Did the Family Research Council create the environment that led to this attack?

Note those concerned about the sexuality of the shooter as opposed the object used to injure the victim; CONs are TRUE TO FORM, if not much else.

In Africa, the machette is a favorite weapon, in Great Britan, the knife is gaining favor, in the ME, stones are used. Does the weapon really matter?
Hmm, he also used a car to get there and a pair of shoes to walk in.

But being a fag he was doubtless disturbed, accounting for his behavior.

No to gun control, yes to gay control!

The media has been silent on the NRA/weapon link in this shooting; the shooter didn't have magic booties that fire bullets. Those only exist in your dreams.

What the hell does the NRA have to do with it?

They obviously created an atmosphere of violence, silly.
Note those concerned about the sexuality of the shooter as opposed the object used to injure the victim; CONs are TRUE TO FORM, if not much else.

Hmm, he also used a car to get there and a pair of shoes to walk in.

But being a fag he was doubtless disturbed, accounting for his behavior.

No to gun control, yes to gay control!

The media has been silent on the NRA/weapon link in this shooting; the shooter didn't have magic booties that fire bullets. Those only exist in your dreams.

It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm in Washington DC. It is nearly impossible to get a permit to keep one locked up in your home. Unless the shooter is not from DC he did not legally obtain his weapon. If he is from out of DC he broke even more laws carrying the weapon into DC.

So tell us, which one of those laws helped avert the shooting?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU9GXil9Vm8]Republican Sharron Angle: If We Don't Get Our Way Politically, Let's Start Shooting People! - YouTube[/ame]
A gay man was brutally beaten on Monday night after stepping out of a taxi in Columbia Heights.
The attack happened around 9:15 pm on Monday night on Georgia Avenue. The 29-year-old victim says the homophobic remarks began as he stepped out of a taxi.

It wasn't long before the suspects assaulted him. The victim managed to call his partner for help during the attack, but the suspects turned off his phone.

The victims jaw was shattered into two pieces before he was attacked again and dragged along the sidewalk. The suspects stole the victim’s iPhone, iPad, and wallet. He is still in the hospital.

Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Columbia Heights | NBC4 Washington

The reason I ask is because the Family Research Council has released a statement saying that the Southern Poverty Law Center created the environment that led to the security guard shooting yesterday.

Question, what should happen to the guys that beat up the homo?
Note those concerned about the sexuality of the shooter as opposed the object used to injure the victim; CONs are TRUE TO FORM, if not much else.

In Africa, the machette is a favorite weapon, in Great Britan, the knife is gaining favor, in the ME, stones are used. Does the weapon really matter?

Sure does when your on the defending end.
Note those concerned about the sexuality of the shooter as opposed the object used to injure the victim; CONs are TRUE TO FORM, if not much else.

In Africa, the machette is a favorite weapon, in Great Britan, the knife is gaining favor, in the ME, stones are used. Does the weapon really matter?

Some people use cars even

this has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

those are NOT called for by the democratic party were they?

YOUR side ASKED for bricks to be thown throught windows.

A republican candidate said the rebublicans should SEEK Second Amendment remedies to not winning elections

Not my side, I asked for nothing dumbass!
A gay man was brutally beaten on Monday night after stepping out of a taxi in Columbia Heights.
The attack happened around 9:15 pm on Monday night on Georgia Avenue. The 29-year-old victim says the homophobic remarks began as he stepped out of a taxi.

It wasn't long before the suspects assaulted him. The victim managed to call his partner for help during the attack, but the suspects turned off his phone.

The victims jaw was shattered into two pieces before he was attacked again and dragged along the sidewalk. The suspects stole the victim’s iPhone, iPad, and wallet. He is still in the hospital.
Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Columbia Heights | NBC4 Washington

The reason I ask is because the Family Research Council has released a statement saying that the Southern Poverty Law Center created the environment that led to the security guard shooting yesterday.

Yep, they sound like they want people to commit crimes to me.

As our Mission Statement declares, "Family Research Council champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society."
A gay man was brutally beaten on Monday night after stepping out of a taxi in Columbia Heights.
The attack happened around 9:15 pm on Monday night on Georgia Avenue. The 29-year-old victim says the homophobic remarks began as he stepped out of a taxi.

It wasn't long before the suspects assaulted him. The victim managed to call his partner for help during the attack, but the suspects turned off his phone.

The victims jaw was shattered into two pieces before he was attacked again and dragged along the sidewalk. The suspects stole the victim’s iPhone, iPad, and wallet. He is still in the hospital.

Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Columbia Heights | NBC4 Washington

The reason I ask is because the Family Research Council has released a statement saying that the Southern Poverty Law Center created the environment that led to the security guard shooting yesterday.

Question, what should happen to the guys that beat up the homo?

They should be prosecuted according to the law, if they are found guilty with a jury of their peers.

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