Did Somebody Say Gas Prices Were Down ?

I am not screwed up mentally or politically at all. I wish there were more choices for political leaders, but right now there is one for America and one for America hater. If you think this progressive Dimmer squad isn't deadly sincere with all their garbage then I believe you to be sadly mistaken....they would be pushing much more of their crazy agenda now if the could. I am not a Trump follower or necessarily supporter, but like I said, he supports America and gets my vote if he is the candidate.
You do not have to worry about the American Hater. Trump will not be on the ballot past the primaries, if then. So we will keep free elections, that have results that will be abided by. We will keep the DOJ, the FBI, the military will not become the domestic handmaiden of the executive branch, local and state elected officials will continue to fuck up their local state situations as they please. Trump supports Trump, not America. Don't be a chump for Trump.
You do not have to worry about the American Hater. Trump will not be on the ballot past the primaries, if then. So we will keep free elections, that have results that will be abided by. We will keep the DOJ, the FBI, the military will not become the domestic handmaiden of the executive branch, local and state elected officials will continue to fuck up their local state situations as they please. Trump supports Trump, not America. Don't be a chump for Trump.
I will vote for whomever wins the Republican nomination.
There is no Dimmer candidate I would ever vote for with the wackos they produce. At least you know where I stand, you?
Always knew where you stood. We can read you like an open book. You are a supporter of what used to be the Republican Party, but will support the, even if it is the Trumper party. You probably used to have conservative values, maybe even living and conducting yourself in a conservative manner. You probably used to believe in the constitution, rule of law, the courts, and all the other institutions that have kept this country balanced and moving forward, but maintaining the path of the best planned representative republic, ever on the face of the earth. Republican used to be good at that. I don't care if you vote for Democrats or not. Nobody worth a shit really does. Some people need a party, believing in their party more than the good of a country. I am different. I believe in the country. I believe no party is worth a shit, Republican or Democrat, as neither party are for the country anymore, but just for the party and party faithful now. Some maybe even putting all their faith in one guy, to get things his way, for his purpose, his benefit whether the country continues, under our constitution, with voting people in and out based on whether they are worth a shit, whether they are willing to leave or not, whether we abide and run the country by the rule of law or not. This puts me in the position of having to recognize and vote for ONLY people willing to continue our form of government, whether the lowest common denominator voter cares about the country in the long run or just for their chosen part or not. Conservatives are highly resistant to radical change. Real conservatives know that the long game is more important than any particular 4 years, as we can always vote the bastards out and gets somebody else, even if getting somebody as just a caretaker in any particular election cycle to get rid of the asshole there at the moment. This means I have options. You don't. Your allegiance is to a party, whether that party continues to balance the nation or not.
Which Democrat or Republican would be worth voting for?
At the moment, none for President, at least none that I am aware of, certainly not Trump, DeSantis or Newsome. I would not want to vote for Joe again, but will if what left of the Republican Party chooses one of those two, opportunist showboats.
At the moment, none for President, at least none that I am aware of, certainly not Trump, DeSantis or Newsome. I would not want to vote for Joe again, but will if what left of the Republican Party chooses one of those two, opportunist showboats.
So you will vote for a guy you don’t want so don’t get a guy that you like less.

That logic has led us right to where we are today.
And the alternative is ... ?
Find some different solutions, it is obvious that our current system works failed us. Maybe rank voting, it would help nullify the extremists that seem to permeate our elections.
Find some different solutions, it is obvious that our current system works failed us. Maybe rank voting, it would help nullify the extremists that seem to permeate our elections.

Not a bad concept except you'll end up with candidates winning with a much smaller portion of the population supporting them. Whereas now we have roughly half the nation against the president, with ranked voting, we could end up with 60% of more against a president. Plus it could be difficult working with Congress depending on which party wins. And that's still not a guarantee we don't end up with a shit president.

