Did last nights debate change anyone's mind on who they are voting for?

Did the debate change your mind

  • Was Trump, now Biden

  • Was Biden, now Trump

  • Was Trump, still Trump

  • Was Biden, still Biden

  • Was Trump, now neither

  • Was Biden, now neither

  • Never planned to vote for either one.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I disagree. We are voting poorly but we are voting.
When it comes down to it, the quality of a democracy depends on the quality of the votes. Garbage in, garbage out. For decades now we've been voting for bad candidates on purpose (the lesser-of-two-evils con). THAT is what has painted us into this corner.
When it comes down to it, the quality of a democracy depends on the quality of the votes. Garbage in, garbage out. For decades now we've been voting for bad candidates on purpose (the lesser-of-two-evils con). THAT is what has painted us into this corner.
As the right destroys education, informed voters become rare, uniformed voters plentiful and easily led astray. That’s not a democracy problem it’s an education problem.
As the right destroys education, informed voters become rare, uniformed voters plentiful and easily led astray. That’s not a democracy problem it’s an education problem.
No. Doesn’t matter. Money controls US politics. It has for a long time. The billionaires and their corporations buy the entire process.

The following is a good summation.

What an Awful Choice! - LewRockwell
Look at the US Congress. Money from pro-Israel groups floods Congress which gives billions to Israel and ally Egypt. As the wise Pat Buchanan said, ‘Capitol Hill has become Israeli-occupied territory.’ Since October 7th of last year, the Biden administration has poured more then $6.5 billion into Israel to fund its war against Palestine.

The Biden White House is under the thumb of a cabal of pro-Israel neocons allied to the extreme right wingers now in power in Israel. PM Netanyahu’s rickety coalition depends on the votes of Israel’s far, far right – so much to the right that the late, great Israeli columnist Uri Avnery called them ‘Jewish fascists.’ Ukraine is also veering in that direction.

Ukraine and Israel are both dominated by pro-Israel groups. Hence the recent gift by Washington of $95 billion to Ukraine and Israel. No wonder many Israelis refer to Ukraine as ‘the second Israel.’

Biden’s feebleness must be addressed. The Democrats badly need a new leader. My sense is that California’s abled, telegenic governor Gavin Newsom is the most attractive candidate. He currently denies any plans to run. But pressure must be mounting on him to jump into the race.

Biden is not finished yet, but the next weeks may prove his undoing. He still has lots of campaign funds to buy TV ads. Trump has the promise of $100 million from the widow of Sheldon Adelson, the world’s fifth richest woman and an ardent supporter of Israel.

So far, that looks like ante that will buy Congress and the presidency for now. What a dark time in US history. America seems to be going the way of the old Soviet Union, with a decrepit leadership sitting atop a sea of corruption. One wonders whom the desperate Dems will select to replace Biden. Perhaps Tony Blinken, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton (gasp) or a surprise candidate like businessmen Jeff Bezos.

Those who do not love the United States must be very happy now. Things could only get worse.
Nope..............free press died some time ago. Follow the reporting since Biden's dementia became an issue. Left media, democrats all offered glowing reports of how 'sharp as a tack' Biden was. Well their tune did a flip flop after the crash and burn debate. Explain that.

As the right destroys education, informed voters become rare, uniformed voters plentiful and easily led astray.
Right destroys education? It's leftist indoctrination that is the issue.........Notice the Jew hating protests from our finest colleges? Indoctrination.

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