Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.

Nobody brought the question up except the clown in the article of the OP. In other words, it was purely made up.

But even if Barr did, that's his business; that's his job. The investigation was started without any evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part, and it went on for well over 2 years. So if Barr did stop it, I say good for him. And if he stopped it, he did nothing wrong.

Actually, the OP is my original question which I have been pondering. When I finally decided to post a thread about it - I searched the Internet to see if there was an article about it. Sure enough - there was.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.

Nobody brought the question up except the clown in the article of the OP. In other words, it was purely made up.

But even if Barr did, that's his business; that's his job. The investigation was started without any evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part, and it went on for well over 2 years. So if Barr did stop it, I say good for him. And if he stopped it, he did nothing wrong.

Actually, the OP is my original question which I have been pondering. When I finally decided to post a thread about it - I searched the Internet to see if there was an article about it. Sure enough - there was.
When I was a little boy, I once stayed awake all night pondering where the sun went at night. Then it dawned on me.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?

Hmmm, is there a completed mueller report? Why yes, yes there is. Are you a sentient creature? Hmmm, the jury is out on that.

That doesn't answer the OP question. We don't know if it was "completed". We don't yet know whether Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. There remains many unanswered questions.

Nobody brought the question up except the clown in the article of the OP. In other words, it was purely made up.

But even if Barr did, that's his business; that's his job. The investigation was started without any evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part, and it went on for well over 2 years. So if Barr did stop it, I say good for him. And if he stopped it, he did nothing wrong.

Actually, the OP is my original question which I have been pondering. When I finally decided to post a thread about it - I searched the Internet to see if there was an article about it. Sure enough - there was.

Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."

Wanna bet nutter?
Sure....what are the stakes?....little duper....

If a conviction happens I leave board if not ewe do!
No way...the swamp does not have the guts to convict the first black president...how about if it is proven out of court that Obama did order his justice heads to spy on Trump's campaign and others and they lied to the FISA court to get a warrant...you leave for good...if not I will...and we will know this when Trump releases the FISA applications...

Ewe fucking pussy, just like your Orange God/King ewe spew shit then run like the little bitch the both of ewe are, dismissed nutter!
You need to go back to school and learn English.....but until that time President Donald J Trump is your daddy bitch......live it love it learn it.....

He is your God/King, to most of the rest of us he is a parasite. Learn it, love it wallow in it! Nutter slug.
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
You loons said the economy was going to crash. Must suck to be you.
No they were going to crash it, but they were dealing with Trump the spoiler president.. lol
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?
Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?
That's not the most relevant concern; how much of the information contained in the dossier is sufficiently useful and accurate to allow Democrats and the FBI figure out what was going on between Russian hackers and the 2016 Trump campaign?

Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"

" There is abundant evidence that Trump entered into a quid pro quo conspiracy with Russia, trading dirt and dollars for sanctions relief and other policy considerations."

"But it’s unclear whether Mueller has certainty that he’d have an 85% chance of winning convictions, which is around what he’d need to convince DOJ to charge it.

"There is also abundant evidence that Trump and others obstructed the investigation, but charging Trump in that presents
constitutional questions."

Report: Dutch Spies Caught Russian Hackers on Tape
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?

Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
How can that be when Trump got rid of Obama's economy regulations?

Why is that so funny, Lakhota? It's the truth, it isn't the Obama economy,
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

The economy is doing phenomenal! Americans are prospering. So why do you want to put an end to it? Is it because you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans? It sure seems like it.

Trump is just riding President Obama's economy. Trump just artificially juiced it with massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deregulation. Plus, Trump is skyrocketing the national debt. There will be a day of reckoning.
How can that be when Trump got rid of Obama's economy regulations?

Duh, is that like a Zen riddle...?
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?

Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
Then the only fair thing to do is to lock them all up, Democrats and neocons too.
Following the money continues as Individual-1 says "I never did anything wrong"


"So far, the release of transcripts of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s interviews with the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees have provided rich detail to obsessives but few major headlines for the average reader.

"The interviews give some more clarity on how Fusion came to investigate Donald Trump; who was paying the company; and how it gathered information, but they offer much help in assessing the Trump dossier.

"Perhaps the most interesting thread is Simpson’s suggestion that the Trump Organization could have been used by Russians to launder money—an arrangement that would have both allowed Kremlin-linked figures to scrub cash and would have created possible blackmail material over the now-president, since the Russian government would be aware that a crime had been committed."


Are we still wondering who paid for the dossier?

Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
Well, we know Republicans started the dossier investigation and paid for the first part of it. After they dropped out - the Democrats took it over and paid for the completion.
And Mueller's footnotes may provide some fresh perspective on the Steele Dossier's role in launching the investigation of Donald Trump:

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Volume I

"Footnote 465

"This footnote addresses a question that has been raised time and again, and which was echoed by Attorney General William Barr in his testimony to Congress on April 10: What was the basis, or predicate, for the Russia investigation?

The White House has claimed that the investigation was based on the 'Steele Dossier,' an intelligence report compiled by a former British spy and financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which alleged that there were ties between Trump and the Kremlin.

"But in this footnote, Mueller explains the sequence and timing of events that gave rise to a credible threat to national security, warranting an investigation.

"First, Mueller notes earlier in the report that in July 2016, Wikileaks began disseminating emails stolen from the DNC.

"A few days later, the U.S. intelligence community assessed with 'high confidence' that the Russian government had orchestrated the hack of these emails.

"Within a week of that release, a foreign government informed the FBI that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, told a representative of their government that Russia had offered to 'assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.'

"Mueller states that this information 'is contained in the case-opening document and related materials.'

"This means that it was these facts, not the Steele Dossier, which raised an open question on whether Russia had attempted or was trying to attempt to coordinate with members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and led to the official opening of an investigation."
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.

Funny. For the umpteenth time - he wasn't allowed to charge Trump according to DOJ policy. Stop repeating the same lying bullshit.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.
Right, but I mean, the letter after that created a bunch of confusion, and even his report didnt really stop the debate. I guess in just looking for something concrete, so the final question can be answered to everyoned satisfaction, and we can move forward.
We don't know. I look forward to Mueller answering that question under oath. What do you think?

Did Barr shutter the Mueller probe?
I'm waiting to see what Mueller says. I'm wondering if his testimony will answer questions, or create more. Kind of like his report...

What I mean by that is, we need answers that are concrete and leave no doubt. After his report, people still were debating the report and nobody could agree. I'd like to see him leave the chambers with no doubt left in peoples minds. Did he think trump was guilty or not.

He didn't try to charge Trump with anything, so apparently not.

Funny. For the umpteenth time - he wasn't allowed to charge Trump according to DOJ policy. Stop repeating the same lying bullshit.
Well, we dont know that is why he decided not to charge trump. That's the question I want answered. Did he refrain because of doj policy, or because he didnt think there was enough to make a charge.

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