Did Dems plant rumors of amnesty for 5 million illegal aliens, to get us to accept it for 750,000?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
We've been hearing rumors for weeks now, that Obama will issue an Executive Order to cancel deportation of 5 million illegal aliens "real soon now".

Many are protesting that such an order, in direct violation of U.S. law, would trigger a Congressional revolt and possibly even lead to impeachment charges.

But it's a longstanding tradition among the Democrats to plant rumors of some huge and horrendous action, when what they really intend is an action that's smaller but every bit as illegal.

Could it be that Obama has always intended to order this amnesty, but for 750,000? Or some such similar number?

If he had simply ordered amnesty for 750,000 (three-quarters of a million) out of the blue, that might have triggered an equally large revolt in Congress and all the rest. Knowing that, did Obama then proceed to get his friends to plant rumors of something nearly ten times as large? So that law-abiding citizens would pay attention to the huge number of 5 million illegals?

Then, when the actual announcement came out, and it was revealed that he was giving amnesty to "only" 750,000, people would say, "Oh, that's not nearly as bad." ...and the media would downplay it as "not that big a deal", and quickly bury it?

Not a bad tactic, for getting people to accept a major lawbreaking act by the President: Granting amnesty to 3/4 of a million illegal aliens, in direct violation of laws passed by Congress.

And not the first time the Democrats have used that tactic, to forward an illegal agenda.

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