Did Biden Even Win the Primaries ?

They will get their butts kicked just like they did in 1865

The Blue States have the economic power in this country. The Red States can’t survive without their support
Nonsense. We just had a 33.1% GDP growth (3rd quarter of 2020). Largest (by far) in US history. All from the red states. Blue states were locked down.
Trump is the one who tried to steal the election and trample on democracy.
This shows the dishonesty of Democrats. We see it again & again. Democrats can't be trusted. Very few of them are admitting that it was a landslide win for Trump, and an avalanche of cheating for Biden. America must note their complicity in the theft, and remember it.
Yes like the very level headed Tulsi Gabbard...the dems were scared to death of her...because she is honest....
She's the only one of them that is. Her and Vernon Jones of Georgia. All the rest have thrown in with the thieves. And some RINOs too,
While all Americans (other than left media dupe-robots) know the 2020 general election was stolen by election officials, judges, and politicians all in cahoots for Biden, what about the primaries ? I recall most people being quite surprised at the strong primary results in favor of Biden. People were saying > "One minute he's a gaffe machine joke, who can't remember what day it is, and the next, he's winning elections. What's going on here ?"

Nobody then was talking about fraud, or ballots, or Dominion machines. It seemed like the fraud focus began with Republican poll watchers being obstructed from watching vote counting. But last Spring, during the primaries, there WERE NO Republican poll watchers in those elections, so if there were any fraud going on, it could have been kept hidden much more so than now.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Biden had both the primaries and the general election set up for him, with the Chinese fraud machines, together with the various other vote twisting methods.

Right after the Iowa caucus shenanigans I told you guys that the Democratic nomination was rigged for Biden.
Biden lost Iowa
Democrats put their political ambitions aside and United their forces to defeat Trump

It paid off
Democrats put their honor and integrity aside, and United their fraud methods to defeat Trump

It paid off.
It s Republicans attempting to overthrow a Constitutional election, Republicans protecting a corrupt President
Trump needs to learn that 82 million votes is the most EVER against a sitting President
232 Electoral votes does not beat 306 EVs
Biden got about 20 million actual votes. The rest were manufactured for him.

No sitting President has ever had 82 million people tell him.....Get the Hell Out!
While all Americans (other than left media dupe-robots) know the 2020 general election was stolen by election officials, judges, and politicians all in cahoots for Biden, what about the primaries ? I recall most people being quite surprised at the strong primary results in favor of Biden. People were saying > "One minute he's a gaffe machine joke, who can't remember what day it is, and the next, he's winning elections. What's going on here ?"

Nobody then was talking about fraud, or ballots, or Dominion machines. It seemed like the fraud focus began with Republican poll watchers being obstructed from watching vote counting. But last Spring, during the primaries, there WERE NO Republican poll watchers in those elections, so if there were any fraud going on, it could have been kept hidden much more so than now.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Biden had both the primaries and the general election set up for him, with the Chinese fraud machines, together with the various other vote twisting methods.

Right after the Iowa caucus shenanigans I told you guys that the Democratic nomination was rigged for Biden.
Biden lost Iowa
That wasn't a factor in my astute and accurate analysis. There was obvious corruption and Biden was the candidate who had the people to pull it off. Later he confessed that he had Obama's voter fraud organization working for him.
While all Americans (other than left media dupe-robots) know the 2020 general election was stolen by election officials, judges, and politicians all in cahoots for Biden, what about the primaries ? I recall most people being quite surprised at the strong primary results in favor of Biden. People were saying > "One minute he's a gaffe machine joke, who can't remember what day it is, and the next, he's winning elections. What's going on here ?"

Nobody then was talking about fraud, or ballots, or Dominion machines. It seemed like the fraud focus began with Republican poll watchers being obstructed from watching vote counting. But last Spring, during the primaries, there WERE NO Republican poll watchers in those elections, so if there were any fraud going on, it could have been kept hidden much more so than now.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Biden had both the primaries and the general election set up for him, with the Chinese fraud machines, together with the various other vote twisting methods.

Right after the Iowa caucus shenanigans I told you guys that the Democratic nomination was rigged for Biden.
Biden lost Iowa
That wasn't a factor in my astute and accurate analysis. There was obvious corruption and Biden was the candidate who had the people to pull it off. Later he confessed that he had Obama's voter fraud organization working for him.
Why would Biden pull off a “fraud” that he came in third?
While all Americans (other than left media dupe-robots) know the 2020 general election was stolen by election officials, judges, and politicians all in cahoots for Biden, what about the primaries ? I recall most people being quite surprised at the strong primary results in favor of Biden. People were saying > "One minute he's a gaffe machine joke, who can't remember what day it is, and the next, he's winning elections. What's going on here ?"

Nobody then was talking about fraud, or ballots, or Dominion machines. It seemed like the fraud focus began with Republican poll watchers being obstructed from watching vote counting. But last Spring, during the primaries, there WERE NO Republican poll watchers in those elections, so if there were any fraud going on, it could have been kept hidden much more so than now.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Biden had both the primaries and the general election set up for him, with the Chinese fraud machines, together with the various other vote twisting methods.

Right after the Iowa caucus shenanigans I told you guys that the Democratic nomination was rigged for Biden.
Biden lost Iowa
That wasn't a factor in my astute and accurate analysis. There was obvious corruption and Biden was the candidate who had the people to pull it off. Later he confessed that he had Obama's voter fraud organization working for him.
Why would Biden pull off a “fraud” that he came in third?
Biden is in. Talk is cheap.
Not yet. The media doesn't elect US presidents.
The electoral college does. And it has spoken. Trump cannot steal the election.

You forget the kraken pipe these poor souls are smoking. They've been told that that on January 6th congress will refuse to seat Biden's electors and will instead seat Trump's. Never you mind that Trump's electors weren't selected by the 306 electoral votes worth of States that Biden won....but Biden's electors were.

Or, that this nonsense needing BOTH the House and Senate to pull off. And them being unable to secure the number they need in either.

You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
While all Americans (other than left media dupe-robots) know the 2020 general election was stolen by election officials, judges, and politicians all in cahoots for Biden, what about the primaries ? I recall most people being quite surprised at the strong primary results in favor of Biden. People were saying > "One minute he's a gaffe machine joke, who can't remember what day it is, and the next, he's winning elections. What's going on here ?"

Nobody then was talking about fraud, or ballots, or Dominion machines. It seemed like the fraud focus began with Republican poll watchers being obstructed from watching vote counting. But last Spring, during the primaries, there WERE NO Republican poll watchers in those elections, so if there were any fraud going on, it could have been kept hidden much more so than now.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Biden had both the primaries and the general election set up for him, with the Chinese fraud machines, together with the various other vote twisting methods.
You forget the kraken pipe these poor souls are smoking. They've been told that that on January 6th congress will refuse to seat Biden's electors and will instead seat Trump's. Never you mind that Trump's electors weren't selected by the 306 electoral votes worth of States that Biden won....but Biden's electors were.

Or, that this nonsense needing BOTH the House and Senate to pull off. And them being unable to secure the number they need in either.

You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Did somebody say something about "evidence" ? Perhaps they might examine THIS EVIDENCE, well worth thinking about >>

Bill Barr Has Resigned, Kamala Harris Has Not, & Other Signs That Point to Trump Being Reelected - League of Power (globallibertynews.com)

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