Did Trump Incite Insurrection?

Whew !!!! That is the largest, highest steaming pile of Bovine Excrement on this board yet.
Trump's goons, white supremacists, neo-nazis, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, q-anon, etc. remain alienated and contemptuous of American democracy.

The subversives are supported by Trump toadies within the government they attempted to destroy: Two-thirds of House Republicans surrendered to the violent mob and voted to overturn a free and fair election certified by the 50 states and D.C. just hours after the House was attacked by the mob that demanded that very action.
Expect some of Trump's goons who are being prosecuted to admit that the Cry Baby Loser incited their violent attack on democracy:

... A Texas man charged with invading the Capitol and threatening Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Monday that he was effectively following then-President Donald Trump's orders when he joined a mob that stormed Congress on Jan. 6
Garret Miller, who was due to appear at a detention hearing in federal court in Dallas, also apologized to Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for writing "Assassinate AOC" in a Twitter post. He said he would be willing to testify to Congress or a trial about the riot.
Miller, 34, had on a social media account also threatened a Capitol Police officer who fatally shot a fellow rioter, saying he planned to "hug his neck with a nice rope," authorities have said.
The Richardson resident is one of dozens of people charged with participating in the riot, which began shortly after Trump held a rally outside the White House, where he urged supporters to pressure Congress to reject the election of Joe Biden as president.
In a statement released by defense attorney Clinton Broden, Miller said he had been motivated by Trump's false claims about having been defrauded out of re-election by ballot fraud and that, "I am ashamed of my comments."
"I was in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, because I believed I was following the instructions of former President Trump and he was my president and the commander-in-chief. His statements also had me believing the election was stolen from him," Miller said.
"Nevertheless, I fully recognize Joe Biden is now the President of the United States and that the election is over. Donald Trump is no longer president and I would not have any reason to continue to follow his lead."
Let's not forget that this crackpot cult still constitutes a threat to our nation.

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More Trump? Who is that old dude in the White House? If it was really "insurrection" the crazy angry insurrectionist left doesn't have to worry about a thing. Lefties have it locked up.
Who is that old dude in the White House? If it was really "insurrection" the crazy angry insurrectionist left doesn't have to worry about a thing. Lefties have it locked up.
Most Americans are quite pleased with their choice, by all indications. Not all septuagenarians are equal.

Trump's cult can look forward to his civil and criminal trials, and maybe his being subpoenaed to appear before Congress regarding his goons' attacking the Capitol, and if they're really lucky, his testifying in their trials.
The question asked by the OP is entirely subjective.

Good luck getting anyone to agree on what constitutes “incite”…

The simple fact is the Reichstag Fire is not even in the same galaxy as "insurrection."

Chaz/Chop was an armed insurrection.

I'm sure the roughly 500 arrested and charged in relation to storming the Capitol will find great comfort in your denials.


Is that less or more than the number of Jews Hitler arrested for his Reichstag fire?

I know how badly you want to one up him.
Whew !!!! That is the largest, highest steaming pile of Bovine Excrement on this board yet.
Trump's goons, white supremacists, neo-nazis, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, q-anon, etc. remain alienated and contemptuous of American democracy.

The subversives are supported by Trump toadies within the government they attempted to destroy: Two-thirds of House Republicans surrendered to the violent mob and voted to overturn a free and fair election certified by the 50 states and D.C. just hours after the House was attacked by the mob that demanded that very action.

Nothing you Nazis hate more than people who keep oaths.
Expect some of Trump's goons who are being prosecuted to admit that the Cry Baby Loser incited their violent attack on democracy:

... A Texas man charged with invading the Capitol and threatening Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Monday that he was effectively following then-President Donald Trump's orders when he joined a mob that stormed Congress on Jan. 6
Garret Miller, who was due to appear at a detention hearing in federal court in Dallas, also apologized to Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for writing "Assassinate AOC" in a Twitter post. He said he would be willing to testify to Congress or a trial about the riot.
Miller, 34, had on a social media account also threatened a Capitol Police officer who fatally shot a fellow rioter, saying he planned to "hug his neck with a nice rope," authorities have said.
The Richardson resident is one of dozens of people charged with participating in the riot, which began shortly after Trump held a rally outside the White House, where he urged supporters to pressure Congress to reject the election of Joe Biden as president.
In a statement released by defense attorney Clinton Broden, Miller said he had been motivated by Trump's false claims about having been defrauded out of re-election by ballot fraud and that, "I am ashamed of my comments."
"I was in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, because I believed I was following the instructions of former President Trump and he was my president and the commander-in-chief. His statements also had me believing the election was stolen from him," Miller said.
"Nevertheless, I fully recognize Joe Biden is now the President of the United States and that the election is over. Donald Trump is no longer president and I would not have any reason to continue to follow his lead."
Let's not forget that this crackpot cult still constitutes a threat to our nation.

Herr Hitler, what's missing in that picture?

Oh yeah, no fires like a real insurrection would have.

Uncensored2008 said:
Nothing you Nazis hate more than people who keep oaths.]

Your lashing out in such strident ad hominems is unseemly, and utterly devoid of cogency.
Uncensorwd2008 said:
Herr Hitler, what's missing in that picture?

Oh yeah, no fires like a real insurrection would have.

Your inane raving about your Nazis aside, Republicans denied the Cry Baby Sore Loser the opportunity to testify before an independent, bipartisan commission under oath and attempt to refute the testimony of his goons who have stated that they were acting in response to his urging on January 6.

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Loser could have tried the Trumpiest Congressman's desperate claim that they were actually antifa!.

That would, at least, elicit a hearty laugh!

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"They were... antifa!
Yeah, that's it! That's the ticket!
They were antifa!"

Uncensored2008 said:
Nothing you Nazis hate more than people who keep oaths.]

