Did Obama DESERVE to become president??

Dec 2011

CBS poll: 54% say Obama doesn't deserve re-election

USA Today-Gallup Dec 2011
Barack Obama Would Lose All 12 Swing States Today, Poll Says

At this point in time Papa Obama is in big trouble
Times have changed indeed


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He forgot to mention one little fact. The Republicans didn't take over the majority until January 1995. Clinton raised taxes in 1993-94. That's what they don't want you to know...it's the low tax rates that created the deficit. Reagan cut them and borrowed trillions from foreign banks to fund it. Clinton raised taxes and balanced the budget....indeed created $450 billion of surplus. The debt was in line to be completely paid off by 2012 but George W. Bush cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic oppostition and guess what........doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion. It ain't rocket science...if you cut taxes and don't cut spending your ass goes in debt. Republicans have never cut spending not one goddam cent...it's just another lie they tell.

What you neglect to mention is that the Dot Com Boom ended the year before W. took office. The reason that Clinton was able to balance the budget was because of the huge amounts of revenue that were flowing into the Federal coffers because of the Dot Com Boom. You're now suggesting we do a math equation to arrive at a desired answer...1+1+1=3 except you're leaving out one of the numbers that makes up that equation. If you subtract the Dot Com Boom revenues from Clinton's economic policies...which is what we would be doing NOW with tax raises in a weak economy...then instead of the answer you're looking for...you're going to get a completely different one. THAT is the reason why even liberal economists like Romer cautioned against raising taxes on anyone.

No dammit....you're blind as a bat. Reagan was the first president to ever cut taxes for the wealthy and borrow money to fund it. He and Bush's daddy quadrupled the national debt. Cinton raised taxes and made thing work again the way they were before. With surpluses projected all the way to the outyears that idiot George Bush cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 and for the first time in the history of this great republic began to borrow from Communist Chinese banks. Then he proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 to nearly $12 trillion. It's the low tax rates for the wealthy and continuing to spend like there's no tomorrow that has gotten us into this mess. Every goddam bit by the Republicans beginning in 1981.

The reason raising taxes "worked" for Clinton was BECAUSE of the Dot Com Boom.

To use an analogy? You want us to believe that because you put a carton of ice cream out on your back porch last January and it didn't melt that we will get the same result if we put that ice cream out in the middle of a heat wave in July. Yes, you're right that the ice cream didn't melt when you did it before but that was SOLELY due to the circumstances involved. The reason that a Clinton tax increase worked was because of the circumstances involved...specifically the Dot Com Boom that Bill Clinton was fortunate to be able to reap the benefit of. We don't have anything even remotely like what was happening during the Clinton Administration happening now...yet you expect that the "ice cream" is not going to melt. It's a foolhardy approach based on your political view rather than economics.
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they forget

Of course

The 1997 Tax Cut (Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997): The Economy Unleashed
In 1997, the Republican-led Congress passed a tax-relief and deficit-reduction bill that was resisted but ultimately signed by President Clinton.
What you neglect to mention is that the Dot Com Boom ended the year before W. took office. The reason that Clinton was able to balance the budget was because of the huge amounts of revenue that were flowing into the Federal coffers because of the Dot Com Boom. You're now suggesting we do a math equation to arrive at a desired answer...1+1+1=3 except you're leaving out one of the numbers that makes up that equation. If you subtract the Dot Com Boom revenues from Clinton's economic policies...which is what we would be doing NOW with tax raises in a weak economy...then instead of the answer you're looking for...you're going to get a completely different one. THAT is the reason why even liberal economists like Romer cautioned against raising taxes on anyone.

No dammit....you're blind as a bat. Reagan was the first president to ever cut taxes for the wealthy and borrow money to fund it. He and Bush's daddy quadrupled the national debt. Cinton raised taxes and made thing work again the way they were before. With surpluses projected all the way to the outyears that idiot George Bush cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 and for the first time in the history of this great republic began to borrow from Communist Chinese banks. Then he proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 to nearly $12 trillion. It's the low tax rates for the wealthy and continuing to spend like there's no tomorrow that has gotten us into this mess. Every goddam bit by the Republicans beginning in 1981.

The reason raising taxes "worked" for Clinton was BECAUSE of the Dot Com Boom.

To use an analogy? You want us to believe that because you put a carton of ice cream out on your back porch last January and it didn't melt that we will get the same result if we put that ice cream out in the middle of a heat wave in July. Yes, you're right that the ice cream didn't melt when you did it before but that was SOLELY due to the circumstances involved. The reason that a Clinton tax increase worked was because of the circumstances involved...specifically the Dot Com Boom that Bill Clinton was fortunate to be able to reap the benefit of. We don't have anything even remotely like what was happening during the Clinton Administration happening now...yet you expect that the "ice cream" is not going to melt. It's a foolhardy approach based on your political view rather than economics.

