Did Somebody Say Gas Prices Were Down ?



Biden revoked permits that weren't being drilled on while the oil industry sits on over 9000 other permits they're not drilling on.

And of course, despite Biden's EO, production is up under Biden...

Why do you have no verfiable links, faggot?

I can easily post a chart where 120% of people say Faun is a retarded queer monkey.

Like this:



Biden revoked permits that weren't being drilled on while the oil industry sits on over 9000 other permits they're not drilling on.

And of course, despite Biden's EO, production is up under Biden...


Why do you have no verfiable links, faggot?

I can easily post a chart where 120% of people say Faun is a retarded queer monkey.

Like this:



You moron, they claim their source is ... the EIA.

Only the EIA doesn't show that figure anywhere. That's why you cite titlemax.com instead of the EIA.
Brain numb liberal still isn't aware that his EIA source is nothing but a Biden lie/joke/laughingstock. This is after I even supplied him with a photograph, no less.
Imbecile....Biden revoked permits that weren't being drilled on while the oil industry sits on over 9000 other permits they're not drilling on.

And of course, despite Biden's EO, production is up under Biden...

And your source for this laughingstock is ? Who ?




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I wonder what leftists think they are accomplishing, by pushing this most ludicrous lie that the country's intelligence has ever been insulted by. They must know their insane policies are going to bury them under avalanches of Republican votes, a month from now.

It's about like trying to probe the mind of an alligator. Or are they really THAT dumb/DUPED ?

Post #206 is a fail for you as it one again exposes how nuts you are.

Again, Joseph DeCarolis runs the EIA, not Jennifer Granholm.
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical agency of the Department of Energy. DeCarolis works for Granholm, who works for Biden, who doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Beginning to get this yet ?
Now see Post # 244. :biggrin:
If you guys would run a decent one, that does not support Trump, the "Big Lie", Qanon, The Proud Boys and militias, overthrowing elections, and trickle-down feed the rich economics, I will join you. How's that?
Pretty stupid. Nobody got more $$$ from "the rich" than Hillary Clinton. And Trump's policies got help for the poor (see Post 216). The Big Lie is that the 2020 election wasn't rigged. The Proud Boys are saints compared to some of the groups that the left supports (BLM, Antifa, CAIR, Muslim Brotherthood, La Raza, Mecha, NAMBLA, etc
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The Republicans could come to their senses and run somebody that would actually be good for the country, forcing the Dems to come up with somebody decent, but I see no sign of it at this time.
Yes, you did.. 55 signs of it > In Post # 216.
If you guys would run a decent one, that does not support Trump, the "Big Lie", Qanon, The Proud Boys and militias, overthrowing elections, and trickle-down feed the rich economics, I will join you. How's that?
This is not a land of unicorns and fairies, motherfucker. You better adjust your wants to something a lot more realistic or you're in for a Yuge dose of disappointment. Overthrowing an election that Democrats cheated? Are you serious?

Maybe Civil War is not a bad idea after all. It would make for a lot less fucktardation to deal with.
This is not a land of unicorns and fairies, motherfucker. You better adjust your wants to something a lot more realistic or you're in for a Yuge dose of disappointment. Overthrowing an election that Democrats cheated? Are you serious?

Maybe Civil War is not a bad idea after all. It would make for a lot less fucktardation to deal with.
Just separate peacefully. Republicans in reality, and Democrats in LaLa Land.
I wonder what leftists think they are accomplishing, by pushing this most ludicrous lie that the country's intelligence has ever been insulted by. They must know their insane policies are going to bury them under avalanches of Republican votes, a month from now.

It's about like trying to probe the mind of an alligator. Or are they really THAT dumb/DUPED ?
Alligator brains are about the size of a Hickory nut. If you're really slick you can hit 'em in the brain with a bullet, but you gotta know what you're doing. It's in between their eye and ear.
When I think back to how stupid I was when younger.
I called myself "hunting" a 17 foot gator with a single shot shotgun. Derp!
That thing was fuckin' huge! Was just looking at my smoker/grill, and that gator's head was bigger and wider than all of that.
The government eventually removed that gator. It took a lot of people to do that. That thing could have eaten me several nights.

That gator's mouth was about 3 foot wide. It was a she, and I'd watch her all night from her bed. She wasn't a bad gator, but gators are evil by nature.
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The country is not splitting. If you want to get away from Liberals, you'll have to go back in time to Nazi Germany to be with your kind.
This from a guy who supports the Jan 6 jailing of trespassers for 2 years, the wreckage of the 4th amendment in the Mar a Lago raid, and the jailing of just about everybody that Adolph Biden deems to be his enemy (Manafort, Stone, Navarro, Papadopolous, Kelley, Bannon.)

FBI Arrests GOP Candidate One Day After Biden Says To Jail Opponents

Alligator brains are about the size of a Hickory nut. If you're really slick you can hit 'em in the brain with a bullet, but you gotta know what you're doing. It's in between their eye and ear.
When I think back to how stupid I was when younger.
I called myself "hunting" a 17 foot gator with a single shot shotgun. Derp!
That thing was fuckin' huge! Was just looking at my smoker/grill, and that gator's head was bigger and wider than all of that.
The government eventually removed that gator. It took a lot of people to do that. That thing could have eaten me several nights.

That gator's mouth was about 3 foot wide. It was a she, and I'd watch her all night from her bed. She wasn't a bad gator, but gators are evil by nature.
Living in Florida for 33 years, my number 1 hatred is alligators. They ought to all be rounded up, and put in a moat, built on the American side of Trump's wall.
Living in Florida for 33 years, my number 1 hatred is alligators. They ought to all be rounded up, and put in a moat, built on the American side of Trump's wall.
I would think it would be wild boar and Diamondbacks and Moccasins, but that's just me.

I got a Coral snake around. I let it go the other day. They really don't bother anybody. Yes, they are a serious poisonous snake.
Now a Moccasin is a pain in the ass, that gets the shovel. Whack that motherfucker's head sideways then cut it off and throw it in the firepit.

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