Did Hillary Clinton violate any of these six criminal statues

Try a real jury next time................you mean

Long before you have a jury, you need an indictment
Indictments take evidence, not conspiracy theories

Try it sometimes Republicans
Comey gave evidence of 110 counts of mishandling of Classified Material..........

Then swept it under the rug saying there was no Intent using the narrow guidelines of Section 793 F...............In which I searched for example cases......and found only 2 cases................that convicted..........One was a Court Martial and the other took classified material that was then photoed for the Russians.............

Almost all cases that get convictions are E and D...............In which negligence and Recklessness are no excuse for the law............Clearly Hillary was both of these things...............

But let's try her in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of the Establishment under the Narrow parameters of a Section that VIRTUALLY NEVER convicts anyone.

As I said..............ENJOY THE SHOW.
Comey also testified that none of it meets the threshold of criminal activity

NOBODY has ever gone to jail for having a private email server
Tell the Marine I talked about on another thread.............wasn't a server......just some classified notes that he accidentally put in a gym bag when moving........Got fragged................by a Court Martial..........no intent........just made a mistake when he was in a hurry........

Tell him about justice and the Double Standard............
Were they marked as classified when he put them in there?
She's been in high positions for a very long time...........Is she Ignorant or Stupid..................
Long before you have a jury, you need an indictment
Indictments take evidence, not conspiracy theories

Try it sometimes Republicans
Comey gave evidence of 110 counts of mishandling of Classified Material..........

Then swept it under the rug saying there was no Intent using the narrow guidelines of Section 793 F...............In which I searched for example cases......and found only 2 cases................that convicted..........One was a Court Martial and the other took classified material that was then photoed for the Russians.............

Almost all cases that get convictions are E and D...............In which negligence and Recklessness are no excuse for the law............Clearly Hillary was both of these things...............

But let's try her in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of the Establishment under the Narrow parameters of a Section that VIRTUALLY NEVER convicts anyone.

As I said..............ENJOY THE SHOW.
Comey also testified that none of it meets the threshold of criminal activity

NOBODY has ever gone to jail for having a private email server
Tell the Marine I talked about on another thread.............wasn't a server......just some classified notes that he accidentally put in a gym bag when moving........Got fragged................by a Court Martial..........no intent........just made a mistake when he was in a hurry........

Tell him about justice and the Double Standard............
Were they marked as classified when he put them in there?
She's been in high positions for a very long time...........Is she Ignorant or Stupid..................
She was perfectly open about using a personal email account and it was approved by her agency. Others had done the same

It only became an issue because it was Hillary
Comey gave evidence of 110 counts of mishandling of Classified Material..........

Then swept it under the rug saying there was no Intent using the narrow guidelines of Section 793 F...............In which I searched for example cases......and found only 2 cases................that convicted..........One was a Court Martial and the other took classified material that was then photoed for the Russians.............

Almost all cases that get convictions are E and D...............In which negligence and Recklessness are no excuse for the law............Clearly Hillary was both of these things...............

But let's try her in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of the Establishment under the Narrow parameters of a Section that VIRTUALLY NEVER convicts anyone.

As I said..............ENJOY THE SHOW.
Comey also testified that none of it meets the threshold of criminal activity

NOBODY has ever gone to jail for having a private email server
Tell the Marine I talked about on another thread.............wasn't a server......just some classified notes that he accidentally put in a gym bag when moving........Got fragged................by a Court Martial..........no intent........just made a mistake when he was in a hurry........

Tell him about justice and the Double Standard............
Were they marked as classified when he put them in there?
She's been in high positions for a very long time...........Is she Ignorant or Stupid..................
She was perfectly open about using a personal email account and it was approved by her agency. Others had done the same

It only became an issue because it was Hillary
Which violated Classified protocol...........out the ass.............and even Comey said her private server was compromised................

Security guru's said that it would have been better to use a public email account over a private server........such as google.......because even they have 24 hour security measures in place...........always looking for hackers...............

Ignorance is no excuse for having Classified data on a private server...........it is a clear violation of the handling of Classified material under the law..........

But don't worry........they covered her ass by making it a Section 793 F case where they need to prove intent.....under the normal prosecution intent is not necessary to prosecute............

They covered the ass of the wicked witch.......
I would not want to see Hillary violating a statue.

Unless its one of Trump. That would be hot.

Oh yea, Comey was investigating Hillary for having a private email server and we come to find out Comey had one too!!!

Keep saying there is no bias......
Manafort is tax evader and you guys do not care. Unreal.
Did you mind when EVERY person Obama Nominated for a position in his first Presidency had to withdraw cause they hadn't paid their taxes?

