in cahoots with Barr and Trump?

We haven't seen the unredacted report and supporting evidence.

And why should you, when it contains sensitive and personal information that you have no standing to see? You know very well that, had Barr released it unredacted, you would be screeching about it.

Why hasn't Barr released it to Congress?

As well as the things done to trigger Mueller's 2 year long extravaganza.

Trump in bed with Putin triggered it.

Which we know is false, by the report. Now the opposition research used to trigger spying, that needs to be investigated. The tapping of Trump's phones, that needs to be investigated. The collusion between Hillary's campaign and Ukraine, that needs to be investigated. I agree, there's a lot we don't know, and need to.
Go Mueller!

And when he says nothing that's not already in the report? No screeching that he's in cahoots with Barr and Trump?

We haven't seen the unredacted report and supporting evidence.

And why should you, when it contains sensitive and personal information that you have no standing to see? You know very well that, had Barr released it unredacted, you would be screeching about it.

Why hasn't Barr released it to Congress?

He has. There is a copy available for perusal to those with the clearance to see it. It's not his responsibility that they have refused to do so.
Go Mueller!

And when he says nothing that's not already in the report? No screeching that he's in cahoots with Barr and Trump?

We haven't seen the unredacted report and supporting evidence.

And why should you, when it contains sensitive and personal information that you have no standing to see? You know very well that, had Barr released it unredacted, you would be screeching about it.

Why hasn't Barr released it to Congress?

He has. There is a copy available for perusal to those with the clearance to see it. It's not his responsibility that they have refused to do so.

No, idiot, that's only a less redacted version - without the supporting evidence.

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