Did Somebody Say Gas Prices Were Down ?

Unfortunately, I feel it's going to take something like a world War to unite us against a common enemy to distract us from fighting with ourselves. Seems to be the only thing that ever works.
What will work is separating the country into 2 countries. There is no hope for the USA to ever be a true NATION**, as long as conservatives and liberals are both in it.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Not "Who" knows where I got them - YOU know where I got them. I posted my sources.

Here's YOUR source HA HA Ha >> View attachment 706167


No, you fuckin' senile, curmudgeon. The EIA is run by Joseph DeCarolis, not Jennifer Granholm.

You did not post any source saying gas prices averaged $4.90 per gallon in 2022. You posted a link to statista.com which went up to 2021.
This was posted in Post # 158. Need stronger glasses ?

What will work is separating the country into 2 countries. There is no hope for the USA to ever be a true NATION**, as long as conservatives and liberals are both in it.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

The country is not splitting. If you want to get away from Liberals, you'll have to go back in time to Nazi Germany to be with your kind.
It's cheaper here right now, but it's going to spike and there most likely will be shortages after the midterms.

Not gonna be a good winter for America.
It's cheaper here right now, but it's going to spike and there most likely will be shortages after the midterms.

Not gonna be a good winter for America.

It's going to go up because OPEC is slashing production.

Of course, rightards shall blame Biden. :icon_rolleyes:
It's going to go up because OPEC is slashing production.

Of course, rightards shall blame Biden. :icon_rolleyes:
You fucking tard. The blame does go to Biden. See EO 13990, shitbird. Done day 1 of his presidency.

Gonna fuck the world up in the name of "Climate Change". Sorry, but I cannot get onboard with that.

America has no need for OPEC, shitbird. We have everything we need right here, all we need is the douchebag-in-chief to get the fuck out the way.

Faun: Of course, rightards shall blame Biden. :icon_rolleyes:
The Duke: The blame does go to Biden.

What does section 7 here say, fucktard?

I'll help your retard ass out:

Sec. 7. Other Revocations. (a) Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017
(Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infra-
structure Projects), Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017 (Restoring

the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘‘Waters

of the United States’’ Rule), Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017

(Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth), Executive Order

13792 of April 26, 2017 (Review of Designations Under the Antiquities

Act), Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Implementing an America-

First Offshore Energy Strategy), Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019

(Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth), and Executive Order

13927 of June 4, 2020 (Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from

the COVID–19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other

Activities), are hereby revoked. Executive Order 13834 of May 17, 2018 "

In other words, Biden fucked it all up day 1. Oh, but Biden is for Infrastructure?

