Did I hear right? An illegal posing as a minor murders a family in Jacksonville

There it is…..”I know this one really cool family of illegals….Therefore I put my head in my ass, ignore the data and pretend all illegals are AWESOME!”
Can never lump all into the same pile in order to be processed equally, so just as it is in everything, the wheat have to be seperated from the tare's. How the nation got away from the concept is simply mind boggling. We have great migrants, and then we have bad migrants, but if the border is being rushed by all, and there is no way to know who the good and bad are, then Houston we have one hell of a problem.

Vouching for people is a very good thing, but taking full responsibility for them usually falls short, otherwise if it is required of those who are spouting that they are all good when they in fact have no way of proving it.... Once they are asked to let them live in their gated community then they shut up or all you hear is crickets.

Funny how the gated community crowd likes to force everyone outside the gated communities, ummm to do as they say, but not as they do. It's Pathetic.
Can never lump all into the same pile in order to be processed equally, so just as it is in everything, the wheat have to be seperated from the tare's. How the nation got away from the concept is simply mind boggling. We have great migrants, and then we have bad migrants, but if the border is being rushed by all, and there is no way to know who the good and bad are, then Houston we have one hell of a problem.

Vouching for people is a very good thing, but taking full responsibility for them usually falls short, otherwise if it is required of those who are spouting that they are all good when they in fact have no way of proving it.... Once they are asked to let them live in their gated community then they shut up or all you hear is crickets.

Funny how the gated community crowd likes to force everyone outside the gated communities, ummm to do as they say, but not as they do. It's Pathetic.
I respectfully disagree….ALL illegals are pieces of filthy dog shit….PERIOD.
But look on the bright side; sleepy Joe is very happy.
Think about it. If these people were Biden supporters they voted to murder themselves....think about that

Every libturd on this board is responsible for these and all murders by illegals
I respectfully disagree….ALL illegals are pieces of filthy dog shit….PERIOD.
Well you are wrong about that, and of course you would say such a thing because why ??????? Biden and his open border demoncrats are responsible for giving false hopes to million's taunting them to come here without proper vetting, and this doesn't make those who are good, and that sadly are amongst the crowds who are coming (because of our current idiot's running the government) bad.

Don't fall into the trap of racism. Be smarter than that.
Well you are wrong about that, and of course you would say such a thing because why ??????? Biden and his open border demoncrats are responsible for giving false hopes to million's taunting them to come here without proper vetting, and this doesn't make those who are good, and that sadly are amongst the crowds who are coming (because of our current idiot's running the government) bad.

Don't fall into the trap of racism. Be smarter than that.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one has to be a racist in order to hate people who break into our country and shit on out laws and sovereignty….the reason they do it matters not.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one has to be a racist in order to hate people who break into our country and shit on out laws and sovereignty….the reason they do it matters not.
How about subhuman filth like YOU who shit on everything my great nation stands for? Why you do it matters not.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one has to be a racist in order to hate people who break into our country and shit on out laws and sovereignty….the reason they do it matters not.
Ok, let's say that you are one who says to hell with it (along with hundreds of thousands more), and you are getting the hell out of here before the dictator loads your ace and mine up into the rail cars, and starts taking us to the gas Chambers.

How would you feel if the border you were fleeing to looked at you in the same ways that you look at others trying to flee here ???

The problem however, is that they are being invited here by the nut job in the white house who could care less why they are coming here whether they are good or bad, only that their numbers will overcome the anti-Biden/demoncrat voter's in the next general and local elections, otherwise if him and his cronies can somehow pull it off.

Just try not to blanket in your speak, because such a thing isn't helpful. Direct your anger at our government for doing what they do, and let people be people who are just as beat down as we are in life.
Ok, let's say that you are one who says to hell with it (along with hundreds of thousands more), and you are getting the hell out of here before the dictator loads your ace and mine up into the rail cars, and starts taking us to the gas Chambers.

How would you feel if the border you were fleeing to looked at you in the same ways that you look at others trying to flee here ???

The problem however, is that they are being invited here by the nut job in the white house who could care less why they are coming here whether they are good or bad, only that their numbers will overcome the anti-Biden/demoncrat voter's in the next general and local elections, otherwise if him and his cronies can somehow pull it off.

Just try not to blanket in your speak, because such a thing isn't helpful. Direct your anger at our government for doing what they do, and let people be people who are just as beat down as we are in life.
You clearly have a hardcore case of Republicanitus.…you’ve lost your nuts.
Your post is Leftist like bullshit and very disingenuous…the fictional tale you’ve concocted isn’t happening to our south. Their problems are self induced due to cultural deficiencies. They simply can’t stop running their baby factories…too many mouths to feed and not enough resources…SIMPLE SHIT.
They have to break into neighboring nations and rob taxpayers to feed their litters of filth….FUCK THAT…I’m fed up and you should be to. Stop with the bleeding heart bullshit.
...They simply can’t stop running their baby factories…too many mouths to feed and not enough resources…SIMPLE SHIT.
They have to break into neighboring nations and rob taxpayers to feed their litters ...
Wrong again, you ignorant, filthy dog shit.

Wrong again, you ignorant, filthy dog shit.

Look Humberto…the ‘births per woman’ in a nation that MUST rob neighboring nations to survive should be ZERO. Are you really confused by such simplicity?
Look Humberto…the ‘births per woman’ in a nation that MUST rob neighboring nations to survive should be ZERO. Are you really confused by such simplicity?
You can't even understand the data, you ignorant piece of filthy dog shit. You can do nothing but repeat your infantile, cowardly, racist bullshit. It is a crime that subhuman scum like you is allowed to squat in my great nation.
You can't even understand the data, you ignorant piece of filthy dog shit. You can do nothing but repeat your infantile, cowardly, racist bullshit. It is a crime that subhuman scum like you is allowed to squat in my great nation.
Break it down for us dummies Humberto…I’ll wait

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