This is facts. It can be verifed. I don't need any Fox News horse schit to prove my points:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
So the Dot Com Boom wasn't a fact? You don't have the same conditions now that Bill Clinton had during his two terms yet you call for tax increases and expect the same results. If you're a Keynesian, you should already KNOW that Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn. It's the reason that Christina Romer came out and repeated that warning. Yet you want taxes raised? That's the sign of someone who's let their political ideology cloud their judgement. I can understand why Obama keeps calling for tax raises. He knows that raising taxes on the wealthy "reasonates" with the non wealthy and portraying the GOP as championing the rich is his only prayer of getting reelected. That's the sign of someone who is willing to push a foolhardy position if they think it will keep them in office.
The US has a spending problem
not a tax problem

Bush ran up an average of $410 billion in deficit spending per year, while Obama is running up an average of $1.413 trillion in deficit spending per year — or $1.003 trillion a year more than Bush.

The Left is desperately trying to pretend that it is 2008 and pretend the last years did not happen

Well, to be fair
can you blame them
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So the Dot Com Boom wasn't a fact? You don't have the same conditions now that Bill Clinton had during his two terms yet you call for tax increases and expect the same results. If you're a Keynesian, you should already KNOW that Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn. It's the reason that Christina Romer came out and repeated that warning. Yet you want taxes raised? That's the sign of someone who's let their political ideology cloud their judgement. I can understand why Obama keeps calling for tax raises. He knows that raising taxes on the wealthy "reasonates" with the non wealthy and portraying the GOP as championing the rich is his only prayer of getting reelected. That's the sign of someone who is willing to push a foolhardy position if they think it will keep them in office.

"Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn"

LMAO!!! That's exactly what Bill Clinton did in 1993-94 and the Republicans squeeled like stuck pigs with the same horse schit you just posted. Do you remember what Jim Carville came up with for a campaign slogan in 1992 "It's The Economy Stupid" That ring a bell

Republicans have forgotten everything they used to stand for...small government, individual rights and BALANCED BUDGETS!

After borrowing 80% of all the debt this nation has accrued in 232 years they suddenly came up with a new creed for the niqqer. Leaving Barack Obama with an annual interest payment of ($450,000,000,000) in 2009 they suddenly have become the party of fiscal responsibility. That schit won't work......they can't have it both ways.
The 1997 Tax Cut (Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997): The Economy Unleashed
In 1997, the Republican-led Congress passed a tax-relief and deficit-reduction bill that was resisted but ultimately signed by President Clinton.


Another uninformed leftist pushing an agenda
You really need some better leftist websites
or stop getting all your news from the MSM.
So the Dot Com Boom wasn't a fact? You don't have the same conditions now that Bill Clinton had during his two terms yet you call for tax increases and expect the same results. If you're a Keynesian, you should already KNOW that Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn. It's the reason that Christina Romer came out and repeated that warning. Yet you want taxes raised? That's the sign of someone who's let their political ideology cloud their judgement. I can understand why Obama keeps calling for tax raises. He knows that raising taxes on the wealthy "reasonates" with the non wealthy and portraying the GOP as championing the rich is his only prayer of getting reelected. That's the sign of someone who is willing to push a foolhardy position if they think it will keep them in office.

"Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn"

LMAO!!! That's exactly what Bill Clinton did in 1993-94 and the Republicans squeeled like stuck pigs with the same horse schit you just posted. Do you remember what Jim Carville came up with for a campaign slogan in 1992 "It's The Economy Stupid" That ring a bell

Republicans have forgotten everything they used to stand for...small government, individual rights and BALANCED BUDGETS!

After borrowing 80% of all the debt this nation has accrued in 232 years they suddenly came up with a new creed for the niqqer. Leaving Barack Obama with an annual interest payment of ($450,000,000,000) in 2009 they suddenly have become the party of fiscal responsibility. That schit won't work......they can't have it both ways.

What's with the offensive attempt to race bait? ******? Show some class! As someone with an ancestor that fought to free slaves in the Civil War I find it remarkable that I'm now charged with racism simply because I believe in a conservative fiscal policy.
So the Dot Com Boom wasn't a fact? You don't have the same conditions now that Bill Clinton had during his two terms yet you call for tax increases and expect the same results. If you're a Keynesian, you should already KNOW that Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn. It's the reason that Christina Romer came out and repeated that warning. Yet you want taxes raised? That's the sign of someone who's let their political ideology cloud their judgement. I can understand why Obama keeps calling for tax raises. He knows that raising taxes on the wealthy "reasonates" with the non wealthy and portraying the GOP as championing the rich is his only prayer of getting reelected. That's the sign of someone who is willing to push a foolhardy position if they think it will keep them in office.

"Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn"

LMAO!!! That's exactly what Bill Clinton did in 1993-94 and the Republicans squeeled like stuck pigs with the same horse schit you just posted. Do you remember what Jim Carville came up with for a campaign slogan in 1992 "It's The Economy Stupid" That ring a bell

Republicans have forgotten everything they used to stand for...small government, individual rights and BALANCED BUDGETS!

After borrowing 80% of all the debt this nation has accrued in 232 years they suddenly came up with a new creed for the niqqer. Leaving Barack Obama with an annual interest payment of ($450,000,000,000) in 2009 they suddenly have become the party of fiscal responsibility. That schit won't work......they can't have it both ways.

What's with the offensive attempt to race bait? ******? Show some class! As someone with an ancestor that fought to free slaves in the Civil War I find it remarkable that I'm now charged with racism simply because I believe in a conservative fiscal policy.

It was tongue in cheek for what the Republicans are doing. I voted for Barack Obama and if I live another year I will do it again.

When I was a child on my Grandparent's farm he had a family of sharecroppers. They did the work and lived in a three room shack and he got two thirds of the profits. My uncles used to make up lies and tell them just to upset the family. That's when I made up my mind to treat all of mankind the same unless they mistreated me.
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So the Dot Com Boom wasn't a fact? You don't have the same conditions now that Bill Clinton had during his two terms yet you call for tax increases and expect the same results. If you're a Keynesian, you should already KNOW that Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn. It's the reason that Christina Romer came out and repeated that warning. Yet you want taxes raised? That's the sign of someone who's let their political ideology cloud their judgement. I can understand why Obama keeps calling for tax raises. He knows that raising taxes on the wealthy "reasonates" with the non wealthy and portraying the GOP as championing the rich is his only prayer of getting reelected. That's the sign of someone who is willing to push a foolhardy position if they think it will keep them in office.

"Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn"

LMAO!!! That's exactly what Bill Clinton did in 1993-94 and the Republicans squeeled like stuck pigs with the same horse schit you just posted. Do you remember what Jim Carville came up with for a campaign slogan in 1992 "It's The Economy Stupid" That ring a bell

Republicans have forgotten everything they used to stand for...small government, individual rights and BALANCED BUDGETS!

After borrowing 80% of all the debt this nation has accrued in 232 years they suddenly came up with a new creed for the niqqer. Leaving Barack Obama with an annual interest payment of ($450,000,000,000) in 2009 they suddenly have become the party of fiscal responsibility. That schit won't work......they can't have it both ways.

What's with the offensive attempt to race bait? ******? Show some class! As someone with an ancestor that fought to free slaves in the Civil War I find it remarkable that I'm now charged with racism simply because I believe in a conservative fiscal policy.

Since they can't run on Papa Obama's record
just wait to see how negative the Left is going to be this election

Too bad the left overplayed the race card last election.
So out of hard to use it on the same person who voted once for Papa Obama
but does not plan on voting for him now

More so, if things don't improve for them

(Dec 29 2011) Gallup Poll: Obama Approval Plummets

President Obama enjoyed a surge in popularity this week — but the bounce proved to be remarkably short-lived.

A Gallup tracking poll released Thursday showed that Obama is once again underwater, plummeting to 41 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval, a sharp drop from earlier in the week.


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I voted for Barack Obama and if I live another year I will do it again.

When I was a child on my Grandparent's farm he had a family of sharecroppers. They did the work and lived in a three room shack and he got two thirds of the profits. My uncles used to make up lies and tell them just to upset the sharecropper's family. That's when I made up my mind to treat all of mankind the same unless they mistreated me.
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"Keynes warned against raising taxes during an economic downturn"

LMAO!!! That's exactly what Bill Clinton did in 1993-94 and the Republicans squeeled like stuck pigs with the same horse schit you just posted. Do you remember what Jim Carville came up with for a campaign slogan in 1992 "It's The Economy Stupid" That ring a bell

Republicans have forgotten everything they used to stand for...small government, individual rights and BALANCED BUDGETS!

After borrowing 80% of all the debt this nation has accrued in 232 years they suddenly came up with a new creed for the niqqer. Leaving Barack Obama with an annual interest payment of ($450,000,000,000) in 2009 they suddenly have become the party of fiscal responsibility. That schit won't work......they can't have it both ways.

What's with the offensive attempt to race bait? ******? Show some class! As someone with an ancestor that fought to free slaves in the Civil War I find it remarkable that I'm now charged with racism simply because I believe in a conservative fiscal policy.

