Did the GOP Really “Lose” the Election?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Some interesting results from the 2012 elections that have some people scratching their heads.

The Democrats won the White House and the US Senate.

But, what happened at the state level?

30 of 50 governors = Republicans
28 state senates = Republicans
28 state houses = Republicans

Go to State legislative elections results, 2012 - Ballotpedia to see results – with a number pending that won't change the initial results.

What does this say about the hundreds of millions of $ spent at the national level?
It appears to this non-professional that efforts at the grass roots levels were far more effective for the GOP than the national media cares to tell us.

Well Obama has won and that means Americans want higher taxes...
That's the message from the Obama press corps.
The former American Press Corp.
Which is now just an an extension of the WH Press office.
Some interesting results from the 2012 elections that have some people scratching their heads.

The Democrats won the White House and the US Senate.

But, what happened at the state level?

30 of 50 governors = Republicans
28 state senates = Republicans
28 state houses = Republicans

Go to State legislative elections results, 2012 - Ballotpedia to see results – with a number pending that won't change the initial results.

What does this say about the hundreds of millions of $ spent at the national level?
It appears to this non-professional that efforts at the grass roots levels were far more effective for the GOP than the national media cares to tell us.


Before you get too ecstatic with joy, these are mostly low wage third world red states like Kentucky and Mississipi, south carolina, Georgia I'll bet. So who really cares since they want to secede anyway
Some interesting results from the 2012 elections that have some people scratching their heads.

The Democrats won the White House and the US Senate.

But, what happened at the state level?

30 of 50 governors = Republicans
28 state senates = Republicans
28 state houses = Republicans

Go to State legislative elections results, 2012 - Ballotpedia to see results – with a number pending that won't change the initial results.

What does this say about the hundreds of millions of $ spent at the national level?
It appears to this non-professional that efforts at the grass roots levels were far more effective for the GOP than the national media cares to tell us.


:lol: :D Uh huh, they lost the elections, especially hard hit were the presidential and senatorial. The Democrats even picked up seats in the House.

You seem so pathetic taking this so hard...
Some interesting results from the 2012 elections that have some people scratching their heads.

The Democrats won the White House and the US Senate.

But, what happened at the state level?

30 of 50 governors = Republicans
28 state senates = Republicans
28 state houses = Republicans

Go to State legislative elections results, 2012 - Ballotpedia to see results – with a number pending that won't change the initial results.

What does this say about the hundreds of millions of $ spent at the national level?
It appears to this non-professional that efforts at the grass roots levels were far more effective for the GOP than the national media cares to tell us.


:lol: :D Uh huh, they lost the elections, especially hard hit were the presidential and senatorial. The Democrats even picked up seats in the House.

You seem so pathetic taking this so hard...

Republicans should be very worried. They held control of the House, but Democrats received more votes for House candidates than Republicans did. The biggest reason that Republicans didn't lose control of the House is that they controlled many state legislatures and were in charge of redistricting after the last census. They made certain Republican candidates had the biggest advantage in the most Congressional districts. Of course, this is how redistricting works. Had the Dems had control of more state legislatures, things would be different. If the Dems take back control of the House in 2014, it would be a sign that the Republicans are in major trouble.
Nah, the national election was fairly close. A coupler percentage points.

I do not know wha tot take away from it.

Unknown 1: If the Democrats did not run a black candidate with a funny name I would know more what to make of it. I have no idea how many "white" votes he lost because of it but can guess he got about 8% more black votes than Democrats typically do.

Unknown 2: The Republicans were set back on the national level for 30 years by the Great Depression. How long will they be set back this time?

Thanks guys.
If you look at the breakdown for the numbers, it doesn't look good for the Republicans in future elections.

Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews and women all voted for Obama. People with university degrees voted for Obama. Young voters voted for Obama. White people, specifically older white people, voted for Romney and that is the ONLY demographic that the Republicans won. Older white people are dying off and there will be fewer of them next time around.

As long as Republicans continue to embrace a lunatic fringe who think that women who are legitimately raped can't get pregnant, who oppose birth control (because it leads to the "wrong kind of sex"), and a woman's right to choose whether or not to carry a child to term, they will be hard pressed to get women to vote for them.

What does this mean for the future? Old people are dying. Apparently Blacks, Asians, Jews, Hispanics caught that whole undercurrent of racism in the "Obama's not one of US" that we heard over and looked at the Republican National Convention (a SEA of white faces) and decided to vote for the party which doesn't put the interests of rich white people, ahead of the rest of the country.

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