Did Trump shoot himself in the foot?

... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.
I've seen none of his base turn against him.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.
I've seen none of his base turn against him.
then you haven't been looking
Of course not. He got record turn out. If not for Cali and NY, Biden doesn't even have the Popular Vote.

Nearly one in every five Americans live in CA and NY.

That's like saying if you don't count the votes in WY AK SD ND MT WV ID KS OK MS AK IA UT KY LA AL SC MO and IN - which have roughly the same population combined as CA and NY combined - Biden would have won the EC easily.

So what you're saying is pretty silly.
Trump won the election. You cheated. No matter how it ends up. You are not Democrats. You are Progressive Socialists.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

Trump had dreams of disallowing mail in votes that weren't counted on the 3rd. No idea why he was stupid enough to think that would happen, but it's what he based his hopes on.
Of course not. He got record turn out. If not for Cali and NY, Biden doesn't even have the Popular Vote.

The mailout ballots have done as intended it seems. Worked to sow doubt in the system and ensure the risks of massive fraud. MN and others are looking to piss on your E.C and elect the Popular Vote getter Cali is looking to send out millions of votes EVERY election.

Foreign businesses will come around once in awhile when you borrow the trillion or two from China every budget cycle, then disappear again.

This election is a confirmation by American Elites that America is not Exceptional, nor is it the future of the global economy. It's the future of central control, which fails everywhere and stifles innovation and upward mobility.

As you watch this, keep is mind China is expanding their military. Economic might and independence allows them to do that.

Along those same lines, if you eliminate all of Biden's Democratic votes, he wouldn't have any votes at all. It doesn't work that way though. All the votes count, and they all count just as much as any others.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

In the end, it probably didn't hurt him. They would have come to the polls anyways. You just wouldn't have seen a big Trump lead on election night.
Oh I don't think so.
No doubt mail in voting increased the # of votes for Biden.
If a person could somehow vote via their cell phone and somehow it could be legit - I would say a minimum of 20% more people would vote.
Maybe someday! They have been doing this for a decade in Estonia.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

In the end, it probably didn't hurt him. They would have come to the polls anyways. You just wouldn't have seen a big Trump lead on election night.
Oh I don't think so.
No doubt mail in voting increased the # of votes for Biden.
If a person could somehow vote via their cell phone and somehow it could be legit - I would say a minimum of 20% more people would vote.

God forbid. People who are too lazy and disinterested to go to their polling location and vote would be even more uninformed about the issues their vote is impacting than the low information morons who vote now. Elections would literally become American Idol
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

In the end, it probably didn't hurt him. They would have come to the polls anyways. You just wouldn't have seen a big Trump lead on election night.
Oh I don't think so.
No doubt mail in voting increased the # of votes for Biden.
If a person could somehow vote via their cell phone and somehow it could be legit - I would say a minimum of 20% more people would vote.

God forbid. People who are too lazy and disinterested to go to their polling location and vote would be even more uninformed about the issues their vote is impacting than the low information morons who vote now. Elections would literally become American Idol

Watch fox for a day or two. For those idiots it's more like American Idol than it should be.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

In the end, it probably didn't hurt him. They would have come to the polls anyways. You just wouldn't have seen a big Trump lead on election night.
Oh I don't think so.
No doubt mail in voting increased the # of votes for Biden.
If a person could somehow vote via their cell phone and somehow it could be legit - I would say a minimum of 20% more people would vote.

God forbid. People who are too lazy and disinterested to go to their polling location and vote would be even more uninformed about the issues their vote is impacting than the low information morons who vote now. Elections would literally become American Idol

Watch fox for a day or two. For those idiots it's more like American Idol than it should be.

Beats watching that dude, Madcow on MSNBC
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.
It's always interesting to look back on some competition, and sort of shoot the wounded of the losing side. But in this case, I think both sides shot themselves in the foot. I don't really understand Trump's trashing of mail in voting. He's used it for decades himself. The gop has used mail in more often than the dems up until this election. I agree that its difficult to see why Trump made this an issue.

