Did Hillary Ever Have a Big News Interview When She Became a Woman?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
The whole Bruce Jenner thing got me wondering. It would have probably been before my time. So some of the older posters on here would have to inform me. Not sure it those things were such a big deal back then. Or maybe he/she wasn't famous enough yet.
Hillary was very attractive as a young woman:



And for a woman in her seventies who has spent the majority of her life in public service, she looks pretty damn good.

This a all about attacking a woman's looks. Republicans don't really see much beyond that. It's unusual to find a Republican who doesn't see a woman as a baby making machine that needs to be regulated or something fuckable without needing "rights" whose greatest talent is in the kitchen.
Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Only your dipshit generalization looks very, well, "dipshit".

Republicans are 90% white. At the same time, the majority of Democrats are white. And look at those whites. Gay, atheist, scientists, college professors, liberal, conservative, rich poor. The difference is that the Democratic party works with everyone else in the party. These white people simply aren't welcome in the racist, ignorant and homophobic GOP. Even you have to admit that.
Hillary was very attractive as a young woman:



And for a woman in her seventies who has spent the majority of her life in public service, she looks pretty damn good.

This a all about attacking a woman's looks. Republicans don't really see much beyond that. It's unusual to find a Republican who doesn't see a woman as a baby making machine that needs to be regulated or something fuckable without needing "rights" whose greatest talent is in the kitchen.

She was downright good looking in the 90s. I guess these right wing idiots can only relate to white-haired old fucks like themselves, but women are supposed to look forever like they're 35.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

15 percent of our population is going to -die- if we roll back entitlement programs? LMFAO! Holy shit, Chicken Little, I'm not sure I even have the energy to argue with you.

Also, if you equate libertarianism with warmongering, you clearly have very little understanding of libertarianism. You should research it before you declare it the future cause of Armageddon.

All failed regimes resort to warmongering in order to distract the population from turning on their rulers. The disasterous Libertarian regime won't be any exception to that rule. Only a fool believes that it is going to be any different.

And yes, pull the plug on all social programs, which is right there on the Libertarian Party platform on their website, and people will die. That is inescapable and the fact that you are deluding yourself into believing that won't happen says volumes.

Yes, because the Koch brothers, by spending less than Hillary's going to raise for her -single- campaign, might possibly rearrange the country to the point that the libertarian boogeyman will be able to abruptly pull the plug on all social programs. And once we repeal Obamacare and reform Social Security, BAM! 15 percent of the population's going to starve out.

The fact that you're trying to ridicule me for not taking you seriously when the shit flying out of your mouth is -this- far removed from reality says volumes. The level of narcissism required for you to be -this- self assured of ideas -this- stupid is absolutely mind boggling. I can't find an emphatic enough synonym for ignorant to do you justice, so I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Only your dipshit generalization looks very, well, "dipshit".

Republicans are 90% white. At the same time, the majority of Democrats are white. And look at those whites. Gay, atheist, scientists, college professors, liberal, conservative, rich poor. The difference is that the Democratic party works with everyone else in the party. These white people simply aren't welcome in the racist, ignorant and homophobic GOP. Even you have to admit that.

Lol, doesn't look any more dipshit than your generalization. The only difference is that mine was meant to be stupid, while you remain ignorant of your dipshittiness.

The mere fact that saturation of popular media for several generations has managed to paint conservatives and republicans as racist money grubbers to the point that most of our low information voter base has bought into it doesn't actually mean that every conservative is sexist and racist. I know a lot of republicans and very few of them look at women in -nearly- the light you've described. Your accusation has no merit, all I see is you using Lew's mediocre attempt at humor to fall back on a popular stereotype so that you can dismiss opposing political viewpoints without having to consider them. All you're doing is reinforcing the blinders that allow you to be intellectually sedentary without actually having to experience the shame appropriate for those who engage in willful ignorance.

All you're doing with your ridiculous little republican accusations is telling yourself it's okay to keep your head buried in the sand of ignorance.
The whole Bruce Jenner thing got me wondering. It would have probably been before my time. So some of the older posters on here would have to inform me. Not sure it those things were such a big deal back then. Or maybe he/she wasn't famous enough yet.

