Did Hunter Biden make a political statement the other day?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
He shows up for a legally-mandated deposition to Congress on time. Was he stoned on pot? Nobody knows, but why not? Pot's no biggie. Was he carrying a weapon tucked away? If he was not under the influence of a controlled substance, that would have been his right, amiwrong? Never-mind the ubiquitous heavily-armed US Secret Service, you know they were all around him, even though you didn't see them. You don't want to see them, neither do I. :04:

Now let me ask you this: How many of you really trust your life in the hands of your federal government? Do they really believe they have your best interests at heart? Are they your friend, benefactor, provider, protector, all-seeing, all-knowing, mother's-milk nurturing blah blah blab etc?

Being the right-wing Ultra-MAGA, GOP-voting, liberty-loving, southern-bourne and bred semi-Christian American, I can tell you from experience, that the government I fund would feed me to the starving Biafrian children if they could find a way to synthesize food out of my entrails.

So back to Hunter Biden. How can you interpret what he did? I will tell you: He gave the middle finger to the same federal government that wants you, I, and everyone else to be subservient to them. What this person named "Hunter Biden" did in effect was to say "I will not comply to you."

"You do not own me."

"You are not the boss of me."

"I am ungovernable."

"Fuck you."

So was he channeling his inner Ronald Reagan?

Was he channeling his inner Founding Fathers, who expressed the same sentiment toward their oppressive colonial overlords?

Look, I'm not trying to justify this vilified person who happened to take advantage of an opportunity to make a shitload of money, to go off hog-wild wild, get over on the system, defy the federal government by getting high, partaking of booze, sexual pleasures from women who themselves are living by way of an ungovernable "underground economy", and enjoying the sinful fruits of all things this world has to offer. That's a symptom of what money does to you, right?. Who among you wouldn't have done the same? God knows that if I would have been in his shoes, I would have done the same a a previous time in my life.

Am I going a little too far over the edge here? Blame it on the THC gummi I had earlier today, and the Jim Beam, but am I right or wrong?

While you mull these words over, I offer this song...

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He shows up for a legally-mandated deposition to Congress on time. Was he stoned on pot? Nobody knows, but why not? Pot's no biggie. Was he carrying a weapon tucked away? If he was not under the influence of a controlled substance, that would have been his right, amiwrong? Never-mind the ubiquitous heavily-armed US Secret Service, you know they were all around him, even though you didn't see them. You don't want to see them, neither do I. :04:

Now let me ask you this: How many of you really trust your life in the hands of your federal government? Do they really believe they have your best interests at heart? Are they your friend, benefactor, provider, protector, all-seeing, all-knowing, mother's-milk nurturing blah blah blab etc?

Being the right-wing Ultra-MAGA, GOP-voting, liberty-loving, southern-bourne and bred semi-Christian American, I can tell you from experience, that the government I fund would feed me to the starving Biafrian children if they could find a way to synthesize food out of my entrails.

So back to Hunter Biden. How can you interpret what he did? I will tell you: He gave the middle finger to the same federal government that wants you, I, and everyone else to be subservient to them. What this person named "Hunter Biden" did in effect was to say "I will not comply to you."

"You do not own me."

"You are not the boss of me."

"I am ungovernable."

"Fuck you."

So was he channeling his inner Ronald Reagan?

Was he channeling his inner Founding Fathers, who expressed the same sentiment toward their oppressive colonial overlords?

Look, I'm not trying to justify this vilified person who happened to take advantage of an opportunity to make a shitload of money, to go off hog-wild wild, get over on the system, defy the federal government by getting high, partaking of booze, sexual pleasures from women who themselves are living by way of an ungovernable "underground economy", and enjoying the sinful fruits of all things this world has to offer. That's a symptom of what money does to you, right?. Who among you wouldn't have done the same? God knows that if I would have been in his shoes, I would have done the same a a previous time in my life.

Am I going a little too far over the edge here? Blame it on the THC gummi I had earlier today, and the Jim Beam, but am I right or wrong?

While you mull these words over, I offer this song...

Windy, but your creative writing is improving.
Yep. Hunter told them to get screwed, and on this one, it will stick.
He could easily be screwed in court, but he won't get buttf#cked in front of a congressional committee first.
Windy, but your creative writing is improving.
Yep. Hunter told them to get screwed, and on this one, it will stick.
He could easily be screwed in court, but he won't get buttf#cked in front of a congressional committee first.

Am I supposed to kowtow to you because you agreed with me? I challenge you to post something as thought-provoking as what I did.

Now I do agree with your assessment that Hunter did indeed channel his inner American founding fathers by telling his own federal government to "fuck off", which is yours, mine, and our American birthright. That is codified in our own American Constitution. All I can say is, good on him for standing up for his on rights, which do apply to every American citizen.
He whined like the little bitch that he is.

The Trump offspring all showed up for their depositions.