It was tongue in cheek for what the Republicans are doing. I voted for Barack Obama and if I live another year I will do it again.

When I was a child on my Grandparent's farm he had a family of sharecroppers. They did the work and lived in a three room shack and he got two thirds of the profits. My uncles used to make up lies and tell them just to upset the family. That's when I made up my mind to treat all of mankind the same unless they mistreated me.

So what you're telling me is that "you" come from a long line of racists...while you "tongue in cheek" accuse me of being a racist simply because I believe in fiscal responsibility, even though my family fought against racism?
I don't care how many people think Obama "deserved" to be President..

The only thing that matters today is the Majority of people doesn't think the Obama "deserves" to be reelected..

lets just make sure we make that come true that in 2012:eusa_clap:

You just keep on thinking that. There are red states and blue states and a do en scenarios involving the electoral college and guess what...........Obama will win nine of them. Get used to Mr. Obama because your Republican funny farm has done everything they could to make him look bad and the worst looking people in Washington right now are Republicans.

They really have. It's hard to believe Republicans SERIOUSLY think people like Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and (when he was running) Herman Cain actually had the potential to govern. And then the game playing in Congress by the GOP no matter what the expense -- damn the American people was about the size of it. Voters will not forget.
I don't care how many people think Obama "deserved" to be President..

The only thing that matters today is the Majority of people doesn't think the Obama "deserves" to be reelected..

lets just make sure we make that come true that in 2012:eusa_clap:

You just keep on thinking that. There are red states and blue states and a do en scenarios involving the electoral college and guess what...........Obama will win nine of them. Get used to Mr. Obama because your Republican funny farm has done everything they could to make him look bad and the worst looking people in Washington right now are Republicans.

They really have. It's hard to believe Republicans SERIOUSLY think people like Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and (when he was running) Herman Cain actually had the potential to govern. And then the game playing in Congress by the GOP no matter what the expense -- damn the American people was about the size of it. Voters will not forget.

And the Majority of the people today don't THINK the Obama and his comrades in arms can govern..and this is in...JUST THREE YEARS....so you just might be eating crow...
You just keep on thinking that. There are red states and blue states and a do en scenarios involving the electoral college and guess what...........Obama will win nine of them. Get used to Mr. Obama because your Republican funny farm has done everything they could to make him look bad and the worst looking people in Washington right now are Republicans.

They really have. It's hard to believe Republicans SERIOUSLY think people like Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and (when he was running) Herman Cain actually had the potential to govern. And then the game playing in Congress by the GOP no matter what the expense -- damn the American people was about the size of it. Voters will not forget.

And the Majority of the people today don't THINK the Obama and his comrades in arms can govern..and this is in...JUST THREE YEARS....so you just might be eating crow...

C'mon. Republicans have been whining about Obama in office since before he took the Oath. Polls aside, November is what counts. We'll see how you cry when he gets re-elected. You guys are doing a great job helping him get another four years.
They really have. It's hard to believe Republicans SERIOUSLY think people like Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and (when he was running) Herman Cain actually had the potential to govern. And then the game playing in Congress by the GOP no matter what the expense -- damn the American people was about the size of it. Voters will not forget.

And the Majority of the people today don't THINK the Obama and his comrades in arms can govern..and this is in...JUST THREE YEARS....so you just might be eating crow...

C'mon. Republicans have been whining about Obama in office since before he took the Oath. Polls aside, November is what counts. We'll see how you cry when he gets re-elected. You guys are doing a great job helping him get another four years.

yeah, we are so good..we are using mind control over the people being polled today that says, Obama shouldn't be reelected...damn we be good
CBS poll: 54% say Obama doesn't deserve re-election...and this is from CBS...:eek:
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And the Majority of the people today don't THINK the Obama and his comrades in arms can govern..and this is in...JUST THREE YEARS....so you just might be eating crow...

C'mon. Republicans have been whining about Obama in office since before he took the Oath. Polls aside, November is what counts. We'll see how you cry when he gets re-elected. You guys are doing a great job helping him get another four years.

yeah, we are so good..we are using mind control over the people being polled today that says, Obama shouldn't be reelected...damn we be good
CBS poll: 54% say Obama doesn't deserve re-election...and this is from CBS...:eek:

Notice how Republicans love CBS when it favors them. Otherwise, they're part of that Communist left-wing media bias.
Obama became president because the rightwing media universe didn't want the Clinton's. The Right knew that Obama would be easier to push around. And they were right. Obama is the tax cut president. O'reilly and much of the mainstream Right supported Obama against the Clintons. They got their man.

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