Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

The riot actually undermined the Eastman plan.

Did you read the memo?

I'm going to go read it again to make sure...but the Eastman plan was to throw out dueling slates of electors from States where the election was contested.

The riot torpedoed the plan.
That was just one of the possibilities from the Eastman memos. Another was to prevent the count from reaching 270 EC votes for Biden before the special session adjourned.

That would have thrown the presidency into the hands of the house of representatives, where it would be voted on based on the republicans holding the majority of states.
I'll simplify it for you.

A mob of over a thousand people (per last count) is not "a group of protesters".

The claim that they were "unarmed" is disingenuous at best, and an outright lie at worst. They were armed with bats, metal poles, pepper pray, stun guns, tazers etc. sufficient to crack ribs, concuss heads and shatter spinal disks.

The fact that they were incompetent and didn't think things through or truly believed their president was going to ride in and finish it for them is irrelevant.

Incompetence doesn't change what they set out to do. Does an attempted bank robber get excused because he was an idiot?

They were as much protestors as the George Floyd protesters, Michael Brown protests, BLM protestors, and Breonna Taylor protestor.

Some of them committed crimes.

But the media consistently calls all of those people "protestors".

Can't change the rules now.

...And some of them committed crimes JUST LIKE THOSE OTHER PROTESTS.

It wasn't a grand plan to "overturn the election". It was angry people protesting and it got out of hand.

That happens.
They were as much protestors as the George Floyd protesters, Michael Brown protests, BLM protestors, and Breonna Taylor protestor.

Some of them committed crimes.

But the media consistently calls all of those people "protestors".

Can't change the rules now.

...And some of them committed crimes JUST LIKE THOSE OTHER PROTESTS.

It wasn't a grand plan to "overturn the election". It was angry people protesting and it got out of hand.

That happens.
Still trying to use the BLM thing to excuse the Capitol attack?

Huge fail.

The two have nothing to do with each other and one is not an excuse for the other
It is when Tucker Carlson does it, knowing that it's his job to show only the portions his viewers want to see, and to cut out any footage that would show an insurrection.
Except, as I posted earlier (#28), Tucker did play video of some of the violence.
Your willful ignorance doesn't change the facts, weinergene.
If only that was true. You could watch every second of video of the astronauts on the Apollo 13 mission, and you wouldn't see evidence of anything negatively effecting their mission.
That doesn't make the videos untrue, fool.
Still trying to use the BLM thing to excuse the Capitol attack?

Huge fail.

The two have nothing to do with each other and one is not an excuse for the other
They're angry that so many (hundreds) have been convicted of crimes from January 6th, where there were so few convictions from BLM protests.
Except, as I posted earlier (#28), Tucker did play video of some of the violence.
Your willful ignorance doesn't change the facts, weinergene.
He played one minute of some of the tamer shit and called those assholes "hooligans" like they were knocking over mail boxes.

They were trying to usurp a lawful election...using extreme violence.

Violence that injured 140 cops and hospitalized dozens.

Violence that had them wandering the halls of the Capitol while it was in session searching for the Peaker of the House and chanting "Kill Mike Pence".

Violence that had Ted Cruz hiding in a closet
They're angry that so many (hundreds) have been convicted of crimes from January 6th, where there were so few convictions from BLM protests.
But that's not true either. There were hundreds convicted of crimes for the riots in 2020
One plan was to delay the count and then claim it was no longer legal ...throwing it to Trump's rigged SCOTUS
Please show me this plan. You claimed it was in the Eastman Memos.

It is not.

I knew there was a plan to dismiss contested states slates of electors...just like I know experts (pretty sure it was Clinton Campaign head Panetta) wargamed the same plan if Trump won the election while Biden won the popular vote.

They concluded that Biden’s party might “not allow him to admit defeat in such circumstances”, with the Democratic candidate instead claiming that “voter suppression had swung the result”, reports The Times.

In an exercise playing out this scenario, the Democrats ended up persuading the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin, two states which supported Trump in 2016, to send Biden supporters to the electoral college.

“In the ensuing chaos, California, Oregon and Washington state said they would secede from the US if Mr Trump was sworn in,” The Times reports. “The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives asserted that Mr Biden was the true president; the Republican-controlled Senate said it was Mr Trump.”

Still trying to use the BLM thing to excuse the Capitol attack?

Huge fail.

The two have nothing to do with each other and one is not an excuse for the other
Because you say so?

Sorry, but that dog don't hunt.

Democrats love to defend THEIR protests that turn violent.

And that is exactly what this was...a mostly peaceful protest were some people wrongly became violent.
That doesn't make the videos untrue, fool.
But shows the bias that can happen when someone can control editing the source video.

Like when the police don't release the bodycam video, or officers turn their cameras off, or otherwise obscure them.
Please show me this plan. You claimed it was in the Eastman Memos.

It is not.

I knew there was a plan to dismiss contested states slates of electors...just like I know experts (pretty sure it was Clinton Campaign head Panetta) wargamed the same plan if Trump won the election while Biden won the popular vote.

They concluded that Biden’s party might “not allow him to admit defeat in such circumstances”, with the Democratic candidate instead claiming that “voter suppression had swung the result”, reports The Times.

In an exercise playing out this scenario, the Democrats ended up persuading the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin, two states which supported Trump in 2016, to send Biden supporters to the electoral college.

“In the ensuing chaos, California, Oregon and Washington state said they would secede from the US if Mr Trump was sworn in,” The Times reports. “The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives asserted that Mr Biden was the true president; the Republican-controlled Senate said it was Mr Trump.”

You admit and understand that there were several different schemes to undermine the already certified and legal election.

That's all we need to know
You admit and understand that there were several different schemes to undermine the already certified and legal election.

That's all we need to know

You can just say you were wrong.

It's a first step to objective critical thinking.
But that's not true either. There were hundreds convicted of crimes for the riots in 2020
Only because there were hundreds of protests, covering hundreds of days, and the sum total of arrests and convictions dwarfed January 6th.

But from a percentage of convictions to protesters proves BLM was mostly peaceful, far less than 1% convicted of crimes. Compared to where half the people who entered the Capitol, have been charged with felonies.
There could have been a pound of fentanyl in Nancy Pelosi's lap too.

It's great seeing the leftards so confused. :p
They knew of an arsenal of weapons stashed in a Virginia Hotel by Rhodes and several of his chapters. What one person described to the jury as more guns then he saw when he was in the army.

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