Maybe, he saw the election as not favoring him if the turnout was big. There's no doubt he benefitted from Hillary being pretty well disliked. But I think you're saying that it turned out that he didn't really suffer from a higher turnout. It looks like he will have a greater % of the pop vote in 20 than he did in 16. My guess is that after he saw the polls damning his covid performance, he lost faith. His entire campaign was a steaming smelly pile of "it's not my fault, people are lying."

Nixon would have finished his second term with peace, if not more prosperity, if he just said "I feared the dems would taken in by leftists so I bugged Watergate, and I was wrong, and I'm sorry." JFK was well on to surviving Bay of Pigs just because he took responsibility, even though it wasn't all his fault. Trump kept saying "it's great," when a supermaj knew better. But even then, a lot of them still voted for him. And he was more right than the dems in 16 on China, nato and open borders.

The dems lost congressional seats, and possible control of the senate, by throwing the centrists under the bus. The inevitable trend in the US is towards more and more of single payor, or at least singular funding, of healthcare. Coal is going the way of the dinosaurs (joke) But calling for Medicare for all and ending all fracking is not going to win elections. It wasn't Biden or even Pelosi, but defunding the police is nuts, and Jim Clyburn called it that. I Biden actually didn't do badly on this by just saying most cops are great, but we need some standards.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.

In the end, it probably didn't hurt him. They would have come to the polls anyways. You just wouldn't have seen a big Trump lead on election night.
Oh I don't think so.
No doubt mail in voting increased the # of votes for Biden.
If a person could somehow vote via their cell phone and somehow it could be legit - I would say a minimum of 20% more people would vote.

God forbid. People who are too lazy and disinterested to go to their polling location and vote would be even more uninformed about the issues their vote is impacting than the low information morons who vote now. Elections would literally become American Idol

Watch fox for a day or two. For those idiots it's more like American Idol than it should be.
I was up way too early. They had some ahole from the am Cons Union bloviating about fraud. They'll recount the ballots. and Trump will lose.
But he meant to. And it was a good shot. Hell it was a Great Shot. One of the Best Shots in the world in fact, probably. Lots of people have been saying that it was a good shot too. Lots of people. It was a pretty good shot. He was aiming right at his foot so, it was good.........right
The problem with mail in voting is chain of command.

It doesn't exist
Is that why Republicans have been using them for decades?

Another Lush who can't distinguish between absentee and mail in
There is none where I live. Although the standards to do it are tougher. I I'm eligible but I went in, mainly to see the remaining old black ladies who work the polls, but none of them were there. They've been passing. It was nice to see my neighbors, but they were disguised with masks. I had a hard time recognizing them. A couple of them laughed at my failing efforts to kill Asiatic Jasmine in my ditch.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.
I think you hit the nail on the head...as always...Trump beat Trump--his mouth and his ego-driven arrogance hurt him..bigly!
The problem with mail in voting is chain of command.

It doesn't exist
Is that why Republicans have been using them for decades?

Another Lush who can't distinguish between absentee and mail in
There is none where I live. Although the standards to do it are tougher. I I'm eligible but I went in, mainly to see the remaining old black ladies who work the polls, but none of them were there. They've been passing. It was nice to see my neighbors, but they were disguised with masks. I had a hard time recognizing them. A couple of them laughed at my failing efforts to kill Asiatic Jasmine in my ditch.

My forth grade teacher always worked the polls after she retired from teaching. She always waved at me when I walked through the door, and then wanted a full update on what had happened in my life during the previous year. Sadly, she passed last summer. I miss that few minutes with her.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots?


He was proven JUSTIFIED in attacking Mail -In Ballots, which this election proved to be criminal as hell, which is why nearly the entire rest of the world outlawed them!

Hundreds of thousands of Mail-In ballots arriving at 2, 3, 4am - in CARS (no postal vehicles or UPS vans) - every single one of them for Joe Biden?!
-- Even the Biden campaign admitted they had only been getting at the most 70% of all of the Mail-In ballots...during the DAY. Getting 100% of 330,000 Mail-In Ballots is mathematically impossible....

...as is states who had NEVER had more than a max average 73% turnout this time getting 89% to 92% turnout! Mathematically and historically impossible.

