Did I hear right? An illegal posing as a minor murders a family in Jacksonville

We've both got it right. Obama couldn't be tolerated because the US south saw him as presumptious and uppity to think he could ever be their president. Obama's skin colour started it and then Trump capitalized on racism in the same way Hitler made it word against the Jews.
How about we agree everyone can get along and function together regardless of immutable characteristics? We're all Americans. Let's act the part.
Sad.....put lipstick on a Pig and some "Cunservatives" will run drooling to get in line.
All I see is an evil, hateful, lying POS that wants to end freedom.

Broke Loser was spot on.....

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
How about we agree everyone can get along and function together regardless of immutable characteristics? We're all Americans. Let's act the part.

Never gonna happen.
People on the Right are fundamentally different than people on the Left.
They are not capable of coexistence. FAR too many glaring differences.

We had a unCivil war in the 1800's over it.....and as you can see, it settled nothing.
Never gonna happen.
People on the Right are fundamentally different than people on the Left.
They are not capable of coexistence. FAR too many glaring differences.

We had a unCivil war in the 1800's over it.....and as you can see, it settled nothing.
We are just too different at the core…there’s no coming back…The divide must be embraced, the fight must be fought.
I would defy any rational person to explain what this administration is doing in any way OTHER than the fact that they are trying to destroy this country quite intentionally.

Everything they do is so obviously counter to the best interests of our nation state that it HAS to be intentional.
Here is an idea. Dump ALL of the Illegals in 'Frisco. At Pelosis house.
To Biden's credit and playing to his side, immigrants coming to America will excel and take the place of hateful racist Americans.
That FEELZ so good to say doesn’t it?
Now that the talking part is done…show us the data that proves that thirdworlders are improving, enhancing and advancing America.
We’ll be standing by
Trump created racist hate in America to levels common in the 60's. If Biden rolled over and played dead on the issue, it would likely be playing into Trump's dirty hands.

Biden could very well be experimenting with the opposite effect by showing acceptance of immigrants to a higher level than what used to be normal numbers.

To Biden's credit and playing to his side, immigrants coming to America will excel and take the place of hateful racist Americans.

And of course we all know that they will fall into line with the demands of society and not make petty bullshit claims for why people shouldn't be vaccinated. That bullshit only creates more job openings for decent people who actually care about the rights of others.
Biden is a Democrat-racist to the core. Trump is not.....no matter what convoluted lies the left attempts to spin.
Never gonna happen.
People on the Right are fundamentally different than people on the Left.
They are not capable of coexistence. FAR too many glaring differences.

We had a unCivil war in the 1800's over it.....and as you can see, it settled nothing.

I agree. I was trying to "part ways" amicably with a certain poster but universal hostility seems kneejerk these days and I've never been one to turn the other cheek anyway.
Never gonna happen.
People on the Right are fundamentally different than people on the Left.
They are not capable of coexistence. FAR too many glaring differences.

We had a unCivil war in the 1800's over it.....and as you can see, it settled nothing.
You people are gender confused fruitcakes. Working cogs who never lived a life.LOLOL

GD I feel so sorry for you confused penis sucking ass holes
That FEELZ so good to say doesn’t it?
Now that the talking part is done…show us the data that proves that thirdworlders are improving, enhancing and advancing America.
We’ll be standing by
What if your family was murdered? Would you feel different

If this family murdered were Biden supporters. They deserved every GD stab you dumb gender confused piece of mother fucking shit
How about we agree everyone can get along and function together regardless of immutable characteristics? We're all Americans. Let's act the part.
Good suggestion! But I'm not an American so don't tell me.
Are you struggling to make the distinction between LEGAL Dr. Patel from India and ILLEGAL baby maker Humberto from Mexico?
Are you saying that doctors from India don't have children? You know there are a lot more people in India than Mexico, stupid.
That FEELZ so good to say doesn’t it?
Now that the talking part is done…show us the data that proves that thirdworlders are improving, enhancing and advancing America.
We’ll be standing by
Stupid then, stupid now.
Are you saying that doctors from India don't have children? You know there are a lot more people in India than Mexico, stupid.
We INVITE India’s best while Mexico’s trash breaks in.
Let me break this down for your ignorant ass…Dr Patel only has children he ALONE can afford…He exhausts all effort in raising his children to make sure they grow up to be like him…He provides a REAL service for real Americans…He‘s law abiding and positive contributing…MOST IMPORTANTLY….he was INVITED by We The People.
Get it now Feelings Guy?

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