Did the media collude with QUEER-O to help him hide in the closet?

Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

Obviously the main stream media has colluded to protect Obama's fabricated image. Obama likes boys. That's not very respectable. Obama has got a weakness for penis. The truth of Obama's faggotry scares Obama bots sh**less. That's why they swarm on threads like this trying to shut you down with insults. They know his reputation will be measurably diminished if this becomes common knowledge, ie., everyone everywhere starts talking about it.

Don't be dismayed by the vitriol of the scared shi*less obama freaks. I wouldn't even be surprised that one day Obama and his man pal "Michelle" come out and confess to the public their homosexual relationship IF, A) They know the majority of the American people already believe Michelle is really a man anyway, and B) They think it will mitigate damage to his reputation to confess rather than to keep denying it. The whole media will gush about how courageous they are for finally coming out and they will try to spin it into a political positive. Remember the Bruce Jenner scenario?

Now, you take a look at this GIF and tell me if you don't see male junk flopping around in Michelle's crotch:


(Obama and Michelle exiting a Harvard dorm while visiting a daughter caught on video)

What? She went to the grocery store and bought some fruit and she decided to carry it in the crotch of her pants for the ride home instead of carrying it in a grocery bag?

The Obama Thug Protection Force will tell you they see nothing. Your eyes are lying to you. That's not what it looks like. YOU'RE RACIST!!! if you see what anyone can plainly see. Pretend like you think Michelle is a real lady and the best First Lady evah or they'll call you SCUM. Deny truth. Pretend.. or else.. they'll give you a stern tongue lashing

Right click on that GIF and save it to your PC and and text it to your friends and e mail it to your friends. Post it on Facebook. Post it on twitter. Spread it around everywhere you can. Let people see the truth. Obama punked an entire nation.

And you're right, black dudes ain't gonna like knowing that they got punked by their boy Obama when they thought he was solid.
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The only politician that I ever thought was heavily hidden at the back of the closet is pigpence.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

Obviously the main stream media has colluded to protect Obama's fabricated image. Obama likes boys. That's not very respectable. Obama has got a weakness for penis. The truth of Obama's faggotry scares Obama bots sh**less. That's why they swarm on threads like this trying to shut you down with insults. They know his reputation will be measurably diminished if this becomes common knowledge, ie., everyone everywhere starts talking about it.

And the fantasies about Obama continue.

Do you spend a lot of time fantasizing about Obama's sex life? If so, you may want to ask yourself why.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

Obviously the main stream media has colluded to protect Obama's fabricated image. Obama likes boys. That's not very respectable. Obama has got a weakness for penis. The truth of Obama's faggotry scares Obama bots sh**less. That's why they swarm on threads like this trying to shut you down with insults. They know his reputation will be measurably diminished if this becomes common knowledge, ie., everyone everywhere starts talking about it.

And the fantasies about Obama continue.

Do you spend a lot of time fantasizing about Obama's sex life? If so, you may want to ask yourself why.
You certainly have to wonder about the mental stability of people who hate a person so much that they have to make up lies about their families like we see here.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

Obviously the main stream media has colluded to protect Obama's fabricated image. Obama likes boys. That's not very respectable. Obama has got a weakness for penis. The truth of Obama's faggotry scares Obama bots sh**less. That's why they swarm on threads like this trying to shut you down with insults. They know his reputation will be measurably diminished if this becomes common knowledge, ie., everyone everywhere starts talking about it.

And the fantasies about Obama continue.

Do you spend a lot of time fantasizing about Obama's sex life? If so, you may want to ask yourself why.
You certainly have to wonder about the mental stability of people who hate a person so much that they have to make up lies about their families like we see here.

Its obsessive. And so specific. With our resident sex hounds ponficiating with an almost longing desperation about the most inane details of Obama's sex life.

Using only their own fantasies as fodder.
Well, since they couldn't prove that Obama was a Kenyan, they are now going to their fall back position to accuse him and Michelle of having a secret gay marriage.

Wow................sometimes the fever dreams of those on the right are quite entertaining to watch.
And the fantasies about Obama continue.

Do you spend a lot of time fantasizing about Obama's sex life? If so, you may want to ask yourself why.

I wouldn't call it fantasies about Obama's sex life. I would call it strictly observation about Obama's marriage to a dude. Your boy Obama got a weakness for penis

That freak got male junk in dem slacks. That jont b a dude
There is also the unreal hypocrisy of Dems trying to paint Trump as "compromised" by investments in Russia etc. when QUEER-O was compromised his entire political career by those who knew he was a CLOSETED COCKSUCKER and could use that to "control" him...

aka why Zionists trusted QUEER-O to cover up 911....
To me it’s pretty clear that he’s gay. Normally where there’s smoke there’s fire. And in his case there’s a lot of smoke.

And to the people attacking the OP, it is a verifiable fact that three of his gay ‘friends’ from his old church ended up mysteriously dead, the same year his first presidential campaign began. Two of the three were murdered execution style. In fact, one of the guys’ own mother stated publicly that she believes her son’s murder had to do with protecting Obama’s secrets. But yeah, nothing to see here folks, move along. :rolleyes:


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