Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

They were building a case against those MAGA creeps...BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED.

America needed to see that...and they showed it to us

No one watched.

Their ratings were in the toilet.
You can just say you were wrong.

It's a first step to objective critical thinking.
He wasn't wrong. The Eastman memos, along with plans from Giuliani and others covered a vast range of ways to overturn the election by various ways of blocking Biden from getting to 270. From double sets of electors, to having state legislators change their EC votes, or invalidate their elections, Or even just have Pence not count the swing states.
Pence scuttled the plan

Glad you understand that there WERE plans to illegally keep the Presidency for Trump though.

Many things COULD have happened had not Pence and Pelosi reconvened Congress and finished the Count.

If any lawmakers had been hurt or captured Trump would have declared martial law

One plan was to delay the count and then claim it was no longer legal ...throwing it to Trump's rigged SCOTUS

Another was to cast doubt on the legality of the electors and throw it to the House where the vote would be by state...with Republicans holding more states (even with less Representatives).

All of it depended on stopping the Count. The Magarats did manage to do that but only for a short time
lying whore.
They knew of an arsenal of weapons stashed in a Virginia Hotel by Rhodes and several of his chapters. What one person described to the jury as more guns then he saw when he was in the army.

Pics or it ain't real muthafuckah
Only because there were hundreds of protests, covering hundreds of days, and the sum total of arrests and convictions dwarfed January 6th.

But from a percentage of convictions to protesters proves BLM was mostly peaceful, far less than 1% convicted of crimes. Compared to where half the people who entered the Capitol, have been charged with felonies.
You of all people never struck me as the type who would applaud differing Justice based on group bias.

Should not the law be applied to all citizens equally.
Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
Politically, the thing I compare it to most is Solyndra with Obama. To refresh the memories of those who are not aware, Solyndra was supposedly one of the "shovel ready" jobs that Obama's stimulus was going to incubate employment while stimulating a new economy in renewable energy. The loan they received was a cool $535 Billion give or take a billion or two. The default was about $500 Billion give or take a billion or two. There was malfeasence, fraud, and lots of other shady things the plant did.

Again, politically, all of this came to a head around August 2012. If I had been advising Romney, I would have told him that "We need to make Solyndra a household name" because there was nothing but upside for him and nothing but downside for Obama. Any mention was a bad thing for Obama.

When it comes to 1/6, any mention of it is a downside for the GOP. Not only did the head of their party orchestrate it, encourage it, but his name is literally all over it. The congressional delegation of the GOP has either been mute about it or have tried to minimize it. The talking heads who are usually so good at turning around arguments had even given up on trying to put a positive spin on it.

Then comes Tucker with this bizarre resuscitation of the insurrection attempt. I am not sure what the goal was. It was way too early to "fire up" the troops. It was way too late to try to control the narrative that "it wasn't that bad". Given the dump of e-mails where it turns out that the blob wasn't one of Dancing with the Tsar's favorite people...it sort of makes sense that it was a hit job. Theres only so much English one can put on a cue ball but that is the state of play for the super empowered...they think they can create the narrative then move it. They can't.

It is puzzling.

Smerconish had a poll the other day about it. This is his talk radio audience; not the CNN audience. Just to give the readers a representation of the audience...they are not all lefties.... Here are some recent polls


Here is the poll concerning Tucker's release...


I know...I know...there was a ballot dump at midnight, right cons?

LOL The release was a disaster.
He wasn't wrong. The Eastman memos, along with plans from Giuliani and others covered a vast range of ways to overturn the election by various ways of blocking Biden from getting to 270. From double sets of electors, to having state legislators change their EC votes, or invalidate their elections, Or even just have Pence not count the swing states.
But not by having a protest delay the results... which was her (I'm relatively certain Lesh is a her...not that it matters) original contention.

You of all people never struck me as the type who would applaud differing Justice based on group bias.

Should not the law be applied to all citizens equally.
First, lesson, where do you think "make a federal case of it" came from?

January 6th made a federal case out of every crime they committed.
First, lesson, where do you think "make a federal case of it" came from?

January 6th made a federal case out of every crime they committed.
Didn't those protestors in Portland attempt to burn down a Federal Courthouse?

This went on for months... Years maybe...
But not by having a protest delay the results... which was her (I'm relatively certain Lesh is a her...not that it matters) original contention.

As noted...the Eastman memos (and various other harebrained schemes to hold the Presidency for Trump) to work needed delay...whether it be through endless challenges or an actual attack on the Capitol
Didn't those protestors in Portland attempt to burn down a Federal Courthouse?

Still trying to use that as an excuse for what your buddies did on Jan 6?

Lame. Not flying
As noted...the Eastman memos (and various other harebrained schemes to hold the Presidency for Trump) to work needed delay...whether it be through endless challenges or an actual attack on the Capitol
C'mon...just admit you were lied to.

Why is that so difficult for some people.

I know that there was a plan to submit dueling slates of electors and then contest them because I am honest.

meaner gene gave me the links I asked him for and I thanked him for it.

It was a fact I didn't know, and I appreciate him providing it.

If you can't admit that you made a mistake or were lied to... You aren't interested in the truth. Just partisan hackery.

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