And I don't see it as the current system has failed. I see it as the people have failed. We've had some good presidents in recent times. Reagan, Clinton & Obama, IMO. The real problem is we, the people. We're too divided. Since Bush invaded Iraq, the people of the party out of power no longer support the president. After Bush did that, there was nothing he could do to get support from Democrats. Nothing Obama or Biden can do to get support from Republicans. Nothing Trump could do to get support from Democrats. A third party candidate is a crap shoot. They may get support from a majority of the people or they might end up with a large majority against them.
Always knew where you stood. We can read you like an open book. You are a supporter of what used to be the Republican Party, but will support the, even if it is the Trumper party. You probably used to have conservative values, maybe even living and conducting yourself in a conservative manner. You probably used to believe in the constitution, rule of law, the courts, and all the other institutions that have kept this country balanced and moving forward, but maintaining the path of the best planned representative republic, ever on the face of the earth. Republican used to be good at that. I don't care if you vote for Democrats or not. Nobody worth a shit really does. Some people need a party, believing in their party more than the good of a country. I am different. I believe in the country. I believe no party is worth a shit, Republican or Democrat, as neither party are for the country anymore, but just for the party and party faithful now. Some maybe even putting all their faith in one guy, to get things his way, for his purpose, his benefit whether the country continues, under our constitution, with voting people in and out based on whether they are worth a shit, whether they are willing to leave or not, whether we abide and run the country by the rule of law or not. This puts me in the position of having to recognize and vote for ONLY people willing to continue our form of government, whether the lowest common denominator voter cares about the country in the long run or just for their chosen part or not. Conservatives are highly resistant to radical change. Real conservatives know that the long game is more important than any particular 4 years, as we can always vote the bastards out and gets somebody else, even if getting somebody as just a caretaker in any particular election cycle to get rid of the asshole there at the moment. This means I have options. You don't. Your allegiance is to a party, whether that party continues to balance the nation or not.
Two choices last time I checked, now down to one. What Dimmer option do you have? This is a nice diatribe but you neglect to say that the country is being destroyed right now and that process has to be stopped and turned around. Immediately.
Not a bad concept except you'll end up with candidates winning with a much smaller portion of the population supporting them. Whereas now we have roughly half the nation against the president, with ranked voting, we could end up with 60% of more against a president. Plus it could be difficult working with Congress depending on which party wins. And that's still not a guarantee we don't end up with a shit president.

And I don't see it as the current system has failed. I see it as the people have failed. We've had some good presidents in recent times. Reagan, Clinton & Obama, IMO. The real problem is we, the people. We're too divided. Since Bush invaded Iraq, the people of the party out of power no longer support the president. After Bush did that, there was nothing he could do to get support from Democrats. Nothing Obama or Biden can do to get support from Republicans. Nothing Trump could do to get support from Democrats. A third party candidate is a crap shoot. They may get support from a majority of the people or they might end up with a large majority against them.
I think we would start in April, with all candidates, then take the top six and have another election in August and then the final two in November, but that is an idea. I believe the last good President was Clinton and even though I didn't agree with his politics, he was a good President.

I guess if the system isn't broken, how do we fix it because I feel since 2000 we have not elected a leader and they are getting worse. How do we unite, how do we move forward for the good of the country.
At the moment, none for President, at least none that I am aware of, certainly not Trump, DeSantis or Newsome. I would not want to vote for Joe again, but will if what left of the Republican Party chooses one of those two, opportunist showboats.
And there you have it.......way to go, "independent".....
By the way, Trump is the antithesis of America hater and the only one who supports the country.
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At the moment, none for President, at least none that I am aware of, certainly not Trump, DeSantis or Newsome. I would not want to vote for Joe again, but will if what left of the Republican Party chooses one of those two, opportunist showboats.
Oh, and another by the way.....
I think we would start in April, with all candidates, then take the top six and have another election in August and then the final two in November, but that is an idea. I believe the last good President was Clinton and even though I didn't agree with his politics, he was a good President.

I guess if the system isn't broken, how do we fix it because I feel since 2000 we have not elected a leader and they are getting worse. How do we unite, how do we move forward for the good of the country.

Unfortunately, I feel it's going to take something like a world War to unite us against a common enemy to distract us from fighting with ourselves. Seems to be the only thing that ever works.
So you will vote for a guy you don’t want so don’t get a guy that you like less.