He was taking money from Russia. He also did not register as a foreign agent.
He also money laundered $18 million of that Russian Ukrainian money in to the USA....
Hillary laundered 89 million.... But you all dont seem to have a problem with that.... hypocrites..
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.

Of course she did. But the FBI fix was that as the HEAD of one of the most sensitive agencies of the govt and she being SOLELY responsible for the implementation and enforcement of all it's myriad of security protocols and procedures ---- They concluded that she was just TOO STUPID to realize that she was breaking any laws. And therefore had "no intent" to break the laws she broke. HOWEVER -- if you check those laws she broke, the word "intent" never appears. Only the phrase willfully negligent appears. Which is how the original "non-indictment indictment" that Comey read was worded. Until the political operatives changed that to excessively careless just to give some distance from how those statutes are actually worded.

True story... See the quote in my sigline. Which will remain there until her clearances are yanked and she is at least reprimanded officially.. It's the least I would expect having some knowledge of safeguarding national security. Apparently that's MORE knowledge on the subject than Hilliary ever had - according to the FBI.
Again, that mystery conspirator Peter Strok saved that day here. Because if Comey had released that memo with the words "willfully negligent" -- there would have a been a shit storm of legal opinions pointing out that made the bar for most of the statutes that she did break.

Good old "No. No he won't. We will STOP HIM" Pete Strok. That guy who was EVERYWHERE in the resistance. Just like a "private dick" Forrest Gump hired by the DNC..
They used Section F...............which is almost impossible to convict anyone on...........

Slick move they did...........and it looks like they will get away with it.
They used Section F...............which is almost impossible to convict anyone on...........

Slick move they did...........and it looks like they will get away with it.

Any normal State Dept official would have been fired, pay docked, clearances pulled, and/or demoted at the LEAST. But there's no precedent for Sec State being the accused. And she already LEFT before all this blew open.

I think they softened it because of a LOT of "concerns". One is that she totally shunned the approved comm lines and practices and communicated almost EXCLUSIVELY over this contrived bypass. With the PURPOSE of hiding her work product because she wanted to run for Prez clean. So there would be a lot of folks who ALSO handled sensitive, or higher classified comms on HER server -- Including -- we know now -- Barack Obama for one. Who LIED when he said -- "he first read about this in the press"..

I'm pretty mad. Will be until someone has the balls to call her lazy scofflaw ass out.
They used Section F...............which is almost impossible to convict anyone on...........

Slick move they did...........and it looks like they will get away with it.

Any normal State Dept official would have been fired, pay docked, clearances pulled, and/or demoted at the LEAST. But there's no precedent for Sec State being the accused. And she already LEFT before all this blew open.

I think they softened it because of a LOT of "concerns". One is that she totally shunned the approved comm lines and practices and communicated almost EXCLUSIVELY over this contrived bypass. With the PURPOSE of hiding her work product because she wanted to run for Prez clean. So there would be a lot of folks who ALSO handled sensitive, or higher classified comms on HER server -- Including -- we know now -- Barack Obama for one. Who LIED when he said -- "he first read about this in the press"..

I'm pretty mad. Will be until someone has the balls to call her lazy scofflaw ass out.
They never were going to do anything to her.............the fix was always in..............appears that hasn't changed..........
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.
Clinton ordered those mails destroyed long before they were requested. The technician did not do it until after the request.

On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.
Clinton ordered those mails destroyed long before they were requested. The technician did not do it until after the request.


YOu're the dumbass. If those emails were still INTACT at the time of the subpoena --- she's STILL LIABLE for their destruction. Her duty was to immediately STOP the destruction at that point.. Dumbass.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.
Clinton ordered those mails destroyed long before they were requested. The technician did not do it until after the request.


It's to bad how everyone else not indoctrinated sees you as being way beyond a dumbass.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.
leave hillary alone
Trump has no credibility because he is an ignorant fool and he lies. You have no credibility because you support such an idiot.

You have the height of hubris to suggest that YOU can characterize a man you've never even met and haven't the first direct, first-hand knowledge of as an ignorant fool who has achieved the highest office in the world on his FIRST attempt at politics after a highly successful television career, after a highly successful lifetime business career that made him billions of dollars, much less that he lies about anything based only on the reporting of a highly biased media. Even funnier that you attempt to gauge MY credibility for merely acknowledging these obvious facts, from you, a person whose made nothing but a total ass of herself in practically every post you've ever made. Congratulations, your record remains unbroken.
ALL of the Hillary hot air means nothing.

We have a Republican President with a Republican Congress with a Republican AG and a former Republican Director of the FBI and a current Republican Director of the FBI and a Republican Deputy AG who appointed a Republican Special Counsel.

