Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

Yea. That’s generally how it works dumbass. In a criminal case does the prosecution show video of the perp just walking down the street or do they “cherry pick” the parts where they commit the crimes?

Ya fucking dunce
I repeat
So as stated in the OP, Tucker’s little ploy did give the following something to say for a couple days.

The question is, did it have any effect on folks who were not already convinced the insurrection was a good thing?
A real insurrection has people armed.
Weapons were at the Capitol, one person convicted of posessing a loaded .44 magnum pistol, that he dropped during the fighting. Others convicted of staging weapons within blocks of the Capitol, and others of having an arsenal of weapons staged outside Washington DC.
withhold information from the American people.

Witholding information from the American people!

Witholding information from the American people!

Witholding information from the American people!


Jeeezus dude!
Parrot Tucker Carlson much?

This isn't EVEN fucking true!
Tucker just majorly trolled all you MAGAt moonbats with fake news propaganda....and you obviously have swallowed his bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

And ya know why he did it?
Because he KNOWS you are all stupid, gullible, suckers and he doesn't want you switching to Newsmax for your steady diet of lies.

So....you may as well get them from him.
Weapons were at the Capitol, one person convicted of posessing a loaded .44 magnum pistol, that he dropped during the fighting. Others convicted of staging weapons within blocks of the Capitol, and others of having an arsenal of weapons staged outside Washington DC.
And virtually no one was searched. There could have been hundreds of guns
Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
Had Democrats been more honest and transparent, this wouldn't have happened to you.

Instead the Democrats look like liars and it demolished their narrative.

Not seating Republican picks on the January 6th Committee and placing Cheney and Kinzinger in their place now look like an orchestrated cover up of the true facts of J6.

And believe me... this authoritarian bullshit after the revelations of the Twitter Files is anathema to independents...

Weapons were at the Capitol, one person convicted of posessing a loaded .44 magnum pistol, that he dropped during the fighting. Others convicted of staging weapons within blocks of the Capitol, and others of having an arsenal of weapons staged outside Washington DC.
Of course they had weapons and guns.
Some of these crazies carry their gun 100% of the time, you'll never convince me that they laid down their gun for this historic event.
Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
Trump supporters are too ashamed to admit that they rioted at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
The same way they can't admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow, its easier to just live a lie.
Weapons were at the Capitol, one person convicted of posessing a loaded .44 magnum pistol, that he dropped during the fighting. Others convicted of staging weapons within blocks of the Capitol, and others of having an arsenal of weapons staged outside Washington DC.
Lmao, you really that stupid?
Weapons were at the Capitol, one person convicted of posessing a loaded .44 magnum pistol, that he dropped during the fighting. Others convicted of staging weapons within blocks of the Capitol, and others of having an arsenal of weapons staged outside Washington DC.
Link to the "staged weapon" convictions, please.
Of course they had weapons and guns.
Some of these crazies carry their gun 100% of the time, you'll never convince me that they laid down their gun for this historic event.
"Of course they had weapons because I believe they did" is not the definitive debate winning argument you might believe it to be.
Okay, what do you do for a living?
Well, I don't sit around and collect disability like you probably do. I am kind of retired, sort of, not like you can leave my business anyway. I own an investment firm with millions of dollars under management, and I run a small retail beef and seafood shoppe in a high end suburb of Charlotte. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics, another one in Leadership, and an MBA in Finance.
Witholding information from the American people!

Witholding information from the American people!

Witholding information from the American people!


Jeeezus dude!
Parrot Tucker Carlson much?

This isn't EVEN fucking true!
Tucker just majorly trolled all you MAGAt moonbats with fake news propaganda....and you obviously have swallowed his bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

And ya know why he did it?
Because he KNOWS you are all stupid, gullible, suckers and he doesn't want you switching to Newsmax for your steady diet of lies.

So....you may as well get them from him.
So the videos are fake. Okay. Can you provide proof of this?
The presentation of fuller information was not a gambit so fake thread title there.
Liberals really do react like vampires at sunrise regarding providing more disclosure

Showing highly edited videos to discount other highly edited video is not really "more disclosure"
No real insurrectionist would be unarmed. These vermin can't stop lying.
That narrative was dismissed by the public early on. Anyone with a shred of common sense saw clearly it was a protest that got out of hand.

But Democrats have very little common sense to go around.

Those that were violent should get the same sentences that George Floyd protesters that were violent received.

Those that destroyed property should get the same sentences that Ferguson Missouri protester received for destroying property during the Michael Brown protests.

And if anyone comes though your window during a protest... you blow their asses right back out. Because climbing though a window of an occupied building is now a death penalty offense.

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