That logic has led us right to where we are today.
So you will vote for a guy that is of poor character, with a history of shady dealing, broken contracts, investors left high and dry (contractors as well) while he gets out with the profits of the venture, tying up lawsuits in court, the inability to commit, who dishonor every oath before God he ever took, with no morals, who fucks other women even while his wives are pregnant with his newest spawn, and paying hush money ($100,000 to $150,00) to strippers and nude models to get laid and keep it quiet about, though being the same type people as him they do not honor their promises, either, so everybody knows what a sleaze he is. And, you think the man is not just out for himself, will honor his oaths to the country, makes good informed decisions, is not flighty and erratic, believe he will hire the best advisors, though many, end up confessing to crimes or being found guilty by juries of your peers and mine, yet far beneath your figurehead example of what a President is supposed to be. With all these known character flaws, you envision him as a national leader, as you appear to be swayed by a low-end populist message, willing to tolerate the lack of character, low example of family values, acceptance of the crooks and embezzlers of charity funds, strong arm tactics used to get others to do what he himself won't do.

That logic has led us right to where we are today. ;)
So you will vote for a guy that is of poor character, with a history of shady dealing, broken contracts, investors left high and dry (contractors as well) while he gets out with the profits of the venture, tying up lawsuits in court, the inability to commit, who dishonor every oath before God he ever took, with no morals, who fucks other women even while his wives are pregnant with his newest spawn, and paying hush money ($100,000 to $150,00) to strippers and nude models to get laid and keep it quiet about, though being the same type people as him they do not honor their promises, either, so everybody knows what a sleaze he is. And, you think the man is not just out for himself, will honor his oaths to the country, makes good informed decisions, is not flighty and erratic, believe he will hire the best advisors, though many, end up confessing to crimes or being found guilty by juries of your peers and mine, yet far beneath your figurehead example of what a President is supposed to be. With all these known character flaws, you envision him as a national leader, as you appear to be swayed by a low-end populist message, willing to tolerate the lack of character, low example of family values, acceptance of the crooks and embezzlers of charity funds, strong arm tactics used to get others to do what he himself won't do.

That logic has led us right to where we are today. ;)
And the only candidate who supports America and enforces our laws. You bet Dimmer!
Two choices last time I checked, now down to one. What Dimmer option do you have? This is a nice diatribe but you neglect to say that the country is being destroyed right now and that process has to be stopped and turned around. Immediately.
It may be being destroyed or problems continuing to be escalated, but it has been all of my life since grade school, as I see it, having lived through, being trained to hide under a desk in case of nuclear missile attack, the Vietnam War era war with over 58,000 American troops killed, in a failed war, trying to sell democracy to a people that did not care, at the barrel of our guns, the Civil Rights race riots, the Anti-War protests and free speech protests (now the anti-free speech protests at the same colleges and universities), the Nixon debacle and his pardon for dirty deeds and cover-ups done, the ineffectiveness of Jimmy Carter years when the Saudis and OPEC turned off the oil to the world, with it's accompanying high inflation rates, unemployment and 55 MPH speed limits, Ron's godless Russian saber-rattling (while I'm freezing my ass off in a tank in Europe practicing and training troops for repelling the expected Russian invasion into Europe), the Iran Contra war wannabe, where an off the books war was being financed, (selling high-tech still classified cruise missiles to our enemy to monetize a conflict even congress refused to go along with and pay for) by a lowly Lt Colonel in the basement of the White House, supposedly without the knowledge of the sitting President in that White House, only to see the supposed that President held blameless, and the low level mastermind pardoned of his crimes by the next Republican I voted for. I have seen a slick Arkansas governor become President and reviled by every Republican and most democrats for his no character, low moral sexual antics (actually in the White House itself) with a young impressionable whore intern he got to give him blowjobs in the Oval Office, sometimes rubbing his cigars on her **** for flavor, though him presiding of some of the best economic times for 8 years of our history, even effecting the balancing of the budget, only to see that go up is smoke, as the next Republican president oversaw the worst foreign attack on our soil in living memory, then turning the supposed hunt for the perpetrator into a failed 20 year foreign war of occupation, along with starting another war of opportunity based on false intelligence sold to Congress and the American people, destabilizing the entire Middle East with extensive death and destruction, again killing and catastrophically injuring thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousand foreign deaths in a war, we never should have been in, only benefit going to investors and military contractors to the tune of million$ or billion$ and followed during the same 8 years by the biggest collapse of the economy since the great depression due to hands-off regulatory management of private sector financial and investing institutions by an administration asleep at the switch, with hundreds of thousands losing job, homes, small businesses while the power players had to be rescued as too big to fail, though small middle class saw their meager investments and 401k drop 40% or more, factories shut down, and unemployment soar, with no bailout.