When did it become a women?
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....
I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

15 percent of our population is going to -die- if we roll back entitlement programs? LMFAO! Holy shit, Chicken Little, I'm not sure I even have the energy to argue with you.

Also, if you equate libertarianism with warmongering, you clearly have very little understanding of libertarianism. You should research it before you declare it the future cause of Armageddon.

All failed regimes resort to warmongering in order to distract the population from turning on their rulers. The disasterous Libertarian regime won't be any exception to that rule. Only a fool believes that it is going to be any different.

And yes, pull the plug on all social programs, which is right there on the Libertarian Party platform on their website, and people will die. That is inescapable and the fact that you are deluding yourself into believing that won't happen says volumes.

Yes, because the Koch brothers, by spending less than Hillary's going to raise for her -single- campaign, might possibly rearrange the country to the point that the libertarian boogeyman will be able to abruptly pull the plug on all social programs. And once we repeal Obamacare and reform Social Security, BAM! 15 percent of the population's going to starve out.

The fact that you're trying to ridicule me for not taking you seriously when the shit flying out of your mouth is -this- far removed from reality says volumes. The level of narcissism required for you to be -this- self assured of ideas -this- stupid is absolutely mind boggling. I can't find an emphatic enough synonym for ignorant to do you justice, so I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Only your dipshit generalization looks very, well, "dipshit".

Republicans are 90% white. At the same time, the majority of Democrats are white. And look at those whites. Gay, atheist, scientists, college professors, liberal, conservative, rich poor. The difference is that the Democratic party works with everyone else in the party. These white people simply aren't welcome in the racist, ignorant and homophobic GOP. Even you have to admit that.

Lol, doesn't look any more dipshit than your generalization. The only difference is that mine was meant to be stupid, while you remain ignorant of your dipshittiness.

The mere fact that saturation of popular media for several generations has managed to paint conservatives and republicans as racist money grubbers to the point that most of our low information voter base has bought into it doesn't actually mean that every conservative is sexist and racist. I know a lot of republicans and very few of them look at women in -nearly- the light you've described. Your accusation has no merit, all I see is you using Lew's mediocre attempt at humor to fall back on a popular stereotype so that you can dismiss opposing political viewpoints without having to consider them. All you're doing is reinforcing the blinders that allow you to be intellectually sedentary without actually having to experience the shame appropriate for those who engage in willful ignorance.

All you're doing with your ridiculous little republican accusations is telling yourself it's okay to keep your head buried in the sand of ignorance.

^^^^ All that to justify a thread about Clinton looking manish?

Nice work! You're out in left field on this one, buddy!
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....
I like Hillary's cankles. It gives me something to laugh about. And I have a grip...
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....
I like Hillary's cankles. It gives me something to laugh about. And I have a grip...

Sure you do and I invented pop-rocks!
I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

15 percent of our population is going to -die- if we roll back entitlement programs? LMFAO! Holy shit, Chicken Little, I'm not sure I even have the energy to argue with you.

Also, if you equate libertarianism with warmongering, you clearly have very little understanding of libertarianism. You should research it before you declare it the future cause of Armageddon.

All failed regimes resort to warmongering in order to distract the population from turning on their rulers. The disasterous Libertarian regime won't be any exception to that rule. Only a fool believes that it is going to be any different.

And yes, pull the plug on all social programs, which is right there on the Libertarian Party platform on their website, and people will die. That is inescapable and the fact that you are deluding yourself into believing that won't happen says volumes.

Yes, because the Koch brothers, by spending less than Hillary's going to raise for her -single- campaign, might possibly rearrange the country to the point that the libertarian boogeyman will be able to abruptly pull the plug on all social programs. And once we repeal Obamacare and reform Social Security, BAM! 15 percent of the population's going to starve out.

The fact that you're trying to ridicule me for not taking you seriously when the shit flying out of your mouth is -this- far removed from reality says volumes. The level of narcissism required for you to be -this- self assured of ideas -this- stupid is absolutely mind boggling. I can't find an emphatic enough synonym for ignorant to do you justice, so I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Only your dipshit generalization looks very, well, "dipshit".

