Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

Hey douchebag… even D Day was not “100 per cent violent”.
D-Day has no relevance to this. You hide behind name-calling because you refuse to think. Be intellectually accountable for once and not typically-entitled. I live in the DC Area and the local news was telling people not to come into the City due to the intelligence being received that it was not going to be safe. Why and how can’t you people put a brain on and look at the video and question why even cherry picked video shows police escorting suspects who eventually get arrested. THINK!
Yea. That’s generally how it works dumbass. In a criminal case does the prosecution show video of the perp just walking down the street or do they “cherry pick” the parts where they commit the crimes?

Ya fucking dunce
The Jan 6 Committee isn't a court, ya stupid fuck.
You don’t even believe that nonsense, kid.
That rightists want lie and attempt to conceal facts and the truth comes as no surprise, of course; the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was not only an act of treason and domestic terrorism, it was also a shameful act of cowardice – no wonder conservatives attempt to hide from it.
That rightists want lie and attempt to conceal facts and the truth comes as no surprise, of course; the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was not only an act of treason and domestic terrorism, it was also a shameful act of cowardice – no wonder conservatives attempt to hide from it.
You’re like a spigot of retarded propaganda, kid.
D-Day has no relevance to this.
nonsense. Your stupid claim was that if Jan 6 wasn't 100 % violent...then what? It wasn't a concern?

D Day...one of the most violent days in human history was not 100% violent either. Do you contest that?
It did a good job of highlighting what many already knew and that was the Jan 6th Committee was a joke
No one believes Carlson’s lies; no one believes the right’s lies – the American people know the truth of the right’s terrorism and treason on 1/6.
No one needs to believe anything they say. People can watch the videos and decide for themselves.
nonsense. Your stupid claim was that if Jan 6 wasn't 100 % violent...then what? It wasn't a concern?

D Day...one of the most violent days in human history was not 100% violent either. Do you contest that?
You have yet to show how and why D-Day is relevant which speaks to your refusal to be intellectual accountable and choose the role of entitlement to authority instead.
They were presenting a case. It was acting just like a Court would
Acting like a Court??? And you fricken fell for it. The ONLY thing they can do is investigate and make recommendations. How the hell can they, or anyone, investigate with blinders on. Show us again how damn stupid you are.
I am well aware of the duty to retreat, it is a requirement when one is out in public

The castle doctrine refers to an exception to the duty to retreat before using deadly self-defense if a party is in their own home.

Castle Doctrine applies to your home, vehicle or business.
In some states.

Not all.

Only 23 states have Castle Doctrine laws.

Castle Doctrine States 2023

Also...still waiting on that link to convictions of people "stashing weapons".

Any time now...
Incorrect. All video on the news is edited: clipped to show the relevant portion. That’s not “heavily” edited. You look like a fool contending otherwise, tbh.
It is when Tucker Carlson does it, knowing that it's his job to show only the portions his viewers want to see, and to cut out any footage that would show an insurrection.
Because there is nothing in them that mitigates the incredible violence videod from multiple people including the participants. In some cases it makes them look even worse because it illustrates just how outnumbered the police were.

What no one seems to care about however, is how these un redacted videos released by McCarthy will also reveal a load of information on the security arrangements in the Capitol. Was that deliberate?
I've seen MANY protests that got out of hand in the last decade. This one was incredibly mild by comparison.


Strangley, this is the only one Democrats seem to care about.
And they were armed. With all sorts of blunt force weapons, fire extinguishers thrown, even the crowd itself is a lethal weapon
Lying traitor. You must be terrified. The war of words is coming to an end, filth.

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