Did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lie?

Show the transcript of their exact words.

Show it.
Can’t be done. For no jurist would answer a hypothetical asking how they would decide.

Thus, instead, they got asked tepid and meaningless questions touching on that area of law. Yes. It’s a precedent. Yep. It’s “settled law,” alright, whatever that term might actually mean.
There is only a draft opinion. There are no concurring or dissenting opinions. We have no idea how anyone else feels.
It reflects on the legitimacy of the current court

If you have to outright lie to win votes for your confirmation, you are not a legitimate Justice
You can post the questions and answers of their hearings as opposed something from Collins. Why have you have not done that leftwinger.
Collins was the swing vote on the Confirmation of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh

They assured her in public and private conversations that they honored the precedent of Roe v Wade


Super invested in women being able to kill their own babies in the womb then right?

Why is that? Do we not have good birth control options?? Or even emergency contraception?

Oh wait
Can’t be done. For no jurist would answer a hypothetical asking how they would decide.

Thus, instead, they got asked tepid and meaningless questions touching on that area of law. Yes. It’s a precedent. Yep. It’s “settled law,” alright, whatever that term might actually mean.
Correct. They would no state something of that nature if they thought it would be recorded. It would prove they are unfit for the postion.

The point is that Collins is making up their pledge of not touching Roe out of whole cloth.
There is only a draft opinion. There are no concurring or dissenting opinions. We have no idea how anyone else feels.
This is true. They haven't held any hearings, haven't heard any arguments, and certainly haven't voted. We don't even know how many, if any, of them have read it.

Plus, now that it's out, the public outrage may very well affect their decisions, especially when we're only a few months out from Election Day.
Ha ha ha, what you and that nutwoman thinks Prospecting justices must tell you ahead of time what their position is on various issues then allegedly lie about it later yet that very thing doesn't count for Senators, Representatives, President, Vice President.
Of course it does. They get criticized for it as well. Such an idiotic point.

Especially idiotic when you consider those are elected officials who have to fight for re-election every 2-6 years, instead of being lifetime appointments.
Of course it does. They get criticized for it as well. Such an idiotic point.

Especially idiotic when you consider those are elected officials who have to fight for re-election every 2-6 years, instead of being lifetime appointments.

Except you and many others keeps excusing their lies and corruption by repeatedly voting for them to stay in office.


There goes your argument.

I think 2 year term for Representatives in too short should be 4 year term then they spend less time running for reelection and more time pretending to represent their constituents while they bask in Washington D.C. for months.
Except you and many others keeps excusing their lies and corruption by repeatedly voting for them to stay in office.
Another idiotic point from a whiny idiot. I vote in a basically binary choice each election.

I don't appoint judges for life.

So get your weak sauce out of here, it's worthless.
Ask a dumb question, you get an answer you deserve.

At their hearings, back in the day.

Question for the Justice nominee: Do you accept that Roe v. Wade has precedential value?

Nominee: Yes.

Question for the Justice nominee: Is it settled law in your view?

Nominee: Yes.

Now in 2022, those nominees hear a case concerning Roe v. Wade.

Should Roe v. Wade be overruled?

The now Justices say “yes.”

No lie. No contradiction. Yes; It did have precedential value. Yes; It had been “settled law” for almost 50 years. And yes; it should be overruled.

Bad law and bad decisions don’t deserve to be perpetuated just because they’ve survived for a few decades.
Looks like a lie to me

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