Republicans are 90% white. At the same time, the majority of Democrats are white. And look at those whites. Gay, atheist, scientists, college professors, liberal, conservative, rich poor. The difference is that the Democratic party works with everyone else in the party. These white people simply aren't welcome in the racist, ignorant and homophobic GOP. Even you have to admit that.

Lol, doesn't look any more dipshit than your generalization. The only difference is that mine was meant to be stupid, while you remain ignorant of your dipshittiness.

The mere fact that saturation of popular media for several generations has managed to paint conservatives and republicans as racist money grubbers to the point that most of our low information voter base has bought into it doesn't actually mean that every conservative is sexist and racist. I know a lot of republicans and very few of them look at women in -nearly- the light you've described. Your accusation has no merit, all I see is you using Lew's mediocre attempt at humor to fall back on a popular stereotype so that you can dismiss opposing political viewpoints without having to consider them. All you're doing is reinforcing the blinders that allow you to be intellectually sedentary without actually having to experience the shame appropriate for those who engage in willful ignorance.

All you're doing with your ridiculous little republican accusations is telling yourself it's okay to keep your head buried in the sand of ignorance.

^^^^ All that to justify a thread about Clinton looking manish?

Nice work! You're out in left field on this one, buddy!

Several things, smart guy:

No, -all- of what you quoted was from two separate conversations. The majority of what you just threw out had literally -nothing- to do with Hillary looking manish, it's from an entirely different thread. Don't call -me- crazy because -you- can't figure out how to work the multi-quote function ;)

Secondly, in the -2- posts I made in the discussion in question, at no point did I try to justify the OP. All I said about the OP was that it was a "mediocre attempt at humor". My entire argument on the manish thread was that rdean is intellectually lazy and cowardly for his continued attempts to dismiss all right wingers as sexist and racist.

You should actually read what you post, you'd look less silly.
Hillary was very attractive as a young woman:



And for a woman in her seventies who has spent the majority of her life in public service, she looks pretty damn good.

This a all about attacking a woman's looks. Republicans don't really see much beyond that. It's unusual to find a Republican who doesn't see a woman as a baby making machine that needs to be regulated or something fuckable without needing "rights" whose greatest talent is in the kitchen.

She was downright good looking in the 90s. I guess these right wing idiots can only relate to white-haired old fucks like themselves, but women are supposed to look forever like they're 35.


She was a pretty good lookin dude in the early days. No argument here.
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....

This is why liberals have F-ed this country up. You think because a person is hideous looking they are qualified to run for office regardless of their horrible record and inexperience.
Hillary was very attractive as a young woman:



And for a woman in her seventies who has spent the majority of her life in public service, she looks pretty damn good.

This a all about attacking a woman's looks. Republicans don't really see much beyond that. It's unusual to find a Republican who doesn't see a woman as a baby making machine that needs to be regulated or something fuckable without needing "rights" whose greatest talent is in the kitchen.

She was downright good looking in the 90s. I guess these right wing idiots can only relate to white-haired old fucks like themselves, but women are supposed to look forever like they're 35.


She was a pretty good lookin dude in the early days. No argument here.
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....

This is why liberals have F-ed this country up. You think because a person is hideous looking they are qualified to run for office regardless of their horrible record and inexperience.
they are qualified to run for office regardless of their horrible record and inexperience.

How can someone be both inexperienced and have a record of experience, horrible or otherwise?

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

If We the People lose to the Koch bros in 2016 this nation will suffer greatly. Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism. Only it will be even more harmful since it will inherit the military might of the most powerful nation on earth.

Libertarianism will cause the deaths of an estimated 15% of the population because of a lack of medical and welfare programs. That would be 45 million people in the USA alone. Who knows how many more will die because of unnecessary warmongering.

Yes, the biggest threat to this nation is the enemy within and as we were warned it will come wrapped in the flag of patriotism spouting jingoism.

15 percent of our population is going to -die- if we roll back entitlement programs? LMFAO! Holy shit, Chicken Little, I'm not sure I even have the energy to argue with you.

Also, if you equate libertarianism with warmongering, you clearly have very little understanding of libertarianism. You should research it before you declare it the future cause of Armageddon.

All failed regimes resort to warmongering in order to distract the population from turning on their rulers. The disasterous Libertarian regime won't be any exception to that rule. Only a fool believes that it is going to be any different.

And yes, pull the plug on all social programs, which is right there on the Libertarian Party platform on their website, and people will die. That is inescapable and the fact that you are deluding yourself into believing that won't happen says volumes.

Yes, because the Koch brothers, by spending less than Hillary's going to raise for her -single- campaign, might possibly rearrange the country to the point that the libertarian boogeyman will be able to abruptly pull the plug on all social programs. And once we repeal Obamacare and reform Social Security, BAM! 15 percent of the population's going to starve out.

The fact that you're trying to ridicule me for not taking you seriously when the shit flying out of your mouth is -this- far removed from reality says volumes. The level of narcissism required for you to be -this- self assured of ideas -this- stupid is absolutely mind boggling. I can't find an emphatic enough synonym for ignorant to do you justice, so I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, it does suck how most conservatives are racist and sexist, but it must make it pretty convenient for you to be able to dismiss everything they say as bigotry without actually having to challenge your own world views.

Likewise, it's unfortunate that ALL democrats see ALL white males as racist, world destroying, minority raping, poor hating, profit-over-principle warmongers with nothing to contribute to society other than violence and xenophobia.

See? I can make dipshit generalizations too :)
Only your dipshit generalization looks very, well, "dipshit".

Republicans are 90% white. At the same time, the majority of Democrats are white. And look at those whites. Gay, atheist, scientists, college professors, liberal, conservative, rich poor. The difference is that the Democratic party works with everyone else in the party. These white people simply aren't welcome in the racist, ignorant and homophobic GOP. Even you have to admit that.

Lol, doesn't look any more dipshit than your generalization. The only difference is that mine was meant to be stupid, while you remain ignorant of your dipshittiness.

The mere fact that saturation of popular media for several generations has managed to paint conservatives and republicans as racist money grubbers to the point that most of our low information voter base has bought into it doesn't actually mean that every conservative is sexist and racist. I know a lot of republicans and very few of them look at women in -nearly- the light you've described. Your accusation has no merit, all I see is you using Lew's mediocre attempt at humor to fall back on a popular stereotype so that you can dismiss opposing political viewpoints without having to consider them. All you're doing is reinforcing the blinders that allow you to be intellectually sedentary without actually having to experience the shame appropriate for those who engage in willful ignorance.

All you're doing with your ridiculous little republican accusations is telling yourself it's okay to keep your head buried in the sand of ignorance.
NBS said: The mere fact that saturation of popular media for several generations has managed to paint conservatives and republicans as racist money grubbers to the point that most of our low information voter base has bought into it doesn't actually mean that every conservative is sexist and racist.

NBS told a terrible lie. No one, not anyone anywhere believes "every conservative is sexist and racist".

For one, there are conservative Democrats. There are zero liberal Republicans.

Second, if the majority of Republicans and the party believes something and votes a certain way, then who cares if there are a very few who don't?
Hillary was very attractive as a young woman:



And for a woman in her seventies who has spent the majority of her life in public service, she looks pretty damn good.

This a all about attacking a woman's looks. Republicans don't really see much beyond that. It's unusual to find a Republican who doesn't see a woman as a baby making machine that needs to be regulated or something fuckable without needing "rights" whose greatest talent is in the kitchen.

She was downright good looking in the 90s. I guess these right wing idiots can only relate to white-haired old fucks like themselves, but women are supposed to look forever like they're 35.


She was a pretty good lookin dude in the early days. No argument here.
This is why the GOP misses out on the women voters. Who cares what the Fuck Hillary looks like? If you don't like her as POTUS IT should be because you have a better candidate -- not because she has cankles! Good Lord, get a grip, people....

This is why liberals have F-ed this country up. You think because a person is hideous looking they are qualified to run for office regardless of their horrible record and inexperience.
they are qualified to run for office regardless of their horrible record and inexperience.

How can someone be both inexperienced and have a record of experience, horrible or otherwise?

As a governor, Bush was experienced and he was the worst president in history.

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