Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
/——/ Well, if you know the videos were cherry picked, you must have seen all 40,000 hours. What did Tucker omit?
Your interpretation, because you look at everything through leftist goggles. Take them thick things off sometimes, then you might realize that the picture is more clearer and yet more different than you thought.
I saw the attacks with my own eyes on TV you moron. I saw the videos (many posted by the rioters). You’re describing yourself
He was trying to pretend the violence was minimal. It wasn’t. That was a dishonest characterization, other wise known as a lie
You lie, The violence pig the pig negro cop murdering Babbit.
The dishonest right seeks only whitewash and lie about the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

The American people don’t believe the right’s lies.
Notice this scum has nothing to say about months of antifa riots.
Trump supporters are too ashamed to admit that they rioted at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
The same way they can't admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough pill to swallow, its easier to just live a lie.
No different than the left-wingbats living their lie's about all the bull shite they (the knucklehead's)-(you probably included) are into.

So let's see now, it's a choice between living in a leftist liar world or living in a righties liar world. I'll take a righties liar world any day of the week before I'd live in a leftist liar world or promote a leftist liar world. Huge differences, but of course the left creates distraction's in hopes to take the eye's off of their bull shite, but it's not working anymore.
Well, I don't sit around and collect disability like you probably do. I am kind of retired, sort of, not like you can leave my business anyway. I own an investment firm with millions of dollars under management, and I run a small retail beef and seafood shoppe in a high end suburb of Charlotte. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics, another one in Leadership, and an MBA in Finance.
The problem with this COUNTRY right now, is that way to many that have a mindset like your's has somehow gotten access to way to much money in life. The dot com boom may have started the end of this nation as it stood, because supply and demand along with the idolization of intellectuals who have no ethic's or morals can end up with large sums of money at their disposal, and that is a huge problem that is appearing to play out in very negative ways.
Know why? Because they had nothing to do with this.

Quit trying to find excuses for the MAGArat attack on democracy
It led to the J6 event, because American's had seen or had enough of the left in this country, otherwise with their attempting to control government and then to weaponize it like they have done since before Trump was even seated.
It led to the J6 event, because American's had seen or had enough of the left in this country attempting to control government and then to weaponize it like they have done since before Trump was even seated.
That's a novel claim.

So idiot MAGArats attacked the Capitol to stop an election because of racial unrest that had happened six months prior?

No fucking kidding.

Been hittin the shrooms again huh?
He showed a lot of it. Why is Tucker trying to pretend it wasn't violent?
He wasn't, but of course you'll stick with your narrative no matter what. He didn't have to show us that part because it's already been seen over and over again, so instead he showed us never before seen part's, and that triggered you people to go on the defence in order to protect your long game against Trump.
That's a novel claim.

So idiot MAGArats attacked the Capitol to stop an election because of racial unrest that had happened six months prior?

No fucking kidding.

Been hittin the shrooms again huh?
Not about race, so don't even try it race baiter deflector, it's about leftism, and every component of it.

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