Did I hear right? An illegal posing as a minor murders a family in Jacksonville

.....…He exhausts all effort in raising his children to make sure they grow up to be like him…He provides a REAL service for real Americans…He‘s law abiding and positive contributing…....
Like most immigrants do.
I would defy any rational person to explain what this administration is doing in any way OTHER than the fact that they are trying to destroy this country quite intentionally.

Everything they do is so obviously counter to the best interests of our nation state that it HAS to be intentional.
This administration has the Obama finger prints all over it. Remember, Benghazi was just a protest that got out of hand over a video..... Yeah right.

Wasn't it Susan Rice that lied, and then lied some more for Obama and the crew over the issue ?
My Grandparents came here as immigrants.

Please read that last line *carefully*. They had to go through a lot of paperwork which included proof they could support themselves once they got into the country. In their case, it was a sack full of gold coin, which they used to purchase a farmstead.

Today, even here in the small state of Vermont, farmers depend on the cheap labor imported from Mexico to harvest the crops we buy at the local grocery store.

But an *open* border? That is a problem, imho. I can not travel an hour north to Canada without proper documentation entering that country: they do a good job policing their border.
I would defy any rational person to explain what this administration is doing in any way OTHER than the fact that they are trying to destroy this country quite intentionally.

Everything they do is so obviously counter to the best interests of our nation state that it HAS to be intentional.
Agreed... THIS level of abject fuckery cannot be down to simple incompetence. The Tan Messiah and his Coven of Democrat witches - Rice, Jarret, and Powers - are laughing at us all while using the pants shitter to cover for them.
YOU don't know what you're talking about, you subhuman filth.
You got to pull your head from your ass Humberto…your people are fucking trash…COCKROACHES!

Sad.....put lipstick on a Pig and some "Cunservatives" will run drooling to get in line.
All I see is an evil, hateful, lying POS that wants to end freedom.

Broke Loser was spot on.....
Does broke loser only think that white's were Christian's back in the day's ?? Black's also went to church in the 1800s, and they worshiped together or sat together in the white Churches if they went, except for being apart from the white's who sat in the lower deck/floor while the black's sat in the upper deck/floor...They still were listening to the same sermon's in the same churches of worship or learning about Christianity through various method's and/or learning from the Americans who were working them on the farms in the south and/or utilizing them as servitude in the north.

Having slaves was against Christianity or it's beliefs, and yet due to needing or realizing that there was a huge lift that had to be done in the fields (jobs the young whites in mass weren't going to do), they decided to vaccinate the slaves against Covid, even though it was against their wills, and it was all in order to make sure that they didn't fall out on the job while picking that cotton. Oh wait, that's what the Democrat Washington plantation owners "currently" are doing to the enslaved 2021 military, and now the enslaved 2021 civilian population (my bad), and are doing so whether or not they are black, brown, white or yellow in skin color.

Just get in line surf's, and get that damned shot, because the bumbling evil Washington plantation owner Biden said so. If you don't, he's gonna put y'all back in chains.. Wait let me say it with emphasis like he did "Put Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINS".
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Agreed... THIS level of abject fuckery cannot be down to simple incompetence. The Tan Messiah and his Coven of Democrat witches - Rice, Jarret, and Powers - are laughing at us all while using the pants shitter to cover for them.
I believe you are right... You seen how Obama tried to come to the rescue of the evil piece of work in Virginia, and tried to throw the race card into play while doing so. You would think that the Washington Republicans/conservatives would get tired of the idiot's calling them racist for political reason's, and I mean for evil political reason's at that. When are we truly going to start living the very true words that king spoke, and start judging people by their character's and their actions ? Otherwise it's time to write bill's and enact law's that stop people from using the race card if not warranted. Implement fines, and jail time should be the result of abusing the Civil Rights act, otherwise the act should be based upon character, and the rights of those who exhibit good character regardless of skin color... Otherwise no longer should it be used as an inflaming tool or source to trash another's skin color for nefarious reason's, otherwise if attempting to use it in such a way regardless of the skin color. Hate speech cuts in all directions, and these Damned politicians who use and abuse such a thing as this civil rights act or hide behind such a thing for nefarious reason's, should be hit with hate speech crimes what ever one's color is if guilty.

Once we do this, then the civil rights act applies to everyone regardless of skin color just as it should be, and it should be used in this way to ensure the basic human rights of all Americans regardless of skin color. All Lives Matter !!!!

It's time.
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I would defy any rational person to explain what this administration is doing in any way OTHER than the fact that they are trying to destroy this country quite intentionally.

Everything they do is so obviously counter to the best interests of our nation state that it HAS to be intentional.
I'll go farther and say that everyone knows the truth about it all, but like a chess game, somehow the left keeps winning. Hopefully we will get some better player's soon, but not so sure about it. Virginia was a breath of fresh air, but hopefully we don't have just another dud on our hands. Trump tried to show everyone the problem's, and he was putting America first, but the left who wants America to fall for it's globalist handlers, had to fight Trump like a bunch of rabid dog's. We see the results, and know what has taken place, but we seem powerless to stop these domestic terrorist who no longer have America as their crown jewel to look after. The sell out is catastrophic.
You got to crawl out from under your bed, go outside, and meet some real people in the real world, you ignorant sub human filth.
There it is…..”I know this one really cool family of illegals….Therefore I put my head in my ass, ignore the data and pretend all illegals are AWESOME!”

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