Did Cooter bring down Eric Cantor?

You'd have thought this would have woken his sorry ass up....The best part is towards the end, around 2:45 minutes in.

"Published on May 12, 2014
Eric Cantor gave about a 5 minute speech at the 7th District Convention - His HOME DISTRICT. About half of his speech was interrupted with Boos and heckles as Cantor complained about various things or told falsehoods. The crowd was 100% Republican. And the net result was Cantor's 7th District Chairman was defeated in favor of a Conservative Republican Fred Gruber. This doe not look well for the Cantor reelection effort.""""


That is a common practice with TeaTards. Didn't you see the Healthcare Town Meetings in 2009? Only takes a couple to disrupt a meeting

Only the far right wingnuts thought Ayn Rand was a hero. But the right wingers closer to center hated she was an atheist. Now that David Brat beat Cantor, they will take a closer look at him. He went into divinity school and came out a huge fan of atheist Ayn Rand. And he condemns banks with high interest rates. That should piss off business. More and more it looks like "anyone but Cantor". And that's just what they got.
Meh, he's just gonna pull a Lieberman and get re-elected as an independent anyway.

Virginia has a Sore Loser law that prevents him from running as an independent
You'd have thought this would have woken his sorry ass up....The best part is towards the end, around 2:45 minutes in.

"Published on May 12, 2014
Eric Cantor gave about a 5 minute speech at the 7th District Convention - His HOME DISTRICT. About half of his speech was interrupted with Boos and heckles as Cantor complained about various things or told falsehoods. The crowd was 100% Republican. And the net result was Cantor's 7th District Chairman was defeated in favor of a Conservative Republican Fred Gruber. This doe not look well for the Cantor reelection effort.""""


That is a common practice with TeaTards. Didn't you see the Healthcare Town Meetings in 2009? Only takes a couple to disrupt a meeting

Only the far right wingnuts thought Ayn Rand was a hero. But the right wingers closer to center hated she was an atheist. Now that David Brat beat Cantor, they will take a closer look at him. He went into divinity school and came out a huge fan of atheist Ayn Rand. And he condemns banks with high interest rates. That should piss off business. More and more it looks like "anyone but Cantor". And that's just what they got.

They will get another candidate unwilling to govern
I have a thought...
Everybody went to vote for anybody but a Republican and the non-Republican won.

On the other hand, Conservatives always bitch that they want self-made people in office and an Academian won.
Oh, the irony!
Why are lefties so concerned about Cantor's defeat in the primary? Most sane voters on both sides of the aisle who aren't motivated by hatred or bigotry would like to shake up the political establishment in Washington just to let them know the constituents care about the issues. The Tea Party shook up the establishment politicians big time and everybody should thank them for it. Democrats and libertarians keep whining about the system. Why don't they get off their dead asses and do something about it?
Why are lefties so concerned about Cantor's defeat in the primary? Most sane voters on both sides of the aisle who aren't motivated by hatred or bigotry would like to shake up the political establishment in Washington just to let them know the constituents care about the issues. The Tea Party shook up the establishment politicians big time and everybody should thank them for it. Democrats and libertarians keep whining about the system. Why don't they get off their dead asses and do something about it?

Because Dems suffer from a political version of the 'Stockholm Syndrome' as they are held captive by the far left.
Why are lefties so concerned about Cantor's defeat in the primary? Most sane voters on both sides of the aisle who aren't motivated by hatred or bigotry would like to shake up the political establishment in Washington just to let them know the constituents care about the issues. The Tea Party shook up the establishment politicians big time and everybody should thank them for it. Democrats and libertarians keep whining about the system. Why don't they get off their dead asses and do something about it?

Because Dems suffer from a political version of the 'Stockholm Syndrome' as they are held captive by the far left.

Not true. Republicans make the mistake of thinking the Democrats are a party run by a small group of, what? That's never been clear. The fact is the Democratic Party is a very broad coalition of blacks, Asians, Hispanics, whites, rich, poor, atheist, religious and on and on. With Cantor out, Republicans in the house are now 100% Christian. I don't know if they have even a single black, or gay, or Muslim, or........well, you know.

It's easy to lead such a party like the GOP. Just scare them. Make them feel threatened. Think about it. Every single issue that is important to the GOP is based in fear.
Why are lefties so concerned about Cantor's defeat in the primary? Most sane voters on both sides of the aisle who aren't motivated by hatred or bigotry would like to shake up the political establishment in Washington just to let them know the constituents care about the issues. The Tea Party shook up the establishment politicians big time and everybody should thank them for it. Democrats and libertarians keep whining about the system. Why don't they get off their dead asses and do something about it?

Because Dems suffer from a political version of the 'Stockholm Syndrome' as they are held captive by the far left.

Kinda like GOP's "Stockholm Syndrome" while being held captive by the Tea Party. No?
Pretty much a sad state of the two major parties and worse yet for the largest segment of the voting public, the centralists.
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I still think Cantor got ambushed by the Dems

Polls have a margin for error but the swing with Cantor was close to 40%. Something happened behind the scenes and it wasn't voter disgust

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