Then we have the Donny and Hillary contest, with Hillary (the low moral, low character bitch of Benghazi who left her own non-military people in an indefensible position (months after knowing how poorly defendable and in jeopardy the position was, but she, wanting her own eyes and ears to the ground there while another part of the government recruited, armed and bankrolled selected foreign fighter groups for another military action, and then lying about what was behind the attack, blaming some movie schmuck and having him jailed). She effectively bought (or more accurately rented) the Democratic National Committee to put her political opponent in her own party out of competition, yet the Democrats picked this low moral, low character self center opportunist bitch as their standard-bearer, so the Republicans picked an equally if not more so, low moral, low character, self-centered opportunistic bastard as their matching standard bearer, the bar of acceptance for competition for the highest office in the land effective lowered to dirt level. It saw me vote 3rd party as neither the two party figurheads were candidates, anywhere near worthy of the job, due to their mutual character flaws and associations. Now, four years later, after two rightful impeachments (I've now seen 3 out of 4 three in our national history, all justified), I've seen a host of indicted, admitted and convicted trumpest crooked swine removed from position after their deeds rightfully brought to light, some advisors, some cabinet members selected by the hero of the blindfolded trump herd himself as he "hires only the best people". It has been a chaotic divisive 4 years, culminating in the "Big Lie" election conspiracy theory, that led to Donny hosting a last ditch rally in Washington in a last ditch effort to overthrow a free and fair election, he could not overthrow at the polls, the recounts, the state house, or the courts, though his shitty lawyers sounded good for the base on the courthouse step, but failed miserably (even in front of Trump appointed judges) due to lack credible evidence (despite the courthouse steps or right wing TV News infotainment rhetoric), culminating in a misguided insurrectionist attack on our Capital as our representative met to record the decided vote in accordance with our constitution and laws.

After seeing all this, (including the assassination of a President, his brother a Presidential candidate, and the assassination of the greatest civil rights leader of the 20th century, plus an attempted assassination of another President) you want to convince, things are worse than ever before, the doom is near, the low down Democrats are to blame, and the Republicans are the salvation, when both the two main political parties and their rabble-rousing components of self-interest are clearly the problem.

