Did Trump Run a Brilliant Sting on Democratic Fraud? He knew it was coming & a source says he was prepared to expose it to the country

Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.
If we sells dem darkies for enough we do git a prophet, dont we?
Hey y'all, what was the name of that horrible virus trump put on us? I haven't heard about that in a while and I caint 'member its name?

If so it would only be because you aren't paying attention.

My regular McDs was closed today over a positive test. The big rivalry football game tonight has been cancelled.
If this is guy is correct, maybe we will finally see the Dem fraud machine taken down for good. Maybe wishful thinking but DT & his team knew this was going to happen. Hell, many of us saw this coming and said so loudly & often. It would make sense to set them up & let them hang themselves.

It would be amazing if this came to fruition.

Video removed for tos violation. Lmao.

Yeah....While they leave up flat Earfer, moon landing hoax, and "reptilians are running the entire planet" videos.

Welcome to the Atlas Shrugged/1984 mashup.

More like 1933 in Germany when The Nazis engaged in massive voter fraud and took enough power in the German Republic to appoint an illegitimate Hitler as their leader....selected....not elected.

Too bad it is just a right wing Hoax, they are such inventive liars.

STFU, Mazie.

You first, full of fallacy.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.

All the billionaires are running tech, media, news corporations and all are liberal. There's your profit dudes and yes they hate america and they hate you but you voted for them.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.
If we sells dem darkies for enough we do git a prophet, dont we?
Natural rights are just a Hoax for the right wing.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.

All the billionaires are running tech, media, news corporations and all are liberal. There's your profit dudes and yes they hate america and they hate you but you voted for them.

Another right wing Hoax, how droll.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.

All the billionaires are running tech, media, news corporations and all are liberal. There's your profit dudes and yes they hate america and they hate you but you voted for them.

Another right wing Hoax, how droll.

I feel sorry for you that you're that delusional and unable to discern such simple truth.
Yeah, the Democrats set up a fraud to get rid of Trump, but decided to keep Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.

Every legal vote should be counted. The ballots that appear magically and have no connection to a registered voter....no.

They only appear in your head.

No, Im not the one manufacturing ballots on demand in other states.
You are just willing to be a Russian tool about it.

Im not the party who manufactured a hoax and then projected the very same illegal activities, hoax, onto the opposition to cover up their own nefarious and illegal crimes.
What hoax is that? The Mueller investigation confirmed it. You all only allege it was a Hoax because the (corrupt) right wing in the Senate did not vote to convict.
The Mueller bug hunt wasn't part of the impeachment, shitfernbrains.
lol. The investigation merely confirmed your guy was involved with the Russians.

Russia, if you are listening....
Dude, lay off the paint chips, m'kay?
But... he then would starve!
Right wingers don't care about the People, only the Profit.
If we sells dem darkies for enough we do git a prophet, dont we?
Natural rights are just a Hoax for the right wing.
Dimbabble doublespeak.
Youtube pulled the propaganda. Why don't you summarize it for us?

Not surprising. The technogarchs at YouTube that work for the Demonrat party at the behest of the scumbags at Google have been censoring the truth on their platform for years.
Do you understand why the protests are very small?

The vast majority of people understand that we should count every vote.
“Count every vote”.
That sounds all well and good. But the contention is that many of those votes are FRAUDULENT. Should fraudulent votes be counted??
I don’t think anyone has said “don’t count peoples votes”. It’s the shady looking stuff that is disputed, and people want the shadiness looked into.
So saying things like “we should count every vote” makes it seem like you either don’t have an understanding of what is going on, or you are being disingenuous.
This is correct
Mostly Dems stuff off voting until the last minute because it’s not a priority to their unmotivated and uninformed asses and now we will be governed by a President supporting such constituency
This QFS blockchain is interesting. Ive noticed that bitcoin has jumped 5000 dollars in the last two days.
Still waiting on evidence, not conspiracy theories from sore losers, that fraud occurred. These crybabies make me smile with glee.

As pilate looked straight into the face of truth, he declared "what is truth", unable to discern truth. I would surmise that you would ask the same question........unable to discern truth as it stares right at you.

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