Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

I don't know and I don't care. I don't believe anything he says or his administration says.

If he told me it was raining outside I'd have to look out the window and see for myself.

He and his administration lie on a hourly basis about everything. He even lies when there is nothing to be gained, just lies to tell a lie.
So you be wrong
Wrong about what? There were 20.5 million who lost their jobs when the shutdown began under Trump. 11.1 million came back leaving 9.4 million unemployed workers. Now, Biden claims 13 million got jobs since he's been Brandon. That means his net gain is only 3.6 million in which most are part-time second jobs. You are math challenged too?
I wonder how many of these new jobs are people having to take on a second job to afford the necessities Biden has drove the price of up. More people needing two jobs to make ends meet isn’t the brag Biden and his supporters think it is
There have been fewer second job holders now than during the Trump years.
There have been fewer second job holders now than during the Trump years.
Such a dumb statement. The average job Trump brought to the people was $180,000/yr. Does that sound like part-time? The fact is, after the 2008 debacle, Obama brought back almost all part-time jobs and very few full-time jobs. So, Trump inherited a bunch of part-time workers. He brought many corporations back the U.S. and with that, full-time jobs. Get your facts straight. Oh wait! Democrats don't care about facts.
I view the matter exactly the same as I did when Trump and his supporters were gushing about record GDP growth back in 3rd quarter of 2020. One would be rather insincere not to.

You can long up, since it is your allegation with no proof. :)
I see you don’t understand the difference between asking a question and making a statement.

But here you go here is an article from earlier this year saying the number of people who need two jobs to make ends meet is higher now that it was in the Trump pre pandemic years. You’re welcome now that I’ve made you a smarter person than you were
Such a dumb statement. The average job Trump brought to the people was $180,000/yr. Does that sound like part-time? The fact is, after the 2008 debacle, Obama brought back almost all part-time jobs and very few full-time jobs. So, Trump inherited a bunch of part-time workers. He brought many corporations back the U.S. and with that, full-time jobs. Get your facts straight. Oh wait! Democrats don't care about facts.
Hmmmm. The average was 180 grand? Like every other potus this figure is over inflated by those corrupt ones making Uber money. One corrupt millionaire offsets many 50 thousand dollar wage earners.
Don't need to prove anything. Every potus inflates job numbers. Wages are lagging. It's time to ramp them up.
  • Since Biden was elected
  • The economy added 15.2 million jobs. The number is now nearly 6 million higher than before the pandemic.
And there was never a guarantee that the "returning jobs" were going to come back.

Biden BROUGHT them back and added 6 million more

Math isn't your strong point. By the time Trump left office, there were still 9.4 million jobs lost due to the pandemic. Biden says he added 13 million jobs since taking office. So, the true number of jobs Biden added is 3.6 million. The other 9.4 million were jobs that people came back to after losing their jobs by the Fauci - China virus. Where do you get 15 million? Also, most of the 9.4 million jobs ended up not full time either. Just like Obama, the jobs Biden brought were part-time second and third jobs to make ends meet. Especially since you have the inflation subtracted from their incomes. Blacks real income is down by $12,000 a year.

Love how Republicans use COVID as an excuse for Trump losing 3 million total jobs

But they don’t allow Biden to use COVID as an excuse for inflation and higher gas prices
  • Since Biden was elected
  • The economy added 15.2 million jobs. The number is now nearly 6 million higher than before the pandemic.
And there was never a guarantee that the "returning jobs" were going to come back.

Biden BROUGHT them back and added 6 million more

Many businesses shut down permanently and never returned
Wrong about what? There were 20.5 million who lost their jobs when the shutdown began under Trump. 11.1 million came back leaving 9.4 million unemployed workers. Now, Biden claims 13 million got jobs since he's been Brandon. That means his net gain is only 3.6 million in which most are part-time second jobs. You are math challenged too?

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