Don't try to blow smoke up my ass, buddy. There ain't nothing new here and everybody that has lived through it, knows it.
It may be being destroyed or problems continuing to be escalated, but it has been all of my life since grade school, as I see it, having lived through, being trained to hide under a desk in case of nuclear missile attack, the Vietnam War era war with over 58,000 American troops killed, in a failed war, trying to sell democracy to a people that did not care, at the barrel of our guns, the Civil Rights race riots, the Anti-War protests and free speech protests (now the anti-free speech protests at the same colleges and universities), the Nixon debacle and his pardon for dirty deeds and cover-ups done, the ineffectiveness of Jimmy Carter years when the Saudis and OPEC turned off the oil to the world, with it's accompanying high inflation rates, unemployment and 55 MPH speed limits, Ron's godless Russian saber-rattling (while I'm freezing my ass off in a tank in Europe practicing and training troops for repelling the expected Russian invasion into Europe), the Iran Contra war wannabe, where an off the books war was being financed, (selling high-tech still classified cruise missiles to our enemy to monetize a conflict even congress refused to go along with and pay for) by a lowly Lt Colonel in the basement of the White House, supposedly without the knowledge of the sitting President in that White House, only to see the supposed that President held blameless, and the low level mastermind pardoned of his crimes by the next Republican I voted for. I have seen a slick Arkansas governor become President and reviled by every Republican and most democrats for his no character, low moral sexual antics (actually in the White House itself) with a young impressionable whore intern he got to give him blowjobs in the Oval Office, sometimes rubbing his cigars on her **** for flavor, though him presiding of some of the best economic times for 8 years of our history, even effecting the balancing of the budget, only to see that go up is smoke, as the next Republican president oversaw the worst foreign attack on our soil in living memory, then turning the supposed hunt for the perpetrator into a failed 20 year foreign war of occupation, along with starting another war of opportunity based on false intelligence sold to Congress and the American people, destabilizing the entire Middle East with extensive death and destruction, again killing and catastrophically injuring thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousand foreign deaths in a war, we never should have been in, only benefit going to investors and military contractors to the tune of million$ or billion$ and followed during the same 8 years by the biggest collapse of the economy since the great depression due to hands-off regulatory management of private sector financial and investing institutions by an administration asleep at the switch, with hundreds of thousands losing job, homes, small businesses while the power players had to be rescued as too big to fail, though small middle class saw their meager investments and 401k drop 40% or more, factories shut down, and unemployment soar, with no bailout.

Then we have the Donny and Hillary contest, with Hillary (the low moral, low character bitch of Benghazi who left her own non-military people in an indefensible position (months after knowing how poorly defendable and in jeopardy the position was, but she, wanting her own eyes and ears to the ground there while another part of the government recruited, armed and bankrolled selected foreign fighter groups for another military action, and then lying about what was behind the attack, blaming some movie schmuck and having him jailed). She effectively bought (or more accurately rented) the Democratic National Committee to put her political opponent in her own party out of competition, yet the Democrats picked this low moral, low character self center opportunist bitch as their standard-bearer, so the Republicans picked an equally if not more so, low moral, low character, self-centered opportunistic bastard as their matching standard bearer, the bar of acceptance for competition for the highest office in the land effective lowered to dirt level. It saw me vote 3rd party as neither the two party figurheads were candidates, anywhere near worthy of the job, due to their mutual character flaws and associations. Now, four years later, after two rightful impeachments (I've now seen 3 out of 4 three in our national history, all justified), I've seen a host of indicted, admitted and convicted trumpest crooked swine removed from position after their deeds rightfully brought to light, some advisors, some cabinet members selected by the hero of the blindfolded trump herd himself as he "hires only the best people". It has been a chaotic divisive 4 years, culminating in the "Big Lie" election conspiracy theory, that led to Donny hosting a last ditch rally in Washington in a last ditch effort to overthrow a free and fair election, he could not overthrow at the polls, the recounts, the state house, or the courts, though his shitty lawyers sounded good for the base on the courthouse step, but failed miserably (even in front of Trump appointed judges) due to lack credible evidence (despite the courthouse steps or right wing TV News infotainment rhetoric), culminating in a misguided insurrectionist attack on our Capital as our representative met to record the decided vote in accordance with our constitution and laws.

After seeing all this, (including the assassination of a President, his brother a Presidential candidate, and the assassination of the greatest civil rights leader of the 20th century, plus an attempted assassination of another President) you want to convince, things are worse than ever before, the doom is near, the low down Democrats are to blame, and the Republicans are the salvation, when both the two main political parties and their rabble-rousing components of self-interest are clearly the problem.

Don't try to blow smoke up my ass, buddy. There ain't nothing new here and everybody that has lived through it, knows it.
Wow you are one wordy libber.
You are the only one I see blowing smoke, and a lot of it I might say. How do you think Trump ever came to be in the first place? The Muslim in Chief was a total trainwreck and sane people saw what was being done and wanted to bring the country back to its longtime values. Obviously not what the progressive commies had in mind, so all attempts to thwart a one time Dimmer ally began. The things you Dims have done to Trump are criminal. I would vote for him for that reason alone.
You should write speeches for Poopeypants, although I doubt he could read all the big words you use.
Tick tick tick Dimmer.

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