Did CNN do it on purpose?

Was the whole thing engineered to made Joe Biden look bad so they could push the "Democrats in disarray" narrative?

We now CNNs opinion department has been leaning right for a while now.

I don't think this is outside the realm of the possible.

They defended this senile fuckstain for almost 4 years. They set up the rules specifically to hurt Trump, but they miscalculated how one rule would force Trump to behave... the mic cutting thing. Bidens team set the rules up, so complain to them man.
CNN is showing indications of preparing to move right to be proactive on keeping ahead of the curve.

Watch them closely. Their maneuvers are more telling than any of the polls. They were approaching 'fair and balanced' after the debate but Biden's strong response to his clusterfk debate performance has sort of stopped CNN dead for now at least.

Big corporations understand that there are billions of dollars resting on them remaining politically popular.

Watch closely!
Was the whole thing engineered to made Joe Biden look bad so they could push the "Democrats in disarray" narrative?

We now CNNs opinion department has been leaning right for a while now.

I don't think this is outside the realm of the possible.

OMG this thread is classic! "Right Leaning CNN makes Biden look Bad". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stop it you're killin me man!!! :laughing0301:
OMG this thread is classic! "Right Leaning CNN makes Biden look Bad". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stop it you're killin me man!!! :laughing0301:
The media is on the edge of deserting Biden and that will be the mother of all disasters for the Biden cause.
This too could be enough motivation for the CIA to take control of the Trump situation.

Trump's convictions are more than just symbolic strikes against him. They can become the CIA's ace in the hole against Trump's legitimacy to run for Biden's job.
CNN is on the MAGA Team now!!
No, not quite yet, but they're going to be safe and play the middle, until (if) it becomes obvious.

But still, they too are aware that government won't allow Trump.

There are two winning sides in America's future but neither include Trump. It is written.
Was the whole thing engineered to made Joe Biden look bad so they could push the "Democrats in disarray" narrative?

We now CNNs opinion department has been leaning right for a while now.

I don't think this is outside the realm of the possible.


Was the whole thing engineered to made Joe Biden look bad so they could push the "Democrats in disarray" narrative?

We now CNNs opinion department has been leaning right for a while now.

I don't think this is outside the realm of the possible.

This whole debate was Biden's idea! Or whoever has usurped the Presidency in lieu of Biden.

Remember the 16 jumpcut 10 second challenge Biden recorded?

That might explain all the jumpcuts...maybe he didn't know what he was recording.

But here it is anyway.

You want to know who set up Joe Biden? It was either Joe Biden or the Defacto President, whoever that is.

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