Why did he revoke good things for infrastructure then? Hmm?
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So you think Biden is sane, and in control of (what's left of) his brain ?
So, so. My only serious beef is that stupid announcement to the world on day one or two, that started the mad rush to our border, even prompting the Mexican Government to stand back and allow cross-country passage the many, they had kept bottle up crossing into their southern border, and the fact it was done to the world stage, with absolutely no plan as to how to handle the mass. I thought there was a chance for recovery, when the plan came down as they were stacking up, to fly the immigrants back to their own country, and I heard Mexico was even willing to help, but it became pretty politically problematic and was cancelled within days. Kamala, thought it was funny, openly laughing about the heat the Biden administration drew on the move without a plan. This solidified my impression of our VP and Biden shut up her laughter by publicly trying to put her in charge of the border crises, which she deserved to be put in her place. if she could actually take on the task and accomplished anything, she had a chance to redeem herself from being the "token negro" of the administration to secure the left wing and black vote, but she was too clueless to be of actual benefit and still clueless, falling on the Peter Principle, (pun intended) she had risen to her highest level of incompetence. She's toast, light brown. Joe's play in appointing her to head the border situational response for the administration, fell flat as nobody, but nobody holds anybody responsible for the Joe day 1 move in starting the border mess, but Joe. He has signed off on Democrat legislation, more than paying back for helping him get elected and then some, as I and most people expected, so no surprise there. He has been legislatively effective, more than I really expected, not that I am all the thrilled with all the legislation. I give him several plus points on sounding the alarm and leading the American response with NATO to the Ukraine invasion, by Russia. Other than that he is so, so, as Presidents go The senility and poopy pants jokes are meaningless, just political fodder for the anti-democrat masses. Do I think Joe has lost a step? Of course, he has. I'm now 68. I guarantee I've lost a step. This rambling piece, a good example as it certainly does not look like the writing of a National Honors graduate of a highly rated university. Joe has 11 more years punched on his ticket than I have, and it starts slipping, mid 60s for damn near everybody, but mentally he'll do fine to finish out and come out better mentally than St. Ronald, whom I voted for twice. The only way I plan now to vote for him, is if the dumbass Republicans run Trump or DeSantis. The only thing I see the Democrats have waiting in the wings is Gavin and I will not support that political lying, left wing, double standard, opportunistic, poor judgement, douche bag into the Presidential office and neither will the rest of the country. We got two years to see how the rest of it goes and who else pops up on either side. Miracles can happen. The Republicans could come to their senses and run somebody that would actually be good for the country, forcing the Dems to come up with somebody decent, but I see no sign of it at this time.
So, so. My only serious beef is that stupid announcement to the world on day one or two, that started the mad rush to our border, even prompting the Mexican Government to stand back and allow cross-country passage the many, they had kept bottle up crossing into their southern border, and the fact it was done to the world stage, with absolutely no plan as to how to handle the mass. I thought there was a chance for recovery, when the plan came down as they were stacking up, to fly the immigrants back to their own country, and I heard Mexico was even willing to help, but it became pretty politically problematic and was cancelled within days. Kamala, thought it was funny, openly laughing about the heat the Biden administration drew on the move without a plan. This solidified my impression of our VP and Biden shut up her laughter by publicly trying to put her in charge of the border crises, which she deserved to be put in her place. if she could actually take on the task and accomplished anything, she had a chance to redeem herself from being the "token negro" of the administration to secure the left wing and black vote, but she was too clueless to be of actual benefit and still clueless, falling on the Peter Principle, (pun intended) she had risen to her highest level of incompetence. She's toast, light brown. Joe's play in appointing her to head the border situational response for the administration, fell flat as nobody, but nobody holds anybody responsible for the Joe day 1 move in starting the border mess, but Joe. He has signed off on Democrat legislation, more than paying back for helping him get elected and then some, as I and most people expected, so no surprise there. He has been legislatively effective, more than I really expected, not that I am all the thrilled with all the legislation. I give him several plus points on sounding the alarm and leading the American response with NATO to the Ukraine invasion, by Russia. Other than that he is so, so, as Presidents go The senility and poopy pants jokes are meaningless, just political fodder for the anti-democrat masses. Do I think Joe has lost a step? Of course, he has. I'm now 68. I guarantee I've lost a step. This rambling piece, a good example as it certainly does not look like the writing of a National Honors graduate of a highly rated university. Joe has 11 more years punched on his ticket than I have, and it starts slipping, mid 60s for damn near everybody, but mentally he'll do fine to finish out and come out better mentally than St. Ronald, whom I voted for twice. The only way I plan now to vote for him, is if the dumbass Republicans run Trump or DeSantis. The only thing I see the Democrats have waiting in the wings is Gavin and I will not support that political lying, left wing, double standard, opportunistic, poor judgement, douche bag into the Presidential office and neither will the rest of the country. We got two years to see how the rest of it goes and who else pops up on either side. Miracles can happen. The Republicans could come to their senses and run somebody that would actually be good for the country, forcing the Dems to come up with somebody decent, but I see no sign of it at this time.
I will vote Republican just to keep more CRAZY Democrats from attaining power, and thereby >>
  • reducing fossil fuel production
  • causing massive inflation (gasoline, Housing rents, food, etc)
  • getting people killed in mass shootings by keep facilities unarmed
  • destroying womens' sports, by allowing men (posing as women) to compete
  • Allowing same sex (nutjob) marriage
  • killing millions of people in late-term abortions
  • killing already born babies up to 28 days old (CA leg voted for it)
  • wrecking the country with unabated, uncontrolled illegal immigration
  • Skyrocketing crime by defunding police & wrist slapping criminals
  • Perpetrating racism against whites, Asians, & Jews, to pander to blacks & Muslims
If you guys would run a decent one, that does not support Trump, the "Big Lie", Qanon, The Proud Boys and militias, overthrowing elections, and trickle-down feed the rich economics, I will join you. How's that?
What does section 7 here say, fucktard?

I'll help your retard ass out:

Sec. 7. Other Revocations. (a) Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017
(Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infra-
structure Projects), Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017 (Restoring

the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘‘Waters

of the United States’’ Rule), Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017

(Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth), Executive Order

13792 of April 26, 2017 (Review of Designations Under the Antiquities

Act), Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Implementing an America-

First Offshore Energy Strategy), Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019

(Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth), and Executive Order

13927 of June 4, 2020 (Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from

the COVID–19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other

Activities), are hereby revoked. Executive Order 13834 of May 17, 2018 "

In other words, Biden fucked it all up day 1. Oh, but Biden is for Infrastructure?

Why did he revoke good things for infrastructure then? Hmm?



Biden revoked permits that weren't being drilled on while the oil industry sits on over 9000 other permits they're not drilling on.

And of course, despite Biden's EO, production is up under Biden...




Biden revoked permits that weren't being drilled on while the oil industry sits on over 9000 other permits they're not drilling on.

And of course, despite Biden's EO, production is up under Biden...



Businesses are always gladdened when restrictions are lifted.

But you already knew that.

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