Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

Then I'm sure you'll explain how it's different.
I don't need to. They are two completely separate events.

Trying to claim that something completely unrelated justifies the Jan 6 attack is stupid and childish.

If I witness someone rob a store am I justified in robbing a bank?

Of course not
No decent, politically sane American will ever forget that both before and after Jan. 6th, Republican politicians and Trump cultists in their majority went along with Trump’s “Big Lie.”

Most elected Republican politicians hesitated at first, but have since become silent.

Most Republican politicians, and money-grubbing propagandists like Tucker Carlson, knew it was a lie but just didn’t — and still don’t — care.

By insisting on this lie, by apologizing for it, by making light of it, by excusing Trump’s many machinations to keep himself in power illegally, by keeping their followers ignorant and unable to “connect the dots,” they contemptuously reject the very foundations of rule by law, and all the great traditions that have kept our country a flawed but real Republic and representative democracy for over two centuries.

All of them, and all of you on the right here who refuse to see that Jan. 6th was just a small part of Trump’s long effort to stay in power after losing the election by over 7 million votes and a validated 306-232 electoral count, are cynical and shameful ultra-partisans who now shamelessly participate in this charade and political con game.

Play all the videos you like. Honest and decent Americans — who may not be very politically savvy — at least know what they saw on Jan. 6th. In the end Jan. 6th and Trump’s whole “Big Lie” campaign will go down in history as the most shameful episode ever attempted by a modern President.
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I don't need to. They are two completely separate events.

Trying to claim that something completely unrelated justifies the Jan 6 attack is stupid and childish.

If I witness someone rob a store am I justified in robbing a bank?

Of course not
It's not claiming one justifies the other.

It is the way in which they are reported completely differently.


Can you honestly not see it?
Well, republicans have been a criminal class at least since Nixon. Democrats? Republicans always trying to get something on them but to no avail as of yet. Clinton? He got a B.J. in the oval office. This was all republicans could get on him after spending years and million of dollars. Obama? totally clean. Biden? So far nothing on him other than he has some programs for helping the average American. This alone irks the republicans because they only work for the very wealthy and corporations. God bless President Biden.
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Of course the videos are not fake.
They exist.
But that's irrelevant.
All Tucker's videos prove is that if you air footage from cameras pointed away from the violence you can give your viewers the impression that the violence never happened.

And if your viewers are stupid enough they just might fall for it too.

Smarter people though would realize that Tucker is taking them for fools.
They would realize that the REALITY of that day looks more like what The January 6th Committee showed us.

No. You’re watching state controlled media reports about Tuckers report. You might watch the actual video from Tucker. He clearly state’s violence did occur that day.

You’re allowing yourself to be duped , which you claim Trumpers do.
Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
Still trying to use that as an excuse for what your buddies did on Jan 6?

Lame. Not flying
Actually it IS flying. Leftards are being painted as power hungry liars, which is exactly what they are.
I don't need to. They are two completely separate events.

Trying to claim that something completely unrelated justifies the Jan 6 attack is stupid and childish.

Riiighht - like burning down whole neighborhoods just cause one brain dead idiot made a mistake

You leftfucks are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

If I witness someone rob a store am I justified in robbing a bank?

Of course not

Whatever you say, leftard.
No decent, politically sane American will ever forget that both before and after Jan. 6th, Republican politicians and Trump cultists in their majority went along with Trump’s “Big Lie.”

And no one will ever forget, the dumbass rioting leftards want us to believe that Racist Biden got more black votes than Obama.

You stupid leftard motherfuckers have SHIT FOR BRAINS if you believe that.

Dumbass fucking lemmings....

Most elected Republican politicians hesitated at first, but have since become silent.

Most Republican politicians, and money-grubbing propagandists like Tucker Carlson, knew it was a lie but just didn’t — and still don’t — care.

By insisting on this lie, by apologizing for it, by making light of it, by excusing Trump’s many machinations to keep himself in power illegally, by keeping their followers ignorant and unable to “connect the dots,” they contemptuously reject the very foundations of rule by law, and all the great traditions that have kept our country a flawed but real Republic and representative democracy for over two centuries.

You stupid fucking asshole, DEMOCRATS FUNDED THE SUMMER OF LOVE.

Stick that up your keester and rotate hard

All of them, and all of you on the right here who refuse to see that Jan. 6th was just a small part of Trump’s long effort to stay in power after losing the election by over 7 million votes and a validated 306-232 electoral count, are cynical and shameful ultra-partisans who now shamelessly participate in this charade and political con game.
More leftard whining.

Bleat bleat bleat...

Play all the videos you like. Honest and decent Americans — who may not be very politically savvy — at least know what they saw on Jan. 6th. In the end Jan. 6th and Trump’s whole “Big Lie” campaign will go down in history as the most shameful episode ever attempted by a modern President.
You dumbass shit for brains retarded asshole, DEMOCRATS FUNDED THE SUMMER OF LOVE

What part of RACE RIOTS do you not understand, you piss poor excuse for a human being?

The problem here, is ALL leftards are this ^^^ fucking stupid.

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