Trump's children were not partakers of the pleasures their position had to offer. Can you honestly say that given the same opportunity, you wouldn't have succumbed to the temptation?

I would like to think of myself as a godly man but given the chance to live out the life Hunter Biden had, what man in his right mind would have given a hard pass?
He shows up for a legally-mandated deposition to Congress on time. Was he stoned on pot? Nobody knows, but why not? Pot's no biggie. Was he carrying a weapon tucked away? If he was not under the influence of a controlled substance, that would have been his right, amiwrong? Never-mind the ubiquitous heavily-armed US Secret Service, you know they were all around him, even though you didn't see them. You don't want to see them, neither do I. :04:

Now let me ask you this: How many of you really trust your life in the hands of your federal government? Do they really believe they have your best interests at heart? Are they your friend, benefactor, provider, protector, all-seeing, all-knowing, mother's-milk nurturing blah blah blab etc?

Being the right-wing Ultra-MAGA, GOP-voting, liberty-loving, southern-bourne and bred semi-Christian American, I can tell you from experience, that the government I fund would feed me to the starving Biafrian children if they could find a way to synthesize food out of my entrails.

So back to Hunter Biden. How can you interpret what he did? I will tell you: He gave the middle finger to the same federal government that wants you, I, and everyone else to be subservient to them. What this person named "Hunter Biden" did in effect was to say "I will not comply to you."

"You do not own me."

"You are not the boss of me."

"I am ungovernable."

"Fuck you."

So was he channeling his inner Ronald Reagan?

Was he channeling his inner Founding Fathers, who expressed the same sentiment toward their oppressive colonial overlords?

Look, I'm not trying to justify this vilified person who happened to take advantage of an opportunity to make a shitload of money, to go off hog-wild wild, get over on the system, defy the federal government by getting high, partaking of booze, sexual pleasures from women who themselves are living by way of an ungovernable "underground economy", and enjoying the sinful fruits of all things this world has to offer. That's a symptom of what money does to you, right?. Who among you wouldn't have done the same? God knows that if I would have been in his shoes, I would have done the same a a previous time in my life.

Am I going a little too far over the edge here? Blame it on the THC gummi I had earlier today, and the Jim Beam, but am I right or wrong?

While you mull these words over, I offer this song...

Fun fact:

That stupid Collective Soul band toured when I was in college at my campus - and I fucking threw eggs.

Hated that shit!!!!
He whined like the little bitch that he is.

The Trump offspring all showed up for their depositions.

Ok, let me be the "devil's advocate here: What would you have given to have shown up to a mandatory decree from your government, to stand before your federal-governmental accusers, and extended your middle finger to them by showing up stoned, armed, and defiant?

Wouldn't that have been what any free American patriot have given their left nut to have done?
He whined like the little bitch that he is.

The Trump offspring all showed up for their depositions.

Yeah, his voice was beyond the most irritating thing I could contemplate.

And that's when I realized I hadn't even heard his tortured larynx since his stupid CBS interview where he advertised the fact that he engaged in Parmesan scavenger hunts.
Am I supposed to kowtow to you because you agreed with me? I challenge you to post something as thought-provoking as what I did.

Now I do agree with your assessment that Hunter did indeed channel his inner American founding fathers by telling his own federal government to "fuck off", which is yours, mine, and our American birthright. That is codified in our own American Constitution. All I can say is, good on him for standing up for his on rights, which do apply to every American citizen.
No need to kowtow to me, you irascible old fart.
You said it. I just agreed with you. You owe me nothing for being right.
Before this is over, he's probably going to pay some dues. Whatever, I doubt it will really cover his actual ills, and he's got them. Like I have said before, when growing up, his daddy shoulda whipped his ass, every damned day.
Fun fact:

That stupid Collective Soul band toured when I was in college at my campus - and I fucking threw eggs.

Hated that shit!!!!

Yeah, they probably sucked as human beings, which most great artists do. But there's that thing called the "willing suspension of disbelief." Those members of Collective Soul probably did more than their share to get Obama elected, but damn. That's a pretty song.
He shows up for a legally-mandated deposition to Congress on time. Was he stoned on pot? Nobody knows, but why not? Pot's no biggie. Was he carrying a weapon tucked away? If he was not under the influence of a controlled substance, that would have been his right, amiwrong? Never-mind the ubiquitous heavily-armed US Secret Service, you know they were all around him, even though you didn't see them. You don't want to see them, neither do I. :04:

Now let me ask you this: How many of you really trust your life in the hands of your federal government? Do they really believe they have your best interests at heart? Are they your friend, benefactor, provider, protector, all-seeing, all-knowing, mother's-milk nurturing blah blah blab etc?

Being the right-wing Ultra-MAGA, GOP-voting, liberty-loving, southern-bourne and bred semi-Christian American, I can tell you from experience, that the government I fund would feed me to the starving Biafrian children if they could find a way to synthesize food out of my entrails.