Your lashing out in such strident ad hominems is unseemly, and utterly devoid of cogency.

I repeat, nothing you Nazis hate more than those who keep their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the same Constitution you are are war against.
Uncensorwd2008 said:
Herr Hitler, what's missing in that picture?

Oh yeah, no fires like a real insurrection would have.

Your inane raving about your Nazis aside, Republicans denied the Cry Baby Sore Loser the opportunity to testify before an independent, bipartisan commission under oath and attempt to refute the testimony of his goons who have stated that they were acting in response to his urging on January 6.

Loser could have tried the Trumpiest Congressman's desperate claim that they were actually antifa!.

That would, at least, elicit a hearty laugh!

View attachment 496443
"They were... antifa!
Yeah, that's it! That's the ticket!
They were antifa!"

Photoshop, how pathetic.
You Nazis are such worthless piles of shit.
Uncensored said:
... Nazis hate more than those who keep their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the same Constitution you are are war against.
You are referring to these guys, flagrantly caught in the act of what you allege.

Be assured that they are being apprehended and prosecuted!

Ohhh, the Nazis have taken to photoshop.

How clever.


Tear gas fired by the cops, not fires, and not at the capitol.
Uncensored2008 said:
Ohhh, the Nazis have taken to photoshop.
If you need to conjure up Nazis in your noggin (not the ones who are actually on record as endorsing and supporting the Cry Baby Loser, of course) you may better escape the truth by fantasizing that the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol were actually antifa.

was a good one!

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The criminal trials of the Trump goons will be a treat!
Uncensored2008 said:
Ohhh, the Nazis have taken to photoshop.
If you need to conjure up Nazis in your noggin (not the ones who are actually on record as endorsing and supporting the Cry Baby Loser, of course) you may better escape the truth by fantasizing that the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol were actually antifa.

was a good one!

The criminal trials of the Trump goons will be a treat!


You are a Nazi - you are celebrating the Reichstag Fire your filthy Reich staged.

A protest where a tiny percent rioted that you filthy fucks want to paint as on the level of Chaz - but it isn't and the ONLY way you can rewrite history is if enough buy into your big lie.

Here's what real insurrection looks like, Herr Hitler;

Uncensored2008 said:
You are a Nazi
I realize that your noggin must be overflowing with your Nazis, but here are a few more you'll have to find room for.
In the absence of a bipartisan commission, it is essential that their words be entered into the records of any congressional investigations that take place.

"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."
Senator Mitch McConnell (R)

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters”
Representative Kevin McCarthy (R)

"When it comes to accountability, the president needs to understand that his actions were the problem, not the solution,. It breaks my heart that my friend, a president of consequence, would allow yesterday to happen and it will be a major part of his presidency."
Senator Lindsey Graham (R)
"I have said that what President Trump did that day was inexcusable because in his speech he encouraged the mob, and that he bears some responsibility for the tragic violence that occurred. .. some of the language in his tweets and in a video showed sympathy for the violent mob."
Senator Rob Portman (R)
"Make no mistake: I condemn the horrific violence that engulfed the Capitol on January 6. I also condemn former President Trump's poor judgment in calling a rally on that day, and his actions and inactions when it turned into a riot."
Senator Dan Sullivan (R)

"I think it was irresponsible to encourage people with the false notion that the election could be overturned."
Senator Rand Paul (R)

"The president's language and rhetoric often goes too far. I think, yesterday in particular, the president's language and rhetoric crossed the line and it was reckless."
Senator Rafael Cruz (R)

"It's past time for the president to accept the results of the election, quit misleading the American people, and repudiate mob violence."
Senator Tom Cotton (R)

"No one can condone the horrific violence that occurred on January 6, 2021–or President Trump's words, actions, and omissions on that day. I certainly do not."
Senator Mike Lee (R)

"As the leader of the nation, the president bears some responsibility for the actions that he inspires — good or bad. Sadly, yesterday he displayed poor leadership in his words and actions, and he must take responsibility."
Senator Chuck Grassley (R)
"The president did not display good leadership, and I do think he bears some responsibility for what happened."
Senator Jodi Ernst (R)
"If anything [Trump] urged, in a very emotional situation, very inappropriate action by people that appear to be his supporters."
Senator Mike Rounds (R)

"What happened on January 6 threatened our foundational transfer of power and the actions were an embarrassment to our country and everything that we stand for. The actions and reactions of President Trump were disgraceful, and history will judge him harshly."
Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R)

“I think the president's decisions and his actions that day and leading up to that day on this topic were clearly reckless."
Senator Roy Bunt (R}

"President Trump was wrong to continue to spread allegations of widespread fraud and not immediately discourage the reprehensible and unpatriotic behavior."
Senator Jerry Moran (R)

"I think most would have a lot of trouble saying there was no connection" between Trump's behavior and the deadly attack on the Capitol.
Senator Mike Braun (R)
"The call to march, and to, you know, march down to the Capitol, it was inciting. It was pouring fuel on a spark…”
Senator Kevin Cramer (R)

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So let’s look at what Trump actually said. "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." This is the opposite of inciting violence.

Ooh is that what he said?? Well then nothing to see there...except of course BLATANT INCITEMENT of his zealots to FIGHT for him:

— “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

— “We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that.

— “Nobody knows what the hell is going on. There’s never been anything like this. We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen.” The crowd repeatedly chanted “Fight for Trump!” “Thank you,” Trump said.

THE FACTS: Trump’s speech was a call to action — a call to fight and save the country.

Why not present a video with everything he said since context and content matter? Because you're a puke.

How is it "fight" in PROG terms is only physical? Trump says fight like hell all the time, are you really that retarded and/or vulnerable to butt-hurt?

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