Dead people voting - born in 1809? SERIOUSLY?
- Investigators using polling election commission web sites to look up official ballot owner DOBs to confirm legality of votes & when the poll supervisors discovered this they shut down the web sites....

- People no longer living in the state having ballots cast. (The law states people who have not lived in the state for 60 days can not vote...but there were thousands of them....which is why Democrats oppose confirming and purging voter rolls

- The law requiring election monitors be allowed up to 6 feet from counts / recounts & Democrat Poll supervisors refusing to let them within 60 feet, if allowing them to enter / stay in the building at all.

- Ballots postmarked after the election...ballots with NO postmark

- Ballots whose signature does not match the official signature on the voter registration
......Democrat judges ruling postmarks do not matter and signatures do not have to match

Official State Voting Supervisors reporting 100& of the ballots are in and counted....2 hours later reporting only 80% had been counted....

Official Voting Supervisors reporting only 20,000 more votes needed to be recorded....then 50,000 more....then 80,000 more...

States declaring mid-election that voting DAY would now being Voting WEEK, extending the election period to a WEEK....


The Democrats have run this whole theft of the election like some episode of the Keystone Cops, acting like there aren't cell phone cameras, video, whistleblowers....and f*ing common sense.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots? Turning his base against them when obviously the mail in ballots are what is going to give Biden the Presidency?
You have to ask yourself what is reality?
1) Is the election irregularities such as in PA what made Biden win? Really?
2) Or is it the MILLIONS of mail in ballots with his name on them?

Trump was right to be concerned about the security issues of mail in voting, but when it was CLEAR they were going to be used nation wide, he should have been smart enough to start telling his base to use them because the other side are in large numbers.
But instead, Trump being Trump, he couldn't let something go and stood there numerous times telling his base to not use them... it's unconstitutional... they won't be counted. That move hurt his numbers in a BIG way. Obviously. As poll supervisors stated all across the nation, in person ballots were counted first. Then mail in ballots. Before mail in ballots... Trump was the clear winner. As soon as the mail ballots were counted - they were 10-1 for Biden. And his lead vanished.
Whenever election fraud is investigated, hardly anything is found. And when it is, it is sometimes the Republicans.
... by so vehemently attacking mail-in ballots?


He was proven JUSTIFIED in attacking Mail -In Ballots, which this election proved to be criminal as hell, which is why nearly the entire rest of the world outlawed them!

Hundreds of thousands of Mail-In ballots arriving at 2, 3, 4am - in CARS (no postal vehicles or UPS vans) - every single one of them for Joe Biden?!
-- Even the Biden campaign admitted they had only been getting at the most 70% of all of the Mail-In ballots...during the DAY. Getting 100% of 330,000 Mail-In Ballots is mathematically impossible....

...as is states who had NEVER had more than a max average 73% turnout this time getting 89% to 92% turnout! Mathematically and historically impossible.

Dead people voting - born in 1809? SERIOUSLY?
- Investigators using polling election commission web sites to look up official ballot owner DOBs to confirm legality of votes & when the poll supervisors discovered this they shut down the web sites....

- People no longer living in the state having ballots cast. (The law states people who have not lived in the state for 60 days can not vote...but there were thousands of them....which is why Democrats oppose confirming and purging voter rolls

- The law requiring election monitors be allowed up to 6 feet from counts / recounts & Democrat Poll supervisors refusing to let them within 60 feet, if allowing them to enter / stay in the building at all.

- Ballots postmarked after the election...ballots with NO postmark

- Ballots whose signature does not match the official signature on the voter registration
......Democrat judges ruling postmarks do not matter and signatures do not have to match

Official State Voting Supervisors reporting 100& of the ballots are in and counted....2 hours later reporting only 80% had been counted....

Official Voting Supervisors reporting only 20,000 more votes needed to be recorded....then 50,000 more....then 80,000 more...

States declaring mid-election that voting DAY would now being Voting WEEK, extending the election period to a WEEK....


The Democrats have run this whole theft of the election like some episode of the Keystone Cops, acting like there aren't cell phone cameras, video, whistleblowers....and f*ing common sense.
You gunna have a long 4 years...LOL!


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