Did last nights debate change anyone's mind on who they are voting for?

Did the debate change your mind

  • Was Trump, now Biden

  • Was Biden, now Trump

  • Was Trump, still Trump

  • Was Biden, still Biden

  • Was Trump, now neither

  • Was Biden, now neither

  • Never planned to vote for either one.

Results are only viewable after voting.
If every our country had the chance to stop the stranglehold of the duopoly this year it is, the two worst/most flawed candidates in the history of the nation...and yet partisan loyalties will again win out over the good of the nation.
Seems likely. Voters are pretty entranced by the lesser-of-two-evils con.
Confused about the natural relationship of men, women and sex

Gay people are not confused at all, they just choose a different path.

They have existed for all of human history ,and always will.

The fact hate filled idiots like you find them icky is irrelevant.
Gay people are not confused at all, they just choose a different path.

Nature - also known as God - designed men and women to compliment each other

Instead homosexuals choose to do disgusting things to each other

Nature - also known as God - designed men and women to compliment each other

Instead homosexuals choose to do disgusting things to each other

Yet nature keeps making gay people, has for as long as nature has exited.
You sound bitter

The law protects perverts

So you dont need my approval

The world is full of hate filled people like you that only stop themselves from killing other people due to the laws of the land.

Nothing to be bitter about, your kind have always exited and always will. You are the reason we have to have such laws. Most people do not need those laws to stop them
The world is full of hate filled people like you that only stop themselves from killing other people due to the laws of the land.

Nothing to be bitter about, your kind have always exited and always will. You are the reason we have to have such laws. Most people do not need those laws to stop them
Dont lie just to win an argument

Your mind toys with the idea of killing homos

I never even hinted at it
Does Harpy seriously believe this guy should in government ruling over us?

I dont



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I will most likely be sitting this entire election out. Had planned to vote for Biden, but not now.

I’m pretty much one of those complex double haters at this point. Waste of time to vote third party.
I will most likely be sitting this entire election out. Had planned to vote for Biden, but not now.

I’m pretty much one of those complex double haters at this point. Waste of time to vote third party.

That is what the duopoly wants you to believe

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