Did Trump draft 21 executive orders & 29 presidential memorandums to secure the border for Americans? How many has Biden written to achieve the same?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I know I read that somewhere…How many executive orders has Biden drafted with the purpose of protecting Americans from foreign invaders?
I’m guessing the only executive action conducted by Biden was designed to improve border conditions for Mexico’s people?
And not a one addressing those attracting them here with jobs.
I know I read that somewhere…How many executive orders has Biden drafted with the purpose of protecting Americans from foreign invaders?
I’m guessing the only executive action conducted by Biden was designed to improve border conditions for Mexico’s people?
/—-/ Well, Dementia Joe signed an EO to have rice pudding served as his mid morning snack. That’s got to count for something.
And not a one addressing those attracting them here with jobs.
Didn’t you globalists put up a fight and call for the abolishment of iCE anytime Trump took action?
How many iCE raids on businesses has Biden ordered?
Didn’t you globalists

No I didn't. Now where are those willing to address the reason people come here? The jobs.

P.S. do you know no one was charged in the Chicken plant raids and do you understand those arrested were simply taken back to the plant after being processed?

One plant out of thousands.......yeah, that will work. I'm NOT defending Biden.
What a dumb ass question. The whole ducking world knows that BIDEN stopped the building of the wall. Go crawl back into your liberal thinking chithole.

I thought Trump had Mexico build us a wall

Why should Biden have to do it for him?
No I didn't. Now where are those willing to address the reason people come here? The jobs.

P.S. do you know no one was charged in the Chicken plant raids and do you understand those arrested were simply taken back to the plant after being processed?

One plant out of thousands.......yeah, that will work. I'm NOT defending Biden.
You claim you are not defending Biden but you will vote for him. Why?
What a dumb ass question. The whole ducking world knows that BIDEN stopped the building of the wall. Go crawl back into your liberal thinking chithole.
There were miles and miles of steel piled up in storage as a result of Biden's cancelling of Wall construction. He even had the Texas razor wire fence taken down, but Texas said F-- you and put it back.
I obviously can not over come your ignorance. I did not, nor will I vote for Biden.
Your posts displays your ignorance of the border disaster. Do you not understand that over 90 percent of the immigrants are claiming ASYLUM when they actually want jobs? And you don't seem to grasp that the sheer number coming into the country are consuming resources American poor people need?
Your posts displays your ignorance of the border disaster. Do you not understand that over 90 percent of the immigrants are claiming ASYLUM when they actually want jobs?

Yes, absolutely. Why do you think I'm ignoring that? I've been addressing that for a long time. Why do you think I asked my question?

And you don't seem to grasp that the sheer number coming into the country are consuming resources American poor people need?

You are ignoring that politicians don't really care or they would do something about the jobs attracting them here.

Why do you support this?
I thought Trump had Mexico build us a wall

Why should Biden have to do it for him?
Mexico paying for the wall was always said in jest.
Only ignorant, TDS infected LefTarded fools were stupid enough to believe that a disgusting, filthy broke shithole like Mexico would cut us a $20 billion dollar check to keep their own dirty cockroaches / liabilities in Mexico. Legit core Americans never gave two fucks about who would pay...the arithmetic is elementary, the wall pays for itself.
Yes, absolutely. Why do you think I'm ignoring that? I've been addressing that for a long time. Why do you think I asked my question?

You are ignoring that politicians don't really care or they would do something about the jobs attracting them here.

Why do you support this?
So, your solution is to destroy jobs?
Mexico paying for the wall was always said in jest.

Yea….that is what Trump ALWAYS says when he Fuks up Bigly

Mexico paying for the wall was just a joke
Suggesting people inject disinfectant was just a joke
Confusing Biden with Obama was a joke
Confusing Nikki Haley with Pelosi was just a joke
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Yes, absolutely. Why do you think I'm ignoring that? I've been addressing that for a long time. Why do you think I asked my question?

You are ignoring that politicians don't really care or they would do something about the jobs attracting them here.

Why do you support this?

who gives them work permits? Uh….begin your BS spinning.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul now wants to allow illegal border crossers to take state jobs. For weeks, she has been pushing to fast track work programs for illegals and now she wants them working in government jobs.

Does this mean that illegals would get the cushy benefits that come with such jobs? Will they be eligible for pensions? Will they join public sector unions and join strikes demanding more money? Does anyone in New York see the brutal irony in this?
Yea….that is what Trump ALWAYS says when he Fuks up Bigly

Mexico paying for the wall was just a joke
Suggesting people inject disinfectant was just a joke
Confusing Biden with Obama was a joke
Confusing Nikki Haley with Pelosi was just a joke

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