The investigations determined that Hillary did nothing criminal, yet the Democrats' are at fault?
Trump has no credibility because he is an ignorant fool and he lies. You have no credibility because you support such an idiot.

You have the height of hubris to suggest that YOU can characterize a man you've never even met and haven't the first direct, first-hand knowledge of as an ignorant fool who has achieved the highest office in the world on his FIRST attempt at politics after a highly successful television career, after a highly successful lifetime business career that made him billions of dollars, much less that he lies about anything based only on the reporting of a highly biased media. Even funnier that you attempt to gauge MY credibility for merely acknowledging these obvious facts, from you, a person whose made nothing but a total ass of herself in practically every post you've ever made. Congratulations, your record remains unbroken.

A lot is known about his reputation as an unethical and crooked businessman, and how he inherited his wealth. I have first hand knowledge of the lies he tells on camera, and the stupid things he says and does. Everybody who isn't living in a cave does. There is no need for me to spend time with him face to face. Any person with the same knowledge of those things who supports all his doccumented lies and stupid remarks is an idiot. That's not hard to understand, is it?
Comey also testified that none of it meets the threshold of criminal activity

NOBODY has ever gone to jail for having a private email server
Tell the Marine I talked about on another thread.............wasn't a server......just some classified notes that he accidentally put in a gym bag when moving........Got fragged................by a Court Martial..........no intent........just made a mistake when he was in a hurry........

Tell him about justice and the Double Standard............
Were they marked as classified when he put them in there?
She's been in high positions for a very long time...........Is she Ignorant or Stupid..................
She was perfectly open about using a personal email account and it was approved by her agency. Others had done the same

It only became an issue because it was Hillary
Which violated Classified protocol...........out the ass.............and even Comey said her private server was compromised................

Security guru's said that it would have been better to use a public email account over a private server........such as google.......because even they have 24 hour security measures in place...........always looking for hackers...............

Ignorance is no excuse for having Classified data on a private server...........it is a clear violation of the handling of Classified material under the law..........

But don't worry........they covered her ass by making it a Section 793 F case where they need to prove intent.....under the normal prosecution intent is not necessary to prosecute............

They covered the ass of the wicked witch.......

It was up to her agency to establish security protocols.
They accepted her using private emails

It is contingent on the sender of emails to clearly mark a classification level...they failed to do so
Trump has no credibility because he is an ignorant fool and he lies. You have no credibility because you support such an idiot.

You have the height of hubris to suggest that YOU can characterize a man you've never even met and haven't the first direct, first-hand knowledge of as an ignorant fool who has achieved the highest office in the world on his FIRST attempt at politics after a highly successful television career, after a highly successful lifetime business career that made him billions of dollars, much less that he lies about anything based only on the reporting of a highly biased media. Even funnier that you attempt to gauge MY credibility for merely acknowledging these obvious facts, from you, a person whose made nothing but a total ass of herself in practically every post you've ever made. Congratulations, your record remains unbroken.

A lot is known about his reputation as an unethical and crooked businessman, and how he inherited his wealth. I have first hand knowledge of the lies he tells on camera, and the stupid things he says and does. Everybody who isn't living in a cave does. There is no need for me to spend time with him face to face. Any person with the same knowledge of those things who supports all his doccumented lies and stupid remarks is an idiot. That's not hard to understand, is it?

Unethical and crooked? You could say that of most ANY businessman. That's business. You don't get ahead and make a profit by being altruistic and Mahatma Gandhi. Please take your class envy and shove it up your tight asshole---- "how he inherited his wealth?" Something wrong coming from a successful, driven family? He inherited a family business, from which he grew his own---- he did not "inherit" the money he has today, which is why everybody knows you to be nothing but a lying ass. Are you a deliberate lying ass or just a total fool, is the question? Or are you a partisan sock? You certainly ain't very bright which lends weight to the latter.

You have "first hand" knowledge of his lies and stupid things? WELL, WHY DON'T YOU TELL US EXACTLY WHAT THOSE ARE? You see, you stupid twit, as I've reported several times here, back in the '70s and '80s, my uncle did direct business with him as VP of one of the subcontractors he used and had several face to face business meetings and lunchs with him, sitting right across the table from Trump dealing with him directly, and I remember my Uncle's accounts of Trump very clearly.

Trump ain't no angel---- he's a businessman, highly driven, no time to fool around, but he is driven to succeed in what he does and to do it well---- no more, no less, and as far as that goes, is everything you say he is not. He's real, down to earth, approachable, relatable, and reasonable and realistic. Most of all, he has a love for his family and especially for his country.

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