Did Donald Trump Just Break The Law And Reveal Classified Intelligence?

There it is again.
Agreed. Idiots who deny we have military units deployed to Saudi Arabia for months at a time all being paid for by the American taxpayer....you know, the half that actually pays taxes? Are you one of those or not? Just curious.
I'm not claiming Mr. Trump is lying or did anything wrong. I was just responding to the plethora of claims of there being bases in Saudi Arabia. People get so hung up defending their politics they fail to look past the first thing that pops into their Google machine and hold it up to be gospel.
I'm not a Trump fan nor am I defending his mistakes, but there is no doubt we have military units in Saudi Arabia and Americans are footing that bill.

The fact most Americans, including Trump, don't know the fucking difference between a US foreign base and US military units stationed at a foreign base is moot. A difference that makes no difference is no difference. They're still there and we're still paying for it. That fact is Trump's point. Again, while I slightly disagree with that POV, I cannot deny the fact we have US military units in foreign countries, including Saudi Arabia, and the US taxpayer is funding the bill.
There it is again.
Agreed. Idiots who deny we have military units deployed to Saudi Arabia for months at a time all being paid for by the American taxpayer....you know, the half that actually pays taxes? Are you one of those or not? Just curious.
I never denied that. I assume you mean income taxes, since everyone pays taxes. And yes I do. Am I supposed to post my tax returns on here now or something?;)
There it is again.
Agreed. Idiots who deny we have military units deployed to Saudi Arabia for months at a time all being paid for by the American taxpayer....you know, the half that actually pays taxes? Are you one of those or not? Just curious.
I never denied that. I assume you mean income taxes, since everyone pays taxes. And yes I do. Am I supposed to post my tax returns on here now or something?;)

donald should probably release his tax returns first.
I never denied that. I assume you mean income taxes, since everyone pays taxes. And yes I do. Am I supposed to post my tax returns on here now or something?;)
If you pay taxes, do you mind footing 100% of the bill for US troops to defend foreign countries?
I never denied that. I assume you mean income taxes, since everyone pays taxes. And yes I do. Am I supposed to post my tax returns on here now or something?;)
If you pay taxes, do you mind footing 100% of the bill for US troops to defend foreign countries?

depends on what is in our interests, don't you think? and what was negotiated for us to do that. (although i don't believe we pay 100% of saudi arabia's defense budget. if we do, i'd say we're probably protecting our oil interests. (yet another reason alternative energy is a security issue).
donald should probably release his tax returns first.
LOL Jillian derails her own thread. Fucking awesome. :D

wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

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Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....
Your lightbulb is dim.
depends on what is in our interests, don't you think? and what was negotiated for us to do that. (although i don't believe we pay 100% of saudi arabia's defense budget. if we do, i'd say we're probably protecting our oil interests. (yet another reason alternative energy is a security issue).
Agreed on interests. Straw man argument bullshit to claim I said or implied "we pay 100% of saudi arabia's defense budget".
Your lightbulb is dim.
Only on the right side. You know, like a car with one headlight out. She can only see the things on the left side and is blind on the right side. This blindness causes her to believe there is nothing on the right side but that could be a fatal error.
I never denied that. I assume you mean income taxes, since everyone pays taxes. And yes I do. Am I supposed to post my tax returns on here now or something?;)
If you pay taxes, do you mind footing 100% of the bill for US troops to defend foreign countries?
If it makes the world a safer place and helps prevents arms buildups. Yes. The US is the only country that really has that capability in my opinion. Being the only remaining superpower comes with great responsibility. That isn't saying I want to drop hundreds of thousands of soldiers into regional conflicts without good reason. I care not for Mr. Trump's talk on NATO and our Asian allies when it comes to treaty arrangements. If our response to countries not being able to pay their "protection" dues results in moving assets or influence out a region; that vacuum will be filled. When America withdraws from the world everyone suffers.
wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

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Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....

Get real Communist! A military base cannot be hidden. Even the location of Area 51 has been known for years. Before the construction of Site Y was even completed, the Russians purchased land just a couple of miles down the road from it.

We have stealth bases in the Middle East.

wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

more at link

Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe also thinks Trump may have broken the law. He detailed it last night on Lawrence O'Donnell.

i haven't seen that.

but he does think dumb donald's jokes about putin hacking hillary's email could constitute treason.

Former Obama mentor: Trump's Russian hack 'jokes' could 'constitute treason'

but no doubt dumb donald's minions know much more about the law than laurence tribe. :rofl:
The FIRST THREE WORDS in your link should give you a clue....

How damn stupid are you? You claim to be a lawyer but I see no evidence of the education behind that claim.

There is no way on this green Earth that Jillian is a lawyer. NONE. I more believe that Bodey was a naval aviator
wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

more at link

Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....

Ummmm, ALL of that information is available on wiki. Just sayin....
wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

more at link

Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....

Ummmm, ALL of that information is available on wiki. Just sayin....

red states reports... you decide.

just saying.
This is so dumb lol I was stationed at Eskan Village in 1991 and my parents sent me mail there, meaning EVERYONE knew there was a base in Saudia Arabia way back in 1991.

In fact, the whole point of the village is to be a public way for the Saudis to show that they support our presence in the ME.
wow.... this is from red state:

dumb donald is dangerous

"Not that it wasn't predicted by literally anyone who has even spent a few minutes listening to Donald Trump, but the Internet was abuzz last night at the prospect that Donald Trump potentially revealed the existence of a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia... Which is a very, very, very bad thing."

more at link

Did Donald Trump Just Break the Law and Reveal Classified Intelligence? | RedState

of course, because it's red states, they go on to liken it to hillary's emails.....except that hillary's emails weren't classified when she got them. but still and all. this is why people in the intelligence community and people on both sides of the aisle didn't want dumb donald getting briefings....

Ummmm, ALL of that information is available on wiki. Just sayin....

red states reports... you decide.

just saying.

red states reports... you decide.

red states reports... you deride.

Is that because it has 'red' in the title, or are you just following party instructions?

"just saying"

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