Did Trump shoot himself in the foot?

As far as fraud, there is enough testimony of fraud, history of fraud etc. in PA that there needs to be a complete recount with a completely different set of poll workers supervised by both sides.
Other states - I am not convinced there was enough shenanigans to overturn the results.
If Biden shows he won without PA.... then Trump lost.
But PA needs an overhaul, and some people need to go to jail.
Nonsense. Take them to court if you think there is a problem , you know you can if you really believe your nonsense.
As far as fraud, there is enough testimony of fraud, history of fraud etc. in PA that there needs to be a complete recount with a completely different set of poll workers supervised by both sides.
Other states - I am not convinced there was enough shenanigans to overturn the results.
If Biden shows he won without PA.... then Trump lost.
But PA needs an overhaul, and some people need to go to jail.
Tell us about this history of fraud ace.
As far as fraud, there is enough testimony of fraud, history of fraud etc. in PA that there needs to be a complete recount with a completely different set of poll workers supervised by both sides.
Other states - I am not convinced there was enough shenanigans to overturn the results.
If Biden shows he won without PA.... then Trump lost.
But PA needs an overhaul, and some people need to go to jail.
Tell us about this history of fraud ace.
I can read, and I can hear.
I didn't know before last week that PA has the highest election fraud CONVICTIONS in America. I didn't know Philadelphia has had over 80 CONVICTIONS of election fraud.
I know now.
And you can too if you choose to look into it. Or - you can not believe it and stay stupid.
As far as fraud, there is enough testimony of fraud, history of fraud etc. in PA that there needs to be a complete recount with a completely different set of poll workers supervised by both sides.
Other states - I am not convinced there was enough shenanigans to overturn the results.
If Biden shows he won without PA.... then Trump lost.
But PA needs an overhaul, and some people need to go to jail.
Tell us about this history of fraud ace.
I can read, and I can hear.
I didn't know before last week that PA has the highest election fraud CONVICTIONS in America. I didn't know Philadelphia has had over 80 CONVICTIONS of election fraud.
I know now.
And you can too if you choose to look into it. Or - you can not believe it and stay stupid.
You got the gall to call me stupid when you voted for The screaming carrot. Now that's a hoot/The U.S. has had 143 criminal convictions for absentee-ballot fraud (or .0006% of the total vote) over the past 20 years. You people are goof balls. Did US Only Have 143 Absentee-Ballot Fraud Convictions Over 20 Years? By the way no one believes Fox Crap news , The heritage foundation and Breibart--There was 4 documented cases of voter fraud in the 2016 election. I don't believe a word you are saying , how can anyone . Back up your bullshit or go away.
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And why did so many vote to allow Trump to serve four more years?

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