did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

Of course not. But this wasn't a legal gun. It was an illegal 30 round magazine, you idiot.
None of us know that.

It could very well have been a fake empty prop.
It was presented as real.

Oh. My. God. A prop on TV presented as real?? Surely that's never happened before.

What about George H.W. Bush and his bag of crack?

This is the silliest thread going on right now bar none. Desperation meter pegged.
Wow, all this but hurt over "Meet the Press"...

Because LaPierre got caught foaming at the mouth like Old Yeller...

when someone is shaking a 30 rnd magazine in the manner gregory was...who's foaming at the mouth like a baby calf with pneumonia.
Wow, all this but hurt over "Meet the Press"...

Because LaPierre got caught foaming at the mouth like Old Yeller...

when someone is shaking a 30 rnd magazine in the manner gregory was...who's foaming at the mouth like a baby calf with pneumonia.

actually, it was this guy....

Gregory is probably realizing how stupid the ban is by now. If not, he will if or when he gets tossed in jail.
Gregory is probably realizing how stupid the ban is by now. If not, he will if or when he gets tossed in jail.

I don't think the ATF is going to get right on that. Nor do I think anyone else with a brain will.
It's truly dumbfounding, the depths to which the gun nuts will go to silence voices in an effort to control the dialogue...

Bob Costas should be "fired"...
Piers Morgan should be "deported"...
David Gregory should be "arrested"...

Anybody not see the pattern?
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The law in question is D.C. Official Code 7-2506.01, titled “DC High Capacity Ammunition Magazines.” It reads:

(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term large capacity ammunition feeding device shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
It's truly dumbfounding, the depths to which the gun nuts will go to silence voices in an effort to control the dialogue...

Bob Costas should be "fired"...
Piers Morgan should be "deported"...
David Gregory should be "arrested"...

Anybody not see the pattern?

Yeah yeah, blame everyone and anyone but the idiot who didnt even respect the laws he wants in place. You are such pitiful creatures.
It's truly dumbfounding, the depths to which the gun nuts will go to silence voices in an effort to control the dialogue...

Bob Costas should be "fired"...
Piers Morgan should be "deported"...
David Gregory should be "arrested"...

Anybody not see the pattern?

Yeah yeah, blame everyone and anyone but the idiot who didnt even respect the laws he wants in place. You are such pitiful creatures.

Wow:confused: - when I wrote "anyone not see the pattern" I thought it was a rhetorical question. Here's a guy who seems to volunteer that he actually doesn't see it.

It's peculiar how some of y'all want to jump all in front of the Second Amendment as Constitutionally sacrosanct, yet say absolutely nothing about this abuse of the First Amendment going on at the same time.

Even more interesting that the attacks on the First Amendment came before those of the Second, the same order as the Bill of Rights -- when Bob Costas put his commentary out on Sunday Night Football, two weeks before Newtown, he was immediately pounced upon with calls from the knee jerks for his firing, even though he said nothing about gun control or the Second Amendment. Even Rupert Murdoch can see that.

Hypocrisy is rampant.
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It's truly dumbfounding, the depths to which the gun nuts will go to silence voices in an effort to control the dialogue...

Bob Costas should be "fired"...
Piers Morgan should be "deported"...
David Gregory should be "arrested"...

Anybody not see the pattern?

Yeah yeah, blame everyone and anyone but the idiot who didnt even respect the laws he wants in place. You are such pitiful creatures.

Wow:confused: - when I wrote "anyone not see the pattern" I thought it was a rhetorical question. Here's a guy who seems to volunteer that he actually doesn't see it.

It's peculiar how some of y'all want to jump all in front of the Second Amendment as Constitutionally sacrosanct, yet say absolutely nothing about this abuse of the First Amendment going on at the same time.

Even more interesting that the attacks on the First Amendment came before those of the Second, the same order as the Bill of Rights -- when Bob Costas put his commentary out on Sunday Night Football, two weeks before Newtown, he was immediately pounced upon with calls from the knee jerks for his firing, even though he said nothing about gun control or the Second Amendment. Even Rupert Murdoch can see that.

Hypocrisy is rampant.

I see your opinión and your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. Come back with facts.
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No under the law possession is ownership.

If the Cop who legally owns it is sitting right off camera he is the owner.

Letting someone touch what he owns is NOT illeagal.....mmmmkay

Wrong again dumbass, The legal defintion of possession is having control of

POSSESSION. A person has possession of something if the person knows of its presence and has physical control of it,

There are two types of possession: actual possession and constructive possession.

Actual possession (or physical possession) means you have the item on your person.

Constructive possession is when the item is in an area you control, such as inside your car, or in a drawer in your house. This type of possession requires knowledge. This means you either knew or should have known you had the item.

Run along now, it's obvious you have absolutley nothing intelligent to add to this conversation.

I think the judge would accept the cops assertion that he was in possession of the clip you complete fucking partisan hack

If it was in the newscasters hands, and not in this mythical cop of yours hands, then the newscaster is in possesion of it and guilty and the cop is also guilty of giving the item to a person not legally allowed to posses it, you complete freaklng dumbass. THAT SON IS THE LAW. And cops are not exempt from following the law.
Wrong again dumbass, The legal defintion of possession is having control of

POSSESSION. A person has possession of something if the person knows of its presence and has physical control of it,

There are two types of possession: actual possession and constructive possession.

Actual possession (or physical possession) means you have the item on your person.

Constructive possession is when the item is in an area you control, such as inside your car, or in a drawer in your house. This type of possession requires knowledge. This means you either knew or should have known you had the item.

Run along now, it's obvious you have absolutley nothing intelligent to add to this conversation.

I think the judge would accept the cops assertion that he was in possession of the clip you complete fucking partisan hack

If it was in the newscasters hands, and not in this mythical cop of yours hands, then the newscaster is in possesion of it and guilty and the cop is also guilty of giving the item to a person not legally allowed to posses it, you complete freaklng dumbass. THAT SON IS THE LAW. And cops are not exempt from following the law.

If a cop gave him the magazine then the cop broke the law

No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer

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