Did Paul Ryan Plan to bring congress to a stanstill no matter if it hurt US Economy?

Aug 7, 2012
Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!
Quoting KOS, Libtard?

Or is this where you tell the board again you aren't a Libtard?
Quoting KOS, Libtard?

Or is this where you tell the board again you aren't a Libtard?

His record is his record no matter where the info came from, Reptard. Obviously you are debate challenged and have to result in cutsie words and insults. Does it hurt much?!
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Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

Why should we listen to a pretender who wants us all to believe just a short while ago he was a "right winger" but now he has seen the light and believes whole heatedly in Obama.

What is it with you children that have to pretend to be something you are not.
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In crucial moments near the end of George W. Bush's presidency, for example, when the White House pleaded with Congress for a bank bailout plan to save free-falling financial markets, Ryan joined the effort to pass the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Dozens of Republicans did not. Ryan also joined in passing the auto industry bailout in late 2008, in the lame-duck session before the new Congress.

He voted in 2003 for Bush's proposal for a new Medicare prescription drug benefit, in a vote that saw more than dozen defectors within the party. Some conservatives, at the time and since, have criticized Medicare Part D as a costly government expansion.

That pattern continued as Ryan rose in the ranks of the House, becoming Budget Committee chairman. Early in this Congress, when some of his fellow Republicans threatened to shut down the government as one of the first acts of the new House GOP majority in 2011, Ryan voted for the budget deal to keep the government running.

Only an ignorant fucking Libtard would not recognize that Harry Reid has destroyed the ability of Congress to function by simply refusing to permit the Senate to engage in our time-honored process of give, take and compromise - choosing instead to let Obama rule by fiat and fatwa.

What a disaster.
Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

What a load of horse shit.
The entire article reads like a post from TM or Duhkota. A shit ton of allegations with absolutely nothing to back up a single one of them.
Only an ignorant fucking Libtard would not recognize that Harry Reid has destroyed the ability of Congress to function by simply refusing to permit the Senate to engage in our time-honored process of give, take and compromise - choosing instead to let Obama rule by fiat and fatwa.

What a disaster.

I despise Harry Reid but changing the subject to him doesn't absolve Ryan of doing things to expand government and bust the economy. I realize you can't comprehend such things however!
Only an ignorant fucking Libtard would not recognize that Harry Reid has destroyed the ability of Congress to function by simply refusing to permit the Senate to engage in our time-honored process of give, take and compromise - choosing instead to let Obama rule by fiat and fatwa.

What a disaster.

I despise Harry Reid but changing the subject to him doesn't absolve Ryan of doing things to expand government and bust the economy. I realize you can't comprehend such things however!

Stupid fuck, you just tried to argue that Ryan shutdown Congress, when in fact it is Harry Reid who REFUSES TO ENGAGE THE SENATE IN THE BUDGET PROCESS.
Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

Despite the claims of love of the Constitution, the radical right knows nothing of it, nor the nation's formation, and history. Ryan has shown he cares only for himself. Thus, the extremists adore him.
Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

Why should we listen to a pretender who wants us all to believe just a short while ago he was a "right winger" but now he has seen the light and believes whole heatedly in Obama.

What is it with you children that have to pretend to be something you are not.

I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.
Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

Why should we listen to a pretender who wants us all to believe just a short while ago he was a "right winger" but now he has seen the light and believes whole heatedly in Obama.

What is it with you children that have to pretend to be something you are not.

I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.

STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

No, refresh our memories...
Why should we listen to a pretender who wants us all to believe just a short while ago he was a "right winger" but now he has seen the light and believes whole heatedly in Obama.

What is it with you children that have to pretend to be something you are not.

I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.

STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

I voted for McCain/Palin and you probably wet your pants instead of voting because you sound like you are a regressive still in diapers!
I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.

STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

I voted for McCain/Palin and you probably wet your pants instead of voting because you sound like you are a regressive still in diapers!

Nobody is buying your, I used to be a Republican act kid.
STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

You sound really frustrated. Sucks to be you.

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