So back to Hunter Biden. How can you interpret what he did? I will tell you: He gave the middle finger to the same federal government that wants you, I, and everyone else to be subservient to them. What this person named "Hunter Biden" did in effect was to say "I will not comply to you."

"You do not own me."

"You are not the boss of me."

"I am ungovernable."

"Fuck you."

So was he channeling his inner Ronald Reagan?

Was he channeling his inner Founding Fathers, who expressed the same sentiment toward their oppressive colonial overlords?

Look, I'm not trying to justify this vilified person who happened to take advantage of an opportunity to make a shitload of money, to go off hog-wild wild, get over on the system, defy the federal government by getting high, partaking of booze, sexual pleasures from women who themselves are living by way of an ungovernable "underground economy", and enjoying the sinful fruits of all things this world has to offer. That's a symptom of what money does to you, right?. Who among you wouldn't have done the same? God knows that if I would have been in his shoes, I would have done the same a a previous time in my life.

Am I going a little too far over the edge here? Blame it on the THC gummi I had earlier today, and the Jim Beam, but am I right or wrong?

While you mull these words over, I offer this song...

What the hell was Swalwell doing at Hunters dog and pony show?
Instead, his daddy took his son's filthy lucre as bribery payoffs from foreign governments for selling access......to his daddy.
Well, looks like you will have to wait until after his trial on what they probably can prove, to see if you're right. He's just not going to play with the political crony boys until after the trial, and not a heck of a lot, the toothless inept pols can do about it.
Well, looks like you will have to wait until after his trial on what they probably can prove, to see if you're right. He's just not going to play with the political crony boys until after the trial, and not a heck of a lot, the toothless inept pols can do about it.

I'm glad you've finally accepted the reality of the Trump witch trials.
No need to kowtow to me, you irascible old fart.
You said it. I just agreed with you. You owe me nothing for being right.
Before this is over, he's probably going to pay some dues. Whatever, I doubt it will really cover his actual ills, and he's got them. Like I have said before, when growing up, his daddy shoulda whipped his ass, every damned day.

Ok dickhead. I just gotta say this, bro: You missed your calling. I know that you and I have a lot of things in common, even though we disagree with each other's political choices. You're a Bidenista and I am a MAGAtard, whatever the hell that is. But from what I've garnered of your general demeanor, we have more in common than we do in difference.

I just want you to know, we both breathe the same air, we drink the same water, we like the same things, and as Americans, we're both in this shit together. I don't know if you know it or not, but do suspect you're aware of this: Our country is under an attack. We as Americans are being attacked in more ways than you or I are aware of: From poisonous drugs coming across the border, such as fentanyl. From individuals having ties to known foreign terrorist organizations coming across the border, from rampant crime, anarchism, deviancy, destructive influences, and may I be so bold as to say from our own government, which has become nothing more than a tool, a stooge, a stoolie, and a step-n-fetchit for globalist elements which would like nothing more than to see this country you love, America, to fail. To choke. To die. To cease from existence.
If it had been me - or probably anyone posting here - I would have complied, then truthfully answered any and all questions that were asked of me, to the best of my ability. It would not matter whether the questions were in closed session or in front of the cameras.

Because I'm not a crook.

Hunter Biden, on the other hand, has been engaged in an illegal influence peddling scheme for the past several years, and if he speaks the truth, he will ultimately be convicted on a number of counts, and in the process he will kill his father's chance at a second term, one way or another.

So since he CAN'T tell the truth, he gives a scripted, whiny speech about how he is so dreadfully picked upon.

Exactly no one was fooled. If he were not involved in criminal activity, he would willingly testify.

End of story.
Ok dickhead. I just gotta say this, bro: You missed your calling. I know that you and I have a lot of things in common, even though we disagree with each other's political choices. You're a Bidenista and I am a MAGAtard, whatever the hell that is. But from what I've garnered of your general demeanor, we have more in common than we do in difference.

I just want you to know, we both breathe the same air, we drink the same water, we like the same things, and as Americans, we're both in this shit together. I don't know if you know it or not, but do suspect you're aware of this: Our country is under an attack. We as Americans are being attacked in more ways than you or I are aware of: From poisonous drugs coming across the border, such as fentanyl. From individuals having ties to known foreign terrorist organizations coming across the border, from rampant crime, anarchism, deviancy, destructive influences, and may I be so bold as to say from our own government, which has become nothing more than a tool, a stooge, a stoolie, and a step-n-fetchit for globalist elements which would like nothing more than to see this country you love, America, to fail. To choke. To die. To cease from existence.

This post has what I call:

Epic based energons.
Now the lowlife crackhead says he's leaving the country when Pres Trump gets re-elected. He got that "run and hide" gene when he was shot out of daddy's limp dick.

He's not sure where yet... somewhere where the age of consent is 6, and no extradition treaties with the US.

South Sudan? Somalia?

Watch out kids.... you thought dodging Hussein's drone strikes were tough.... wait til Briben's kid shows up with a boner....


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