Did you all know Pot can cause heart attacks?

Just started doing the Comfrey tea a few days ago for a different issue (ulcer related). A guy told me about Comfrey and Solomon's Seal to try for the back several years ago but did not have any. Got a small plant this Summer and knew it could help with the stomach so started a few days ago. Noticed the difference in the lower back right away and had a whole night without extreme pain first night after drinking that tea. Ran out and too cold to go out today so hopefully tomorrow can start tea again. Even so pain is not near as bad as it has been.
Comfrey tea?
I'll have to look that up.
Just started doing the Comfrey tea a few days ago for a different issue (ulcer related). A guy told me about Comfrey and Solomon's Seal to try for the back several years ago but did not have any. Got a small plant this Summer and knew it could help with the stomach so started a few days ago. Noticed the difference in the lower back right away and had a whole night without extreme pain first night after drinking that tea. Ran out and too cold to go out today so hopefully tomorrow can start tea again. Even so pain is not near as bad as it has been.
While you can make comfrey tea at home, health experts do not advise that you drink the tea.
For that reason, some fans of the herbal treatment make comfrey tea, allow it to cool, and apply it topically to the skin or to areas of the body where aches and pains are present.

In reports filed with the Poisonous Plant Database, the agency stated that "regular use of comfrey as part of the diet or for medicinal purposes may be a potential health risk as a result of the presence of naturally-occurring pyrrolizidine alkaloids."

More specifically, comfrey contains compounds that are toxic to the liver and may cause liver damage and/or cancer.

Everything people consume now days is damaging our liver, even aspirin isn't aspirin anymore, they added Acetaminophen to it, which damages the liver.
I have no issue with people using pot as long as the THC has not been altered to make it higher…

Regular low dose pot is never the issue but the genetically altered versions are for me because when you play God the end results are never good…

Pot has it uses and smoking a little daily is not going to kill you, but smoke a pound of it, well if you see the Reaper it might actually be real…

In the end I still feel Pot should be legalized, sold like beer and smokes and let adults make their own decision…
Cannabis Use Disorder, we all know someone who fits this bill. But the occasional user,,really has nothing to worry about. Does NOT kill brain cells..like alcohol. Does make ya stupid while high..which for many is not a great loss.
Cannabis Use Disorder, we all know someone who fits this bill. But the occasional user,,really has nothing to worry about. Does NOT kill brain cells..like alcohol. Does make ya stupid while high..which for many is not a great loss.

No, it's dangerous to the body. Alcohol is also if you drink excessively. So is gluttony, it eventually damages your organs.

While you can make comfrey tea at home, health experts do not advise that you drink the tea.
For that reason, some fans of the herbal treatment make comfrey tea, allow it to cool, and apply it topically to the skin or to areas of the body where aches and pains are present.

In reports filed with the Poisonous Plant Database, the agency stated that "regular use of comfrey as part of the diet or for medicinal purposes may be a potential health risk as a result of the presence of naturally-occurring pyrrolizidine alkaloids."

More specifically, comfrey contains compounds that are toxic to the liver and may cause liver damage and/or cancer.

Everything people consume now days is damaging our liver, even aspirin isn't aspirin anymore, they added Acetaminophen to it, which damages the liver.
Thank you. I am aware of all of that and I do a ton of research prior to using anything. The roots contain the heaviest load of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. I believe I have a very healthy liver. I do not take aspirin or anything else like that, no fake sugars or anything like that either and very little sugar even. At this age that ulcer if it keeps going without trying to mitigate it will do a heck of a lot more damage. That ulcer seems to be healing and the lower back gets the benefit too.

The roots of leaves of the comfrey plant contain chemical substances called allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin boosts the growth of new skin cells, while rosmarinic acid helps relieve pain and inflammation. Extracts are still made from the roots and leaves and turned into ointments, creams, or salves.

Lots of good info available on it.
My son was diagnosed with nonoperable brain cancer some years back. In efforts to make sure he would get the best treatment after second opinion he drove up to Mayo in Minnesota. They could not offer anything better. He ended up treating with a regiment of CBD oil he had to drive out of state to get for months. It is over four years later and he is still cancer free.

I am not a proponent of use of the stuff as I saw too many ruin their lives with drugs in my youth and through the years but I believe the options for freedom of choice to use natural substances should be available to all.
Sorry dude, but you are getting called out for this nonsense.

Inoperable brain cancer just went away?

Damn dude, you will lie ABOUT ANYTHING. Why are you like this?
And then.......

some people think the heart attacks are due to Covid jabs.....that their hearts are blowing out not due to weed but to the jabs.

I'm not saying it's this or that, I'm just putting this out there, as another opinion, it's nice to show the two sides of the story! :biggrin:


And then.......

some people think the heart attacks are due to Covid jabs.....that their hearts are blowing out not due to weed but to the jabs.

I'm not saying it's this or that, I'm just putting this out there, as another opinion, it's nice to show the two sides of the story! :biggrin:


Total nonsense. Made up by fools.
I didn't either. I just knew it kills brain cells. It does appear more like someone attempting to obfuscate jab injuries and deaths. How they gonna explain all those five year olds with heart issues after the jabs? Another thing how does this correlation and causation BS work that they can determine this so quickly? Are they going to say these young children have been doing doobies behind their parents backs?View attachment 563294

Nailed it.
I do believe over use could cause heart issues but I also think this is being touted to try to cover vax damages right now.
Do you really believe it though? If this was actually true, we would have been beaten over the head with that fact since birth, considering the demonization of marijuana has been going on for 90+ years at this point.

Remember when eggs were bad in the 80s? Trust your gut. They are going to eventually blame water on covid shot injuries.
I have no issue with people using pot as long as the THC has not been altered to make it higher…

Regular low dose pot is never the issue but the genetically altered versions are for me because when you play God the end results are never good…

Pot has it uses and smoking a little daily is not going to kill you, but smoke a pound of it, well if you see the Reaper it might actually be real…

In the end I still feel Pot should be legalized, sold like beer and smokes and let adults make their own decision…
Do you feel the same way about hybridized crops like wheat?
Do you really believe it though? If this was actually true, we would have been beaten over the head with that fact since birth, considering the demonization of marijuana has been going on for 90+ years at this point.

Remember when eggs were bad in the 80s? Trust your gut. They are going to eventually blame water on covid shot injuries.
Yes I do really believe it. Just like any substance if overused it can create health issues. I have no doubt it can and will lower brain function. Like I have said before I have seen what it can do do people from my youth and I am personally grateful I avoided it all as much as possible.

On that same issue I don't take issue with people that use it from time to time either as that is a personal choice. I have an aunt in her eighties that has always had her own plants growing. Sweet person she is and it has been her own choice. She does now have a case of dementia that is getting increasingly worse with each passing year but who can actually say whether that has contributed to the dementia or not. She may have had that anyhow even if she didn't have her Pot plants. As far as I know the use of Pot never interfered with any of her normal life functions but I have seen others that it has but they also abused other drugs and alcohol so a whole different set of personal choices that they made and different outcomes.
Yes I do really believe it. Just like any substance if overused it can create health issues. I have no doubt it can and will lower brain function. Like I have said before I have seen what it can do do people from my youth and I am personally grateful I avoided it all as much as possible.
The other things you mention are mostly true based on decades upon decades of research. In all that time, never, not one report has ever emerged about MJ causing heart attacks. But, now, suddenly, during a pandemic that's being fought with an experimental "vaccine" that's being injected into people on a mass scale... an article is posted linking an apple to an orange and you will blindly believe it....why? I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you'd believe a claim that's days old, with no long term evidence to back it up?
The other things you mention are mostly true based on decades upon decades of research. In all that time, never, not one report has ever emerged about MJ causing heart attacks. But, now, suddenly, during a pandemic that's being fought with an experimental "vaccine" that's being injected into people on a mass scale... an article is posted linking an apple to an orange and you will blindly believe it....why? I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you'd believe a claim that's days old, with no long term evidence to back it up?
The causal link between smoking Marijuana and heart disease has been long established. The act of smoking brings into play some of the same chemicals and compounds that hurt the heart by smoking ciggies. My point is that this has been known for quite some time..and that linking the Coronavirus vaccine...and its alleged side-effects...is ludicrous~

From 2000:

Marijuana can be hard on the heart. In the first hour after smoking pot, a persons risk of a heart attack could rise almost five times, according to a Harvard University researcher.
As baby boomers born in the late 1940s and early 1950s reach the age at which heart disease is the leading cause of sickness and death, “we may see an increase in marijuana-associated heart attacks,” says Murray Mittleman, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.
The possible medical uses of the drug are receiving more and more attention. Mittleman thinks such use may be a bad idea for people with heart disease.
The danger exists in the first hour after smoking pot, Mittleman told an American Heart Association meeting in San Diego today (March 2). “It causes the heart rate to increase by about 40 beats a minute,” he says. “Blood pressure increases then abruptly falls when the person stands up. This could precipitate a heart attack.”
Mittleman noted that, as an immediate trigger for heart attack, pot smoking is nearly twice as dangerous as sex for a sedentary person, exercise for a fit male or female, a tantrum of rage, or a bout of anxiety. But its less risky than a spurt of exercise for a couch potato or a snort of cocaine.
Despite the high percentage of people younger than 50 years old who report they use the drug 12.5 percent Mittleman doesnt foresee an epidemic of pot-triggered heart attacks. For a 50-year-old baby boomer without other risk factors, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the absolute risk of having a heart attack in the crucial first hour after smoking marijuana is one in 100,000, he say

From 2019

Smoking is the fastest way to feel the effects of marijuana, which is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Yet marijuana smoke contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens found in cigarette smoke — a known contributor to heart disease as well as cancer.
Marijuana cultivation and use dates back some 6,000 years. However, the cardiovascular and other health effects of cannabis aren't well studied. That's partly because under federal law, cannabis is a Schedule I substance, meaning it has "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." That designation places numerous restrictions on researchers, making it difficult to carry out rigorous research on marijuana.
"As a result, everything we're told about what marijuana does or doesn't do should be viewed with a certain amount of caution. This holds equally true for the risks as well as the benefits," says Dr. Kenneth Mukamal, associate professor of medicine at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Not good at all if you have a history of heart trouble:
From 2020

There's more evidence that smoking marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart disease, according to two new studies presented recently at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions. But in an unexpected twist, people who use cannabis were less likely to experience sudden kidney failure, the researchers found.
Patients who smoked marijuana and underwent angioplasty to clear blocked arteries were more likely to experience stroke and bleeding after the nonsurgical procedure than those who didn’t use pot, one study found. The second study concluded that patients who had survived a heart attack and used marijuana were more likely than those who did not use cannabis to have a subsequent heart attack. Both studies were released Monday.

For the scientifically minded--from 2019:

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States (US) and much of the Westernized World with a steadily increasing prevalence in usage and abuse over the past decade, especially among adolescents. Much of the available data on 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, relates to its neurological effects and anti-emetic properties, with very little on the cardiovascular (CV) effects of THC. Available literature shows that THC has three major effects on the CV and the peripheral vasculature in the form of “cannabis arteritis,” cannabis-induced vasospasms, and platelet aggregation, with an unknown verdict on the relationship between marijuana use and atherosclerosis progression. This manuscript reviews these effects and possible mechanisms of action. Moreover, limitations on current views of marijuana and indirect causes of CV toxicity will be investigated, such as concurrent drug use, lifestyle, and mental health. The effects of marijuana on the CV system are extremely worrisome and likely need more attention due to the growing legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational use across the US. As a result, awareness among health care professionals about potential side effects and toxicities associated with acute and chronic exposure of cannabis will increase in importance.

From 2011

A few studies and a number of isolated reports suggest that cannabis has a role in the occurrence of cardiovascular adverse effects, especially in patients with coronary heart disease. Numerous case-control studies have investigated the role of cannabis in the incidence of some types of cancer. Its role has not been ruled out, but it is not possible to determine whether the risk is distinct from that of the tobacco with which it is often smoked. Studies that have examined the influence of cannabis use on the clinical course of hepatitis C are inconclusive. Alcohol remains the main toxic agent that hepatitis C patients should avoid. In practice, the adverse effects of low-level, recreational cannabis use are generally minor, although they can apparently be serious in vulnerable individuals. The adverse effects of cannabis appear overall to be less serious than those of alcohol, in terms of neuropsychological and somatic effects, accidents and